Grow Tents...


Active Member
How much do they smell? I know they are somewhat designed to be closed systems with vents for intake and outtake and what not, but im just wondering because Im contemplating getting one when I move and get a roommate... I know he'll wonder why I have a big black box in my room but ill deal with that when the time comes... he's pretty cool... but anyways... what can I expect from these things... I was thinking about getting a 4x4 or a 5x2.5, just looking for any suggestions tips or tricks you guys who use them have...

I plan to be filtering the air and running it straight outside or up into the attic...


have also been thinking about buying a grow tent... thinking about buying a 4x8 tent would really appreciate the feedback...first time grower


Well-Known Member
How much do they smell? I know they are somewhat designed to be closed systems with vents for intake and outtake and what not, but im just wondering because Im contemplating getting one when I move and get a roommate... I know he'll wonder why I have a big black box in my room but ill deal with that when the time comes... he's pretty cool... but anyways... what can I expect from these things... I was thinking about getting a 4x4 or a 5x2.5, just looking for any suggestions tips or tricks you guys who use them have...

I plan to be filtering the air and running it straight outside or up into the attic...
tents are wonderful, i have 2. i love mine and i think that they help me out 100% more then if i dident have them. that being said however... theres NO way to hide what your doing if sombody sees the tent. be upfront with your roomie before you buy it so hes not pissed or some other drama about not tellnig him before. again, no way to lie about what the tent is. smell goes alone with growing. a 4x4 grow tent isent exactly a stealth grow.


Well-Known Member
Tents are the only way to go for an "urban grower".

I'm growing Sour Diesel; one of the stinkiest strains ever. With my carbon filter I smell absolutely nothing in my apartment.


Well-Known Member
yea they actually contain the smell very good with a carbon filter. I have 2 big tents and I love them.


Active Member
ahhh very interesting points, yeah my issue is that im basically going to have to flower at my new house... ive been vegging at my townhouse where Im by myself, but im going to have to flower at the new place... I already plan on doing the whole carbon filter with exhaust fan setup... thing is... my buddy used to smoke alot but doesnt at all anymore and his last roommate smoked all the time and I think it started to bug him.

Ive known this guy since we were little and I know he wouldnt mind me smoking as long as I didnt stink up the place, which is why I also want to do a good job of odor control. So knowing him I could see him saying as long as I cant tell its here without going in there and messing with it im fine.

In the worst case scenario I built a closet for my "clothes" and just stealth it out. Although ide love a tent... haha