six weeks into flowering and rootbound as hell.. HELP!!


Well-Known Member
I would just simply pull it outta the little pot(carefully when soil is dry) then stick it in a bigger pot. It doesn't make a difference if you have 2 weeks to go or 2 months to go. I had to do it myself, if you got strong plants You wont see a difference. Jus make sure not to givem full strength Flowering nutes after transplanting. MJ plants are usually very solid and hardy against transplanting, Unless they're under some other source of strees. Try 5 gallon pots next time.


Well-Known Member
just leave them be, root growth would have really slowed down now compared to a few weeks ago.

cmon didnt you watch siccs party cup grow? i did and will never think of root bound plants like i did ever again!!


allen bud

Active Member
I am with tam jam have you seen the party cup grow?it may not get HUGE but , i dont realy believe in root may have to start watering more with more nutes and watch closer .


Well-Known Member
Rootbound does exist.

cannabis has simply adapted to an indoor environment, a restricted environment. I started experimenting with this almost 3 years ago now.

At the time i thought i was onto something new.. and i mistakingly went on to believe from there that all the old skool growers were wrong. Rootbound does not exist.

But seriously, how could so many be so wrong, for so long?

Then i got the opportunity to grow some real Landrace genetics. 100% sativa, straight from the wild. Pure animal cannabis.

I placed them into my customary 4" pots from seed and placed 1 in a 5" pot. They veg'ed fine and then flower came and they stretched right up to over 5ft. Then as each plant in the 4" pot reached 5'6" exactly the plant would quickly die. 1 by 1 the plants in the 4" pot would reach that critical height and then become unable to sustain themselves. However the 1 plant left in the 5" pot easily surpassed the 5'6" mark and was still growing fine when i killed it. I have no real room to be flowering 16 week sativas. Here is a pic of her just before death, standing around 5'10"

Here is the Landrace Root System at 8 weeks:
IMG_0109.jpg IMG_0108.jpg

Ordinary, bred indoors, Cannabis Plant Root System at 8 Weeks:
IMG_0156.jpg IMG_0157.jpg

so what i was witnessing was not that the old skool were completely wrong... instead what i was seeing was simply cannabis adapting to an indoor and more restricted environment.

allen bud

Active Member
Rootbound does exist.

cannabis has simply adapted to an indoor environment, a restricted environment. I started experimenting with this almost 3 years ago now.

At the time i thought i was onto something new.. and i mistakingly went on to believe from there that all the old skool growers were wrong. Rootbound does not exist.

But seriously, how could so many be so wrong, for so long?

Then i got the opportunity to grow some real Landrace genetics. 100% sativa, straight from the wild. Pure animal cannabis.

I placed them into my customary 4" pots from seed and placed 1 in a 5" pot. They veg'ed fine and then flower came and they stretched right up to over 5ft. Then as each plant in the 4" pot reached 5'6" exactly the plant would quickly die. 1 by 1 the plants in the 4" pot would reach that critical height and then become unable to sustain themselves. However the 1 plant left in the 5" pot easily surpassed the 5'6" mark and was still growing fine when i killed it. I have no real room to be flowering 16 week sativas. Here is a pic of her just before death, standing around 5'10"

Here is the Landrace Root System at 8 weeks:
View attachment 1019071 View attachment 1019072

Ordinary, bred indoors, Cannabis Plant Root System at 8 Weeks:
View attachment 1019075 View attachment 1019076

so what i was witnessing was not that the old skool were completely wrong... instead what i was seeing was simply cannabis adapting to an indoor and more restricted environment.
very insightful and helpful,+rep for the experament ,good thoughts are good for inside grow my stuff only gets like 2.5' max but i use big pot for flowering anyway (12")


Well-Known Member
Shame to kill a plant like that...good info though.
yeah it hurt, but i doubt i'd have been able to finish her, i had a lot of other plants anyway and this needed tying in several places for support and at the very top she had no light. First time i'd ever grown a landrace and i failed miserably, but i did learn something.


Well-Known Member
What strain are you growing? Your situation could be simple to sort out!
If your flowering period is nearing its end (you are about to harvest) in a week or so, I would leave them be.
Assuming your flowering period is longer (9 weeks or more) you can change the pot, and allow her to grow to her buds content!
It is not advised to transplant during floering though, so if you can avoid it, do so!

good option:

Cut the base of the pot off, and plant this into a larger pot. The roots will find their way down into the new available space.

Hope I helped! Cheers!


Well-Known Member
six weeks into flower and my ladies are bound as hell.. should i just leave them and just learn from my mistake or should i act now and transplant... i know stress at this stage would be bad but i just want to get max yield from this grow... HELP!!!! + rep:confused:
six weeks into flower and my ladies are bound as hell.. should i just leave them and just learn from my mistake or should i act now and transplant... i know stress at this stage would be bad but i just want to get max yield from this grow... HELP!!!! + rep:confused:



Well-Known Member
six weeks into flower and my ladies are bound as hell.. should i just leave them and just learn from my mistake or should i act now and transplant... i know stress at this stage would be bad but i just want to get max yield from this grow... HELP!!!! + rep:confused:
I cut the bottom off of my pot and set it on top of a bigger pot and Walla. This is the result.



Well-Known Member
I cut the bottom off of my pot and set it on top of a bigger pot and Walla. This is the result.
Why ? …

You literally could have worked that plant free of that container / grab the base stem and carefully remove .
Then put a in a bigger pot …. Exposing more of the root mass instead of most it blocked by the walls of that plastic container.
Plus , you wrecked that container for no reason.

Any plant can be transplanted regardless of size ….. ever see a large tree on a flatbed with a wooden box base ?

You are not allowing full root exposure.