There is no such thing as gravity

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
There is no such thing as gravity... and yet, billions of dollars... no.. TRILLIONs of dollars are made off of this theory...

Trillions of dollars are made USING this false theory...

This false theory allows for the launch of rockets, missiles, space exploration, roller coaster design and so much more!!!!

How come there is no conspiracy theororists working this angle.

I mean, FOOK.. al gore is trying to save the planet and people are claiming that this theory of his is JUST to make money...

well, let me tell you... GRAVITY and a bunch of other theories were disproved more than 40 years ago...

what the fuck

how come the conspiracy theory guys haven't cracked this one?
I think the conspiracy theory guys are part of a conspiracy?

UNLESS of course, the conspiracy theory guys are just trying to do good and help the world.. kinda like al gore.. and yet they fight with al gore to do their good...

oh man I have really confused myself...



New Member
i dont believe you. because if the theory of gravity were disproved 40 years ago al gore would have wrote a book about it and tried to get his name in the papers over that crackpot shit too.

send him your theory. he might be interested.


Well-Known Member
then how does a gavity bong work? lmao. has anyone ever beat you in that video garden knowm?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Theories are explanations of events... a way for man to understabnd

There used to be a mayan calander..

that was just an explanation..

Now we have a different calender.. this is another explanation..

If we took a month off the calender, we would not all AGE 1 month.. it would make no difference.. it is just a false yet useful explanation...


Before there was the theory of gravity, THE "effect" of gravity was still here.

GRAVITY is just a HYPOTHETICAL explanation and understanding of the world.. It allows man to predict movement in the UNIVERSE

Einstein came up with a theory that is more accurate and BETTER predicts this movement..

(this is a very rough explnataion)



Well-Known Member
I think that your confusion may stem from a misunderstanding of the meanings of the words "hypothesis" and "theory". This passage taken from What Is Scientific Hypothesis And Scientific Theory? may help:

"Theories are what allow scientists to organize and understand earlier observations, then predict and create future observations.

The word theory is misunderstood particularly often by puplic. The common usage of the word "theory" refers to ideas that is just a vague and fuzzy and have no firm proof or support. In science "theory" is a conceptual structure which is used to explain existing facts and predict new ones. To say "the apple fell" is to state a fact, whereas Newton's theory of universal gravitation is a body of ideas that explain why the apple fell. Thus a multitude of falling objects are reduced to a few concepts or abstractions interacting according to a small set of laws, allowing a scientist to make predictions about the behaviour of falling objects in general.
Theories are what allow scientists to organize and understand earlier observations, then predict and create future observations."

My point? While the finger pointing at the moon is not the moon, holding up your hand and obscuring the moon from your sight does not mean that the moon has ceased to exist. Remember this the next time you drop something heavy on your foot.

While you may, very well, object to the Theory of Object Permanence as well object permanence - that is probably a subject for a different thread entirely.


New Member
Personally, I would like to see Al Gore jump out of a ten story building in a valiant attempt to disprove the theory of gravity.

And GK ... perhaps the two of you could hold hands on the way down. :blsmoke:

And by the way, the thinkers of the time thought Isaac Newton was pretty smart ... after all, they named a fig cookie after him. :blsmoke:

Isaac Newton's Life



Well-Known Member
Personally, I would like to see Al Gore jump out of a ten story building in a valiant attempt to disprove the theory of gravity.

And GK ... perhaps the two of you could hold hands on the way down. :blsmoke:

And by the way, the thinkers of the time thought Isaac Newton was pretty smart ... after all, they named a fig cookie after him. :blsmoke:

Isaac Newton's Life

Has anyone ever said "Al Gore" and "gallant" in the same sentance before?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I think that your confusion may stem from a misunderstanding of the meanings of the words "hypothesis" and "theory". This passage taken from What Is Scientific Hypothesis And Scientific Theory? may help:

"Theories are what allow scientists to organize and understand earlier observations, then predict and create future observations.

The word theory is misunderstood particularly often by puplic. The common usage of the word "theory" refers to ideas that is just a vague and fuzzy and have no firm proof or support. In science "theory" is a conceptual structure which is used to explain existing facts and predict new ones. To say "the apple fell" is to state a fact, whereas Newton's theory of universal gravitation is a body of ideas that explain why the apple fell. Thus a multitude of falling objects are reduced to a few concepts or abstractions interacting according to a small set of laws, allowing a scientist to make predictions about the behaviour of falling objects in general.
Theories are what allow scientists to organize and understand earlier observations, then predict and create future observations."

My point? While the finger pointing at the moon is not the moon, holding up your hand and obscuring the moon from your sight does not mean that the moon has ceased to exist. Remember this the next time you drop something heavy on your foot.

Are you talking to me..?

if so... I ment exactly what you said- THAT is exactly how I was trying to define theory...

and if you think GRAVITY exists.. PLEASE show me where it is

NICE MOON REFERENCE... :) LOL very nice..

now your talking my language.. :)

obscuring the moon from your sight does not mean that the moon has ceased to exist. Remember this the next time you drop something heavy on your foot.

IT is ONE's words and thoughts of "GRAVITY" that are obscuring the moon, not my finger... and that is all gravity is..

Gravity is just a thought.. just words.. just a theory..


NO theory
NO concept is real..

they don't need to be disproved to be "NOT REAL"..

BECAUSE they can never be proved..

BUT it just so happens that Einstein and other have theories that ENCOMPASS gravity.. and prove gravity as not being the most accurate way know to man for understanding the universe..

Does anybody here on the boards actually believe gravity is real?

Do you really believe that the name your parents gave you is your name?

How about your wife... is that really YOUR wife?




Well-Known Member
Do you believe the earth is flat?

There is a Flat Earth Society and most of those people are alot like you; Pretty skeptical about gravity.

I mean, you need gravity to make the whole round-earth thing work. Right? So trust me, (which you generally do not) there is a big group of people out there, some where, almost, like you.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Do you believe the earth is flat?

There is a Flat Earth Society and most of those people are alot like you; Pretty skeptical about gravity.

I mean, you need gravity to make the whole round-earth thing work. Right? So trust me, (which you generally do not) there is a big group of people out there, some where, almost, like you.

your curtain is up.. I bet y ou don;t let that happen very often..

no I don't believe the earth is flat

since you believe in gravity (rught?), do you also believe that Prometheus brought fire from the gods?

do you believe that the earth was made in 7 days or was it 6 ...LOL

do you believe in dragons and santa clause and ghosts..

please, tell me what other fictional characters and ideas you believe?

You do know that gravity is fictional.. right? made up and written down n a book?

And if you don't think gravity is fictional... What allows you to determine what is real and what is not real? just because an apple falls and I can explain why it falls... is THAT enough for you?

what if I told you that indian shamans made it fall?
or that the falling apple is all part of gods plan..

What if I told you that you could actually see the truth if you sat perfectly still and shut your mind down for 5 minutes.. would that entice you...

or is your mind so LOUD and in SUCH control of YOU that it automatically builds 20 reasons why this is bullshit.. and YOUR mind can not even be silent for 5 minutes... AND it can't even try to be silent for 5 seconds because YOU are afraid.. and your ego rives in agony and thought of failure or being wrong... or worse yet




Well-Known Member
your curtain is up.. I bet y ou don;t let that happen very often..

no I don't believe the earth is flat

since you believe in gravity (rught?), do you also believe that Prometheus brought fire from the gods?

do you believe that the earth was made in 7 days or was it 6 ...LOL

do you believe in dragons and santa clause and ghosts..

please, tell me what other fictional characters and ideas you believe?

You do know that gravity is fictional.. right? made up and written down n a book?

And if you don't think gravity is fictional... What allows you to determine what is real and what is not real? just because an apple falls and I can explain why it falls... is THAT enough for you?

what if I told you that indian shamans made it fall?
or that the falling apple is all part of gods plan..

What if I told you that you could actually see the truth if you sat perfectly still and shut your mind down for 5 minutes.. would that entice you...

or is your mind so LOUD and in SUCH control of YOU that it automatically builds 20 reasons why this is bullshit.. and YOUR mind can not even be silent for 5 minutes... AND it can't even try to be silent for 5 seconds because YOU are afraid.. and your ego rives in agony and thought of failure or being wrong... or worse yet



It's just that, currently, in today, "actuallement", gravity is repeated. the effects can be seen, experimentally recreated and perceived in nature. therefore, people believe. you can't make them question what they believe cause then they start fighting and bitching and getting upset and flailing around. the effects of gravity exist, therefore gravity exsts. I'm not saying this is right, nor am i saying you are right. but it's just the way things are. Poeple will believe what they want. You noticed the pattern yourself in your statements.

:) love ya dude :peace:GK


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
It's just that, currently, in today, "actuallement", gravity is repeated. the effects can be seen, experimentally recreated and perceived in nature. therefore, people believe. you can't make them question what they believe cause then they start fighting and bitching and getting upset and flailing around. the effects of gravity exist, therefore gravity exsts. I'm not saying this is right, nor am i saying you are right. but it's just the way things are. Poeple will believe what they want. You noticed the pattern yourself in your statements.

:) love ya dude :peace:GK


YO WAID.... i feel ya.. and appreciate your simplification of my fooking book... lol... good job

Why believe anything?.. especially once you KNOW that these are just useful tools (gravity, stop lights, laws) and not the truth..

Do these people who believe in gravity also believe that green light means GO and RED light means stop.. and that a hammer is for putting in nails..


WHY BELIEVE ANYTHING... it is nothing to be afraid of.. the only thing you will loose is yourself.. BUT you will get EVERYTHING you ever wanted!!!

Once you know how BELIEF works, why not leave that PORTAL into the UNKNOWN open..

of course, i know the answer to that question.. cause ,my portal was closed for 23 years and it was a stroke of luck that it opened..

It is worth it to me.. to make a LIFE of pointing at the UNknown.. poiinting at the portal ..

I know I can't show it to anybody.. BUT BUT, if they should happen to stumble upon it.. if they someday experience stillness.. maybe they will remember my words and it can give them comfort... because the first trip can be a scary lonely experience...

and NOW we have religion.. for those that got scared for those that were petrified when they lost the ego and submerged in LOVE and need something to patch up that sacred SPACE.. LOL




Well-Known Member
YO WAID.... i feel ya.. and appreciate your simplification of my fooking book... lol... good job

Why believe anything?.. especially once you KNOW that these are just useful tools (gravity, stop lights, laws) and not the truth..

Do these people who believe in gravity also believe that green light means GO and RED light means stop.. and that a hammer is for putting in nails..


WHY BELIEVE ANYTHING... it is nothing to be afraid of.. the only thing you will loose is yourself.. BUT you will get EVERYTHING you ever wanted!!!

Once you know how BELIEF works, why not leave that PORTAL into the UNKNOWN open..

of course, i know the answer to that question.. cause ,my portal was closed for 23 years and it was a stroke of luck that it opened..

It is worth it to me.. to make a LIFE of pointing at the UNknown.. poiinting at the portal ..

I know I can't show it to anybody.. BUT BUT, if they should happen to stumble upon it.. if they someday experience stillness.. maybe they will remember my words and it can give them comfort... because the first trip can be a scary lonely experience...

and NOW we have religion.. for those that got scared for those that were petrified when they lost the ego and submerged in LOVE and need something to patch up that sacred SPACE.. LOL



Point point and point. I've had problems with society for a while. Can't figure out what htey are, but I just don't like it. I don't think it's right. The way I see it, society's aiming for perfection, but seriously fucking up on an extremely basic level. And I don't know why no one sees this.

People think that these things will give them "progress", make them "better", "advanced" and all that jazz. It's kinda funny in one perspective, and laughing helps me accept it...but it's still so amazingly untrue that i don't even know where to begin....or if i even should. because nothing is more unstable than what was created on incompleteness when shown what it is missing. like the matrix "some people will even fight to protect it" (i suppose). anyways, it's just a belief. "People have a habit of taking a good idea and making a belief out of it".

...Suppose you can be happy ignorantly or conciously.....and it's what you choose that sets reality in a certain, infintesmal, spot. Gov't likes people to be ignorantly happy. easy to manipulate, cause you control all the distractions and "thoughts". There is so much distraction in our lives all the time. And it's kinda startin to get to me....I don't like it. But i suppose i have accepted it too on certain levels......else i suppose i wouldn't have a computer, now would i?