

hello, it's my first time experience to growing marijuana plant , i have 5 outdoor plant in a pot and they are 5 month old and i saw some yellowing in some leaf (u can see in blow pic) i think it's for direct sun for more than 12 hours or for temperature (high 100 , low 70) and i use phosphate fertilizer and root hormone fertilizer , and i watering everyday about 1lit, so i wondering to know how i can doing for improve yellowing and i wanna to know when it started to flowering and when i can understand the sex of my plants(now 2 of leaf's plant is completely different with another leaf and they are shorter.) thanks a lot for helping me to save my children.
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Well-Known Member
too small for 5 months, If outdoor and hot area I suggest u planting there in the ground or get bigger pots(when roots in the ground they are protected by dirt but in the pot outside at 100 degrees theres minimal protextion against heat) Stop watering them every day, only when the top 2 inches of ur soil is completely dry) Overwatering can cause the yellowing in ur leaves) direct sunlight is actually the best thang for MJ plants. U'll find out their sex when they go through flowering. depending where u live when days start to get shorter ull c the sex. I didnt know persian dudes grew too.
In my experiences, the yellow occurs from either A: Bugs eating your kids B: You've gotten an excess amount of water or other liquid on your leaves, in which the heat from the sun will burn them and turn them yellow C: Not enough nutrients meaning that your plants need to be tended to. As for the gender If you look at the female picture there are the Pistils (Long, slim hairs) which occur around 2 -3 months of growing, sometimes later. View attachment 1014531 Now, with the males you'll see small ball-like sacs that start to droop down as they mature. If you're looking for some chronic to smoke then rip those males outta the ground and take the leaves, but if you want to keep getting seeds separate your male and one female either inside or far away from your other females so it may fertilize the female. If you need anymore help with anything just message me and I'll gladly help. View attachment 1014532


Well-Known Member
OK... just to prevent any confusion:

Your medium is overfertilised, the salt content of your medium is too high. You need to simulate rainfall and wash those salts away. High salinity in the medium is the only thing that can cause the problems you are seeing. Overfertilization most often results in difficulty processing K and micro nutrients. Plants will die rapidly if this is not corrected.


Well-Known Member
well he said they are 5 months old don u think they would've died already ????
You think salt build up happens over night?

The deficiencies are hitting the top of the plant first which shows a micro deficiency. These are caused by high salinity in the medium. Nutrients lock each other out. there is no such thing as nutrient burn, only ever an under fed plant. so the symptoms are always under fertilization. We need to figure out why the plant is under fertilized.

as a rule of thumb i look at the plant stems, leaves and vigour of the plant. A plant with simple under fertilization symptoms will often have red leaf stems and main stems where the plant is low on N and P... we usually see N and P deficiency first in an under fertilization situation.

I cannot see any of that... so to me it is clearly the early signs of a rising salt build up in the medium... causing lock out of the micro nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Maybe ur right but I know for fact that salt build up could happen over a very short period of time, Ur right about the nute lock out but when u water ur soil every day much of salt will be washed off.


Well-Known Member
Maybe ur right but I know for fact that salt build up could happen over a very short period of time, Ur right about the nute lock out but when u water ur soil every day much of salt will be washed off.
I didn't say it couldn't happen over a very short time... indeed it could happen instantly. Know what the level is? Like i think Bananas have a salt tolerance of a mere 2.0ec. Cannabis si easily above 5.0EC, but i don't know exactly where yet. Nobody has documented it that i know of. Of course it would have to be an around about figure as different strains of cannabis will also have different levels of salinity tolerance.

Cannabis is easily above 5.0ec though... so unless you're going to give it that kind of feed you should be fine. It will take a while to build up... don't forget too about successive waterings will wash salts to the bottom. The build up can be quite slow.


Well-Known Member
yes it can easily build up in the bottom. after all everything goes to the bottom UNLESS ur growing outdoor.


Well-Known Member
yes it can easily build up in the bottom. after all everything goes to the bottom UNLESS ur growing outdoor.
Nope... it goes to the bottom there too. Seepage accounts for a large part of artificial fertilizer waste in farmlands. Gets into our water supplies too, that's why we have companies to clean it up for us.


Well-Known Member
Im sure u didn't think I meant It all of a sudden disappears, But nothing for The grower to worry about for a few yrs to come.


Well-Known Member
Im sure u didn't think I meant It all of a sudden disappears, But nothing for The grower to worry about for a few yrs to come.
yeah well in the case of our farmlands those years are up, lol. Much of our farmland is unusable, and more is becoming unusable every year due to high artificial fertilization of the land. Nutrients lock each other out and we need to wait for the rain to wash them away before we can plant again, and then we only get one season out of the land. soon we won't even be able to do that.

There is a world crisis that many people don't even realise.


thanks a lot for helping , but already i had stop fertilizering for a week and i didn't see any changing, it's interesting to know 2 of 5 plant have this problem!!!so how i can control sun light for stop burn my plant? do u thing cuting the sick plants is a good way?

Brick Top

New Member
Excessive amounts of nitrogen for extended periods of time, though not enough to cause nute lockout, will still cause a plant's vascular system to constrict resulting in leaves/plants drying out, slow growth and red seen on stems.


Well-Known Member
Excessive amounts of nitrogen for extended periods of time, though not enough to cause nute lockout, will still cause a plant's vascular system to constrict resulting in leaves/plants drying out, slow growth and red seen on stems.
You can't give a plant too much good nitrogen. You can only overfertilise the medium not the actual plant.

You don't understand what lock out is... it doesn't just lock everything out. Nutrients clash and lock each other out one ion at a time. Just because one ion has locked out another ion does not mean there aren't other ions of the same type freely available to the plant.

The only thing that can make a plant dry out is an extremely high EC in the medium. excessively high so that the osmotic pressure is reversed and the plant releases water from the cells. wilting, drying out and dying.

If you want to know more on how the nutrient uptake process is an active one only look into suberin. A plant will not take what it doesn't need.


Well-Known Member
I donno wut size of pot u got, But if I were U I would stick one of those sick babies in the ground, flush it out with PH balanced water, then water only when soil is dry. I've realized that reading too much into fertilizers sometimes causes confusion big time. Thats Y you always try using smaller dosage at first and see how they react. Red stems r really tricky too Bcs if its ur first time growing that strain maybe U don't know if the stems r supposed to be red or not.( Plenty of strains have red/purple stems).... I would say Its not the fertilizer(at least not the main issue here) since U don't have any burnt leaves). Almost in every case of over ferting U'll find leaves that look burned (not just yellow) but burned , especially If u've been using the same amount of ferts over a 5 month period. I always look at the simple and basic things first. Water, Soil, Temp... Keep those balanced then u can tell if its the fertilizer or not...


i cuting one of them and put it in yard but it's going to died ,and after all discussion with u i didn't understand what can i do for stop burning ,u think too much direct sunlight in high temperature isn't harmless gore these and this isn't reason of burning top of the lead? it's not better to put them in shadow at morning time?


Well-Known Member
yes when moving from indoor to outdoor it is better to let them acclimatise. Bring them out for a few hours at a time, give them some full sun for a while, let them get used to it. the biggest shock to the plant is the change in environment.