Adjusting light times well off the shedule.


Well-Known Member

Due to my circumstances i've had to induce flowering this morning. My usual light cycle has been 1am to 10pm (21 hours) I have just adjusted the light cycle from 7am to 7pm. (I have to do this!)

Will this change cause problems?

They would have had 6 hours this morning from 1am till 7am and then 12 hours darkness. I wasnt able to simply drop the light times down from 1am to 1pm.

Also would this be a good time to start feeding flowering nutes or should I wait a couple of days? They havent eaten in 4 days now.

- Slix


Active Member

Due to my circumstances i've had to induce flowering this morning. My usual light cycle has been 1am to 10pm (21 hours) I have just adjusted the light cycle from 7am to 7pm. (I have to do this!)

Will this change cause problems?

They would have had 6 hours this morning from 1am till 7am and then 12 hours darkness. I wasnt able to simply drop the light times down from 1am to 1pm.

Also would this be a good time to start feeding flowering nutes or should I wait a couple of days? They havent eaten in 4 days now.

- Slix
From what I'm aware you should adjust the light by half a hour each day until you get the time you require.


Well-Known Member
iv never had a problem just switching to flower from 18/6 or 24/0 to 12/12. i know you get a better start if you put the girls to bed for 24hrs prior to switch but you should be fine. like i said, iv never had an issue


Well-Known Member
Yep what they said. 24 hours the first day is a good way to sex them depending on if you vegged until the nodes altered.