My very first grow - 400w MH 2x40w hfl bagseed soil closet stealth


Well-Known Member
here are the pics I promised. I started LST yesterday and as always they never cease to amaze me.. now i know where they get the term growing like a weed..aint no lie...some of the pics are of the training im doing and the stems, some of the tops, they sure are getting bushy now.

I also like to use skewers from the grocery store, they are awesome little tools for doing various positioning and moving leaves out of the way for nodes. they also keep
your plants up straight if they get tired.. im finding many purposed for them, poking holes for lsting and for my snow peas to grab onto..just found some old variety packs of herbs and peppers....gonna be a yummy summer...

I found out my cats like to eat my tops ive cut off and dying leaves..caught the bugger in my closet once biting some of the leaves..he has good taste but hes not allowed in there anymore unless I am in there as well. I dont need them topping my plants, id rather do that myself.
here are some recent pics and some pics of my biggest zero, when i put marijuana out in front of him he tries to eat it...theres a pic of him grabbing it and saying "mine"..derr.

anyways enjoy the pics and +rep always gets +rep back..

peas out!!




Well-Known Member
well, I am well into week six so i thought id throw them into some 12/12 now and start flowering...I actually started the 12/12 on saturday and am now on either day 3 or 4.

I am starting to notice the little nodes (the antennae looking things ) on the plants and i think i see a female or two or three, not totally sure yet, ill have to do some more research.

I put them under my 400 w HPS with like 4 fans circulating the hot air out of my closet...cant wait to see my electric bill this month..yikes..

its been so hot here so ive been trying to manage the heat , its been around 90* and im trying to get it cooler but they seem to be just fine..

OH GREat news!!! I bought a sack of some grape ape and i found a so stoked..i will go hydro with that one once i am a little further with my current babies and start making my clone nursery.

anyways, its been work work work for me lately and im ready for a day more day to go.

heres some pics of the kids under my HPS. enjoy and does anyone recommend some nutes for flowering? ive been using schultz, seems to work good but would like to hear others' opinions..thanks for stopping by and feel free to comment, give advice or just say "high".. its time to smoke some purps.




Well-Known Member
Lookind mighty good Dirty D, hope you get a good female to male ratio !! Iv'e read that Fox Farm Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom is a good combination for flowering nutes.


Well-Known Member
Lookind mighty good Dirty D, hope you get a good female to male ratio !! Iv'e read that Fox Farm Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom is a good combination for flowering nutes.
THANKS bill!!!

yeah i hope i get alot of femmes too..fingers crossed..usually how long does it takes before they show their sex once 12/12 is started?

im using ff soil so i might do that and get some ff nutes...hope they arent too much dinero or ill have to wait 2 weeks..will that affect the flowering?

the weather is getting so hot here now and as you may know ive been having some problems with heat 90+* in my closet and ive been trying to keep it cool with fans but alas....i have cats...3 of them and they have a taste for cannabis plants ive learned as well as other plants. so ive had to put my babies into protective custody ..

bought some chicken wire to keep them out so i can keep my closet open during the day and have the bedroom door open so air can funnel down the hallway and reach my bedroom and thus :blsmoke: keep the room cooler with airflow:blsmoke: moving much better. have had to keep the dor closed because of the felines but now i think this will work..that 400w HPS is fucking :fire:bright and hot:fire:...since ive been using that i have a sunburned face from looking at my babies so LOL!:mrgreen:

heres a couple of pics of the babies in their new protective fence..(prison?:cry:)

also of them in regular lights,,they sure are dark..

enjoy!! more updates when i feel like it..




Well-Known Member
here's the score , FEMS/3 AND MALES/2.

Not a bad turnout for my first batch.

at about 6 days i saw them little balls and they got chopped and drowned. The remainders are the ones that i topped, any coincidence?
the end for them.jpg

****R.I.P pineapple star and runt 6/2010-7/2010****

Ive been flowering them now for 8-9 days 12/12 completely dark, fed no nutes, straight distilled water and misted before bedtime to induce sleep and i'm seeing some signs of life.

check it oot laddies
12-12 9 days in 004.jpg12-12 9 days in 001.jpg12-12 9 days in 007.jpg12-12 9 days in 003.jpg12-12 9 days in 008.jpg12-12 9 days in 002.jpg12-12 9 days in 005.jpg12-12 9 days in 006.jpg</center>

i was talking to a co-worker today:joint: about growin and shit and he told me that there is a nutrient compound that takes away the need for light.:confused: you dont need light to grow marijuana!!?!????:confused:. I think he bumped his head. i have yet to look this up on the innerwebs, but has anyone else heard of such a thing? lemme know!

fuck been working my ass of finally get some days off, tomorrow is my friday and i got some kill nugs and a fishin' pole.

Isa goin fichin!

Peace y'all hope you had a great weekend.



Well-Known Member
Lookind mighty good Dirty D, hope you get a good female to male ratio !! Iv'e read that Fox Farm Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom is a good combination for flowering nutes.

yeah dude so far still just water to let them destress a bit, going with the tiger bloom in 2 plants now look exactly like your avatar.

this might sound kinda gay but thats my life story guys.. i had a job lost it, turned on the xbox for like 3 months then started growin bagseed, i got a job busing tables at a resturant to support my girl and my hobbie, now i've got a pretty alright set up for my first real grow and I'm makin enough money to go back to college. effin crazy


Well-Known Member
That's not gay at all man, if anything that gives us hope that growing weed on the side might actually make our lives a little better. Nothing wrong about selling weed to go to school, it's either that or stripping, lol


Well-Known Member
Nice grow! Your post really are damn detailed! haha

I wish I had some pretty indicas like you! :( Some day I will have to invest in some seeds, which will cost me more than my whole setup haha! Lame...

Lovin what you're doing, I still have some posts to read and I'll be caught up!
You should look into "Cutting Edge" nuets if your anywhere in Cali or some places in Oregon. Amazingly good stuff. I use that all the way start to flush with the fox farm cha ching beastly and open sesame during flower at 1/4th recommended.

steady smokin endo

Active Member
looking good.

as for nutrients, i mostly stick with the canna range, but use some others as well

canna flores, canna boost, canna pk13/14, and sometimes a bit of advanced nutrients overdrive to finish them off

advanced nutrients bud candy is a nice additive to the list as well


Well-Known Member
You should look into "Cutting Edge" nuets if your anywhere in Cali or some places in Oregon. Amazingly good stuff. I use that all the way start to flush with the fox farm cha ching beastly and open sesame during flower at 1/4th recommended.
yeah, tomorrow when i get paid im going to my local hydro shop and look into these fox farm nutes since i am using fox farm soil. I have been using water now for almost two weeks and i think its time to go nutes at maybe 1/4 to 1/3 strength to start.

looking good.

as for nutrients, i mostly stick with the canna range, but use some others as well

canna flores, canna boost, canna pk13/14, and sometimes a bit of advanced nutrients overdrive to finish them off

advanced nutrients bud candy is a nice additive to the list as well
is cann range a prodect name? I am new to this and have never reached the point i am at until now..dig? I will check into that bud candy as well, sounds yummy...i found out that one of my plants might be a hermy, i has signs of little balls growing, maybe they were new flower nodes but i picked them off, they are starting to flower but like i said i spotted some buds that might be male parts. am i ok if i just pick them off as they come and will my buds be affected or should i just kill it or clone it? any ideas?

thanks dudes..


steady smokin endo

Active Member
is cann range a prodect name? I am new to this and have never reached the point i am at until now..dig? I will check into that bud candy as well, sounds yummy...i found out that one of my plants might be a hermy, i has signs of little balls growing, maybe they were new flower nodes but i picked them off, they are starting to flower but like i said i spotted some buds that might be male parts. am i ok if i just pick them off as they come and will my buds be affected or should i just kill it or clone it? any ideas?

thanks dudes..


yeah man the company name is canna. they are based in amsterdam in holland

as for the hermie plants, you can pick the "banana's" off of the plant, but you eill always still end up getting some seeds as you will never get rid of all the male parts of the plant.

i would just kill the plant, make some hash oil from it

or if you only have a few and you need to keep it, you can try to pick the "banana's" off

as for cloning them, the clone will have the hermaphrodite trait in them as well so pretty pointless

had a few hermies this time myself, just killed them and made hash oil with them using butane


Well-Known Member
yeah man the company name is canna. they are based in amsterdam in holland

as for the hermie plants, you can pick the "banana's" off of the plant, but you eill always still end up getting some seeds as you will never get rid of all the male parts of the plant.

i would just kill the plant, make some hash oil from it

or if you only have a few and you need to keep it, you can try to pick the "banana's" off

as for cloning them, the clone will have the hermaphrodite trait in them as well so pretty pointless

had a few hermies this time myself, just killed them and made hash oil with them using butane
yeah , i found out thru good old patience that it wasnt a hermy, i was just being paranoid. turned out they were just baby bud

so now it is flowering just like the others , albeit a little behind the others but progress is progress right?

i ended up getting some fox farms beastie blooms and some cha ching, watered for two feedings then went half strength the next feeding and back to water , then next is 3/4 strength fert and so on and so forth..

next post will be some recent pics of how my ladies are looking.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow! Your post really are damn detailed! haha

I wish I had some pretty indicas like you! :( Some day I will have to invest in some seeds, which will cost me more than my whole setup haha! Lame...

Lovin what you're doing, I still have some posts to read and I'll be caught up!
thanks for stopping by, yeah they are bagseed so i dont know what strains they are but they look pretty good so far. yeah im pretty detailed but now i have a job so i have more to occupy my time with

thanks for the props, keep coming back


Well-Known Member
yup, today is about day 16 of flowering and they sure are growing like crazy and the bud sites are starting to pop.....look at my last post of my babes and then look at the new ones and see how quick they grow..fuck me running...already had to take them off the stands and put them on the ground because they are getting big, peeps are right about your plants tripling in size during flower. im amazed...looks like i have 1 sativa and 2 indica plants...what do you think?

anyone know the formula for yield that takes into account wattage and plant size? i cant remember where i saw it before , maybe it was on uncle bens pages or something...yada yadda yada.

anyways, im off for 2 days now and im gonna relax like a motherfucker and some some grass.

hope all is well with everyone and take care...:bigjoint:

here are the recent pics..hope u enjoy them...oh ..they are about 15-16 inches now, next time maybe ill throw in something to show scale but right now IDGAF...:joint::hump: