Help ! First grow does it look right?Mysterious leaves curling down!


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow ! It has gone pretty well aside from some bug problems which I didnt know how to look for till the damge was already done and These dang leaves that curl down they are ony on like the 2 to 4th branch sets up from the bottom. Apoun inspecting them the best I can with a magnifying glass I have found that these leaves have elongated bumps paralell with the main center leaf vein.These spots are slightly lighter in color . I scratched at with my fingernail and it feels hard and doesnt flick off.
Almost like its just the way it grew mabey they suffered heat stress while these branch sets were forming? I,ve included pictures I posted on this yesterday a good number of ppl looked at it but none replyed .Could someone tell me if they have seen this before or know what it is . I want to figure it out so it doesnt happen again. They are looking good otherwise the branch sets above are looking fine only prob i see is the tips look like they are getting cooked a little.

7th week vegIMG00403-20100701-0914.jpgIMG00398-20100701-0910.jpgIMG00399-20100701-0910.jpgIMG00396-20100701-0908.jpgIMG00397-20100701-0909.jpgIMG00401-20100701-0913.jpgIMG00404-20100701-0915.jpg
3 gallon containers
Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil
Age Old Organics dry blend nutrients
I,m experimenting with molassas in water 1tbsp to a gallon . approx 40oz per plant every 4 to 5 days.
When those leaf sets were new I was just using plain distilled water and used Ionic grow for hydro at half strength every other watering but only 2 times.Now i,m trying to stick with organics seems easier to control.(Is it?)
250 watt MH in an air cooled hood 4in can fan pulls air from ceiling out through the light through the ceiling.
Temps maintained 76 to 79 .Never topped 85 Only neared it once 83.6.
Humidity 40 - 78 percent
strain pepes poison (unknown background) from seed (3)
sour diesel clone (1)
Pesticides neem based once .and insecticial soap.


Well-Known Member
I<M thinking its heat related i,m finding it hard to get answers on this one.seems some posts never get answered is because of our rep?


Well-Known Member
I<M thinking its heat related i,m finding it hard to get answers on this one.seems some posts never get answered is because of our rep?
I don't answer based on rep, I just don't really know what is wrong in your case so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. There are a couple things you could check, though.

What are your pH levels, your runoff pH and what do you adjust to when you water?

Also how often do you water and do you make sure to thoroughly soak the soil until it comes out the drainholes in the bottom of your pots? Then don't water again until the top 2 inches of soil is completely dry. You don't want to give them just a little water every day or every other day.

And 78% is getting pretty high for your humidity, I wouldn't let it get over 65-70%. How often is it around 40% and how often is it around 78%?