Coast2Coast 1st grow (Suggestions Welcome)


Active Member
if i were you i would go ahead and top the plants that are in veg and use the top cutting as a clone and youll get 2 or 4 main colas in flowering depending on where you top it at.


Active Member
Well the only thing I was concerned about with that... is that im gonna be moving in a month... and I dont want to move them mid flower... Ide rather move them while still in veg... set up shop at my new place... cut some clones and go into flower... Im all about putting them into flower im just concerned about my relocation...


Active Member
well when you top it youre gonna keep it in veg and same with the clones that your making from the top cutting. youll just have 1 more plant to move for every plant that you top


Active Member
hmmm very true... I hadent thought about that, I may go ahead and top these when I pick up some more supplies... thanks for the suggestion man... +rep


Active Member
Yeah I deff want to maximize my options... now I just need to figure out which method of raising my clones im gonna go for... Ive seen alot of people do aeroponics I guess ill have to figure it out... tho never done clones before...


Active Member
Yeah I deff want to maximize my options... now I just need to figure out which method of raising my clones im gonna go for... Ive seen alot of people do aeroponics I guess ill have to figure it out... tho never done clones before...
clones are a million times easier then seed. you already have a female and if its a quality cutting it should have nice roots ready to transplant.


Well-Known Member
coast go aero for clones.... just take big clones and make sure the res doesnt get too hot and ull be straight. my clones are much happier in this stealth box with the single florescent. then at the grow room under the 400w and high temps.


Well-Known Member
coast go aero for clones.... just take big clones and make sure the res doesnt get too hot and ull be straight. my clones are much happier in this stealth box with the single florescent. then at the grow room under the 400w and high temps.
clones don't like 400s... they like about 30 watts of cfl lol


Active Member
yeah, Ive heard aero is the best, its just last time I tried aero I ended up with water everywhere.... I think I used a pump that was a little too strong... I wanted to try a dwc/bubble style cloner... you put the cuttings right above the surface of the water and the bubbles popping water the cuttings... Ive built an aeroponic setup before but like I said Its more involved and I guess I used to big of a pump because I could have watered the lawn with that rig...


Active Member
So my bro's are stayin the weekend to celebrate the 4th so we'll be doing some heavy drinking... but the girls are gonna have to stay out on the back porch till they leave, no prob im sure they'll love the sunshine and co2, and im gonna have to wait on building the cloner while there here haha, wouldnt really have an easy explanation for what im doing ... lol


Active Member
Checked on the plants this morning good lord they enjoy it outside, nice breeze lots of sun, man it must be the co2 because they look like they are shooting up overnight... the leaves are reaching for the sky... hopefully not stretching though haha...


Active Member
Ok well I moved the plants back inside now that my friends have left from visiting this weekend.... the girls look like they may have stretched out a little... but no big worries, im sure the fresh air and sunshine did them some good... brought them back in... topped the Pineapple Express and the Gigabud... Took the tops and put them into a DWC cloner I threw together with some spare stuff laying around... Ill get some pics together when the lights go out. The base of the clones I took is right above the surface of the water, but they're getting some nice watering from those bubbles popping... Im going to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best... Ill make a proper cloning station when Ive got a little money to throw around...


Active Member
Will do, but I thought I read somewhere that when your doing aero or dwc cloning they dont need foilage spraying... im not arguing just asking... because I want to get it right... and they've perked up since last night, they kinda were rolling up, this morning they've already laid back down to soak up some of that cfl light. But ill mist them if need be, all in all im sure it wont hurt.


Active Member
Will do, but I thought I read somewhere that when your doing aero or dwc cloning they dont need foilage spraying... im not arguing just asking... because I want to get it right... and they've perked up since last night, they kinda were rolling up, this morning they've already laid back down to soak up some of that cfl light. But ill mist them if need be, all in all im sure it wont hurt.
that im not to sure of not having done hydro but without a root system for uptake i dont see how they could feed. dont take my hydro ignorance for 100% fact but i do know to foliar MIST not drench the plant after taking cuttings