Please help! -Pics-


Well-Known Member
Look like you keep em a bit too wet (causes the droop)
An you need a bigger pot. Shes prollyroot bound.

But shes not looking to bad.


Active Member
Agreed with Scarhole.

She looks over watered and might be root bound. Good diagnosis.

Peace and positive energy to you



Well-Known Member
She is definately not happy. Over/Underwatered but i would say overwatered but due to the size of your pots and plants its hard to tell. You should transplant them now. They look very tall and lanky already. They wont produce much but you should repot those bad ladies.


man i see a lot of bunk info here... except the over watering part' thats true. all he asked was " is it okay?' whats wrong?" not about topping and pot size... heres the thing.. you need a bigger pot yes but not whats causing your problem. you need to add perlite to your mix so your roots get a lot of oxygen and hold water longer. if you don't change pots the plants growth characteristics will act accordingly the plant knows how well its anchored so it will grow a certain way to keep its balance. your plant will grow straight up cause of the pot size and shape. if it grew out wards it would fall over. MAKE SENSE??? so don't prune or top till your pot is bigger and can hold the plants weight on top. ANYWAY when it comes to why your plant wilting.. it is simply over-watered. hope this helps PEACE AND LOVE P.S. don't listen to everything you hear on this website' there are a lot of people that don't know there own asshole from a hole in the ground.. lol ill be more than happy to help more in the future, GOOD LUCK


And there is no way to tell if its a male yet... That was the largest piece of bunk info thet gave you as well. Like i said listen to what makes sense. Plants are like a women. Lol they have a mind of there own and you need to know what they want, give it to them, and they'll show you love in return.


I realize it looks as though she may have been mistreated, and under questionable growing conditions, but I dont think its too late to save her. She needs some love!(like any good female!) Get her into a 4 gallon pot pronto and give her some nutrients. Hopefully she will recover from the shock of the transplant quickly. Be very gentle with the roots, but try to spread them out in the fresh soil as you fill the pot slowly. Clean hands free of amino acids and oils from your skin will help reduce shock. Generally, droopy leves means theyre thirsty. You Guys know that! Its hard to tell from the pic, but I think its a bit early to tell the sex yet. Be cool and be careful!

Cap'n Jack

This bloke is retarded. His advice is worth nothing.
Pound sand up your ass.

Unless you are going for SOG you want those bushier.
Those look like soil, too. Pots are too small. Most likely root bound.

Also, overwatering is watering too frequently, not too much per watering.
The soil should dry out pretty well without wilting the plant between waterings.
When you water soil, about 10 percent of the water you add should run out the bottom. This prevents salt buildups.

And Cmart is spot on.
Perlite will help keep the root airated and let excess moisture out.

Dee di dee!