Is this ready to harvest? [Ortega Indica (Feminised)]

Fisherman Pete

New Member
guidance? google the name of the strain, compare the breeders growing times to how long you have been growing. that gives you your first clue. then google when to harvest marijuana :)
Guidance is what these forums are for isn't it... in fact a google search will point you in this direction for answers, among other places and you're suggesting to go back to google. Not very helpful Fisherman Pete. Breeders growing times will give a guide but many factors will affect actual growing times and Tophy clearly just needs someone with experience to say, 'yep, that's looking good' or 'No, I'd give those buds another week if they were mine'. Why bother to reply if you've nothing useful to say.

Fisherman Pete

New Member
haha, you signed up just to reply to my post, haha, i wonder who you are :P

it's called having a shred of inteligence and common sense :)

you're strain, from google: 8 to 10 weeks

so how long have you grown it. if youa re at 6 weeks then of course you are not ready. see how the simple use of common sense comes into play.

then when you are considering "right, i'm at 9 weeks" then you can google "when to harvest marijuana" or similar and it will link you to

hardly rocket science.

or would the OP prefere i told him that it's quite obviously another 4 weeks, watch him take it way over it's flowering period and ruin his plant. there is no reason to ask other people to do your work for you and live in ignroance when finding out the answer for yourself is as easy as 123, literally, as easy as 123, it was that complicated for me to type into google "ortega indica" and "when to harvest marijuana"....

ya said it yourself, google will point you back here for the answers not to more pointless threads asking whether it's a boy or girl etc etc etc.

and my parents wonder why i resent humanity these days. sigh


Uses the Rollitup profile
Heeheehee, well I guess you would know then right? :lol: :lol:

That's a tip-top comeback, Pete!

Ya gotta love it. :mrgreen:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Is this ready to harvest? [Ortega Indica (Feminised)]

Any guidance appreciated


Yeah, that plant is close, the trikes are standing tall, and starting to turn cloudy. Watch closely over the next week and the trichomes will start to bend like they are trying to lay down. That time will be pretty optimal.



Well-Known Member
If you have jewlers loop or a magnifying glass look at the buds closely now at the crystals. See those mushroom shaped trichs? if there clear your still a little early. If there clearish with a milky tint to it there good to harvest. If there an amberish color your a little late for harvest...but no worries itll still be great.
Its amazing how many post and only 1 person slighty answers your question correctly. Check your trichomes, when they start turning amber you can harvest any time according to whether you want a energetic( 5% to 50% amber) or lazy kik ur ass in the ground stone (50 to 100% amber).


hey iv been growing my plants for like 5 months and they got ok buds and most of the hairs r dryed up and red im not sure wen to harvest i read off of google wen a lil most then 50 % of the hairs change id say about 85 % of mine have changed so i just think i should ask someone who knos first this is my first successful grow so i dont wanna mess it up in the end ha

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Hey Tophy, I'd be really interested to know how this Ortega smokes when you're finished as I find it to be a pretty intriguing strain. Be sure to report back after harvest/cure!

I agree with the trichomes advice; get a magnifying glass and look at the trichome colour for indication of ripeness. Make your call based on the type of buzz you prefer. If you haven't thought about curing after drying, look that up too as it makes a big difference in the smoke quality (less harsh and much tastier).


Active Member
haha, you signed up just to reply to my post, haha, i wonder who you are :P

it's called having a shred of inteligence and common sense :)

you're strain, from google: 8 to 10 weeks

so how long have you grown it. if youa re at 6 weeks then of course you are not ready. see how the simple use of common sense comes into play.

then when you are considering "right, i'm at 9 weeks" then you can google "when to harvest marijuana" or similar and it will link you to

hardly rocket science.

or would the OP prefere i told him that it's quite obviously another 4 weeks, watch him take it way over it's flowering period and ruin his plant. there is no reason to ask other people to do your work for you and live in ignroance when finding out the answer for yourself is as easy as 123, literally, as easy as 123, it was that complicated for me to type into google "ortega indica" and "when to harvest marijuana"....

ya said it yourself, google will point you back here for the answers not to more pointless threads asking whether it's a boy or girl etc etc etc.

and my parents wonder why i resent humanity these days. sigh
Have to say your replies in this thread have been pretty poor, they make you look like a child.

Back on topic I'd leave it at least 10 days if those were my girls! Monitor the trichrome colour for best results.


Active Member
Its amazing how many post and only 1 person slighty answers your question correctly. Check your trichomes, when they start turning amber you can harvest any time according to whether you want a energetic( 5% to 50% amber) or lazy kik ur ass in the ground stone (50 to 100% amber).

100% amber? I would never let any strain go that long. Although I go For peak THC not DEGRADING THC, so I always pull at all cloudy. but I like an energetic high. Usually I don't check trichs until I have gotten very close to the estimated flower time from breeder, it always changes though due to temp,stress,etc. Some strains will be good to go and keep pushing out pistils. So it's all depends really, but it does appear to me that letting it go a little longer 7-14 days and you will add some weight to your yield as well as some potency, the calyxes arent that swollen yet.


Active Member
Agreed 2-3 weeeks they will fill in and you will start to notice what i call "bronzing" of the whole bud it will turn an amber color. not the weed but the overall look of the bud will.