How To Make It In The Marijuana Business From Nothing

Alright I have to say this strain is DOPE! I received this cut from a friend. At first It was not my favorite. It was kinda slow getting started.. Killer Queen is a cross between (G-13 x C-99).. The cut I have is Lone Star's of Texas Resin Company.. I grew it in a 18 gallon container of a coco/perlite/vermi.. Vegged it for 45 days.. And cut it at 55 to 60 days into flower."I lost count of the days" but it a 55 to 60 dayer..

Here is the porn...



Well-Known Member
50-75 bucks for a 2 pound grow. I call bullshit on that. 1-600 and 3-400 watt lights. Even at 12/12 from start to finish @ .10 per kw will tank that budget in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Room shot lights off

Killer Queen (G-13 x C99)

G-13 Haze

Not here to argue but you have a lot of wasted growing space with such large plants in that room. I used to grow in 7 gallon, then went to 3 gallon, then 2 gallon then 1 gallon, then ebb and flow with 5 inch pots in SOG. I get easily 3X the yield now then I did with any of the other methods.


Active Member
hey man this looks like a great grow, i'd love to see how much you get off the outdoor grow, what sort of weather do you get out there?


Well-Known Member
So that was it? Now U shared the secret how to grow Pounds of MJ for 50 70 bucks? All I c is bunch of pictures (porbs on that) names of seeds, and soil mix. How do U cut it all for $50 70. Do U work for DWP or something? R u stealing power from the neighbor? I aint no hater and am here to learn new tricks but wut u've said so far almost got nothin to do with the TILTE. quit fooling ppl, Unless ur growing outdoor there aint ""NO WAY"" U get 2 LBs from $70. And did U say PPM PH meters r all bullshit?? Then Y r u tellin U should check the PH of the water when U grow outdoor????????? Dude straight up: U don make sense.


New Member
hey guys the dude does got alot of shit going on damn you think stoners would give a guy a break
I pm'ed him 2 weeks ago and he hasn't read the mail yet. I talked to him last night and he said he never got it and to send him another one so I did and he has not read that one either.


Active Member
haha i doutb hes gonna want to give some seeds to someone he doesnt even know and that doesnt even have evidence they are a grower.. just sayin.. if i was gonna give someone seeds over a thread, id wanna know how they grow, how there other grows did, what kinda yield they got. ect. plus id want like 3 harvest atleast. and id wanna talk to him before.. so dude use common sence.. if someone random asked for seeds on a thread, what would you say.. HELL YA?!!? doutb it


Active Member
i wish i woulda started a garden out side its to hot now , maybe ill throw some clones out there and see how that works


New Member
haha i doutb hes gonna want to give some seeds to someone he doesnt even know and that doesnt even have evidence they are a grower.. just sayin.. if i was gonna give someone seeds over a thread, id wanna know how they grow, how there other grows did, what kinda yield they got. ect. plus id want like 3 harvest atleast. and id wanna talk to him before.. so dude use common sence.. if someone random asked for seeds on a thread, what would you say.. HELL YA?!!? doutb it
if your reffering to me then you are way off base. My intentions to talk to him are about something completely different that I don't wish to share with everyone else.