Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


Well-Known Member
mars, the moon, the sun, and everything else effects the earth. Why is it irrelevent to mention them? Everything is conected some how, like a chain. You can not save 1 thing and discard the other, you must look at the universe as a whole.

You act like people only cut down trees for paper, what about developers?

Doesn't algae consume oxygen?

and the discovery chanel is great, how else would I be able to know you are a jack ass?
Sir, your exposure and education is limited. I have politely tried to illustrate a few problems with your logic and writing. But, you continue to hurl insults and names. It is you, who are the jackass (one word not two).


Well-Known Member
aattocchi says...
"what about the trees we cut down near the north pole,"

If you believe that trees grow anywhere “near” the North Pole, I can see how you so willingly embrace the wrong headed notion of man-made global warming.

Mockingbird is correct-a-mundo!:mrgreen:


New Member
Wavels ...

Don't cha know ... the trees on the North Pole were wiped out by the greedy, clear-cutting, lumber industry tycoons. The Empire penguins are next to go. No, wait a miniute, those penguins live at the South Pole. Hmmm ... maybe its the polar bears that will be next. My God ... I'm confused. :mrgreen:



New Member
Wavels ...

Don't cha know ... the trees on the North Pole were wiped out by the greedy, clear-cutting, lumber industry tycoons. The Empire penguins are next to go. No, wait a miniute, those penguins live at the South Pole. Hmmm ... maybe its the polar bears that will be next. ("My God ... I'm confused".) :mrgreen:

And I can certainly agree with that.


Well-Known Member
aattocchi says...
"what about the trees we cut down near the north pole,"

If you believe that trees grow anywhere “near” the North Pole, I can see how you so willingly embrace the wrong headed notion of man-made global warming.

Mockingbird is correct-a-mundo!:mrgreen:
Northern North America and Siberia are pretty close to the north pole, aren't they?


Well-Known Member
Northern North America and Siberia are pretty close to the north pole, aren't they?

Holy Cow!

Well you did say near the North Pole.
Tundra and permafrost surround the North Pole for quite a trees!

Siberia encompasses apx. 75% of Russia's land mass...most of siberia is not "near' to the North Pole!!


New Member
Aw, come on, you know what he meant. Quit being so childish. It never ceases to amaze me what selfish, childish, vindictive buttwipes most conservatives are. They think they are the only ones with a plan, and everyone on the other side are pinko commies that will destroy the country and leave them broke and homeless. Tax and spend is still better than cut taxes and spend, Bush proved that.


Well-Known Member
Aw, come on, you know what he meant. Quit being so childish. It never ceases to amaze me what selfish, childish, vindictive buttwipes most conservatives are. They think they are the only ones with a plan, and everyone on the other side are pinko commies that will destroy the country and leave them broke and homeless. Tax and spend is still better than cut taxes and spend, Bush proved that.
Speaking only for myself, I made a few polite points about a post he made. He came after me and called me bad names. So THEN I became a selfish, childish, and vindictive buttwipe conservative. If he would have played nice, we would all be roasting marsh mellows and singing Coum-by-ya.

For me, I am OK with just about anyone's position on a subject. But, I despise people calling names and biting me on the gluteus for disagreeing with them.

After all, I still talk to you. Right?


New Member
Mockingbird ...

There is just no accounting for those who's arguments hold no water. Their personal attacks are tribute to their lack of depth.

Don't forget ... there is always the ignore button. ~lol~



New Member
Speaking only for myself, I made a few polite points about a post he made. He came after me and called me bad names. So THEN I became a selfish, childish, and vindictive buttwipe conservative. If he would have played nice, we would all be roasting marsh mellows and singing Coum-by-ya.

For me, I am OK with just about anyone's position on a subject. But, I despise people calling names and biting me on the gluteus for disagreeing with them.

After all, I still talk to you. Right?
Well, yeah, I guess that's some consolation, geeze, I didn't really name you, but you are of the conservative persuasion, no? Buttwipes may be a little harsh, well no, it isn't. Sorry. If I'm a pinko commy liberal asswipe, then guess what.........................


New Member
Mockingbird ...

There is just no accounting for those who's arguments hold no water. Their personal attacks are tribute to their lack of depth.

Don't forget ... there is always the ignore button. ~lol~

Yeah like how did this buttwipe know what I said? so predictable. BTW names are not real, just ask GK.


New Member
Hey, Moderators ....

After putting Med on "ignore," I've noticed that his posts still appear when another member uses the "quote" function and posts Med's quotes into the new post. Is there anyway to fix that problem? Just wondering because Med's offensiveness is still offensive ... even if the offenses appear in someone else's post.



New Member
I think he's becoming, for me, a kind of ridiculous caricature of "Dice" Clay ?sp. Wholly amusing if you have already completely discounted his positions and realize his ingenuousness. "little miss fuckface sat on a tupperware, you suck asswipe!!! hahahahahahaha i'm gonna cut your fucking head off dickhead hahahahahaha" Pretty funny stuff really.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Moderators ....

After putting Med on "ignore," I've noticed that his posts still appear when another member uses the "quote" function and posts Med's quotes into the new post. Is there anyway to fix that problem? Just wondering because Med's offensiveness is still offensive ... even if the offenses appear in someone else's post.

You don't like to see me take him down? I think there are a handful of posts where he walked right off the set, rethinking his way of thought.

Nah, not really. But it is fun to politically body-slam him.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Sir, your exposure and education is limited.
I have politely tried to illustrate a few problems with your logic and writing. But, you continue to hurl insults and names. It is you, who are the jackass (one word not two).

I will now TRY and translate this post..

I am so smart.. smart enough to tell that you have less education than me.

I am polite and tried to show you are wrong and I am right.

I am insecure and can be insulted. And I don't like it

You're a donkey.

is this correct?



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Mockingbird ...

There is just no accounting for those who's arguments hold no water.


thank you

Their personal attacks are tribute to their lack of depth.


Don't forget ... there is always the ignore button. ~lol~




Well-Known Member

I will now TRY and translate this post..

I am so smart.. smart enough to tell that you have less education than me.

I am polite and tried to show you are wrong and I am right.

I am insecure and can be insulted. And I don't like it

You're a donkey.

is this correct?


Way off the beaten path, as usual.