Dubious Greenhouse Grow


Active Member
These are donated mystery seeds that are little over 3 weeks old since germination-- 22 actually germinated, I repotted some today, but ran out of my soil mixture to finsih the rest. I've got a ways to go, but how do they look? Anyone have any ideas on what strain these might be? Any tips, feedback or insight is appreciated as this is my 1st successful grow. I took some close-ups on the ones growing faster than the rest.
they look healthy and as for strain all i can tell you that they are indica strain which one no idea but good luck on grow
Also had closer look and most seem indica mainly but noticed one or two that have sativa characaristics the broad leaves indicate indica and long thin leaves show the sativa side of the plant so you may have hybrids amongst them i would not worry about strain just weed boys at the right time and enjoy your grow again good luck
Thanks Colind for sharing your insight. Patience is not my strong point, but for this I'm willing to wait! As long as I have something to harvest and cure I'll be happy. I'll post more pics as they get more established. Cheers.

Anyone else care to throw some knowledge my way?
Most plants look more indica-like in youth. I'm willing to bet you see more sativa-like leaves in a couple weeks.

Doesn't really help you, but useful information.
Thanks phyzix, I didn't know that, and hey any shared knowledge will only better my experience. I'll certainly keep an eye out for changes.

I just got back from my local plant shop with stuff for my soil mix, and some larger containers-- I need to finish my transplants. I'm all ready to go and now the clouds have rolled in and it's raining like mad.

Keep the knowledge flowing people and share your insight please!
They're looking great so far. What's your greenhouse look like? As soon as you see sex, you'll need to put them in bigger pots.

Keep it up!

Edit: I was typing this post when you posted above. Sounds like you already knew they need bigger pots!
I recommend 1 or 2 gallon pots until you see sex, and then 5 to 10 gallons until harvest.
I appreciate the reply doublejj. I actually have 2 now. The original greenhouse is 8.5' x 10.5', sliding doors, polycarbonate walls and vents on the roof. But since my wife and I are both avid gardeners we had to buy another smaller one too. We have a ridiculous collection, and it is still growing. She loves her plants and refused to relocate them for my plants-- and that's a battle not worth fighting! So yes the smaller one, which I'm using for my grow is 6.5' x 8.5' and about 7' at it's peak. It's actually a portable greenhouse and it went up in less than an hour. I was worried that it would be a piece a garbage, but it's stout and has stood solid through nasty storms and 50+ MPH winds.

There's no way that 22 large plants will fit in there, but my research says 50% of bagseed end up male-- so I'm hoping to cut back. I plan on trying LST and topping. I'm also thinking about trying to induce flowering a handful of them when they're about 2.5' by bringing them indoors for their 12 hrs of darkness. I know that's less yield, but since this is my first time i want to try a variety of techniques. Have you, or anyone else, used an outdoor/indoor light cycle. Successful, bad idea?

Thanks for the help guys. Any feedback or critiques are appreciated. Cheers!
Bringing your plant in/out at the same times everyday is going to get really bothersome.

Bags are easier, but still a pain.
Great idea phyzix. No sense in using even more soil and nutes for a bunch of males-- time and money, right? Based on those pics, can you give an estimate of how many weeks before they show sex? I know I'm getting way ahead of myself, and they're still really young, but this is a process that I've really enjoyed. Thanks again for the help.

Anyone who wants to share their perspectives is more than welcome to do so. Thanks again guys!
My outdoor plants show sex when they are between 4 and 6 weeks old usually. All of my plants have showed preflowers and they are 8 weeks old.
Thanks for sharing phyzix. I'm up for the challenge, but I can imagine bringing them in and out everyday gets old quickly. The only reason I thought about going this route was because I read some posts on here that were strongly opposed to using bags. Is there a right/ wrong way to use this method. I live in the south where it gets pretty damn hot this time of the year, and didn't know if a dark bag would just absorb the heat and butcher the plant. Again I''m new to this and appreciate the help. Cheers.
Sounds like a lot of work Dubious, you'll have to carry them in-&-out twice a day & timing would be critical. You can't just 'be late' once in a while, they need a strict light regiment. If you really want to do this I would recommend covering them with a black bag every day at 8pm when the sun is low, and remove it at 8am. Good luck man, sounds interesting.

P.S. Click on the link below to see my greenhouse grow
Yeah the more I ponder this idea, the more I think that they're are just too many variables that could disrupt their cycle. I'd hate to get that far into a grow just to screw it up. That light cycle recommended would actually work really well with my schedule-- thanks doublejj.

I have a few questions for you or anyone else checking out this thread. How big should the black bag be in relation to the plant-- should the plant have a lot of room in the bag? Are their any risks damaging the developing colas? Do you lose a lot of trichomes taking the bag on and off? I know I'm nothing but constant questions, but I want to be as informed as possible so I do this right. Thanks guys.

Doublejj, I read the thread for your 2010 carport greenhouse grow. Those pics were amazing-- pretty inspiring stuff man. There's no way I could fit plants that big into my greenhouse! I look forward to following your progress. Cheers.
Cool, and I'll follow yours, keep posting.

Yes, anytime you disturb the plants you risk loosing trich's, there's a price for everything, but not much. Be as careful as possible. Maybe if you built some wire cages around them.

That's a big can do man. Thanks to doublejj and phyzix you guys are saving me from having to learn the hard way. I appreciate the help. I'll post more pics as they progress.

Anyone else care to share, please do!
If you decide to force flower a couple plants you must be very disciplined, and your inside location must be completely dark. The darker the better. I think you would really have to mess up your set schedule to turn your plants hermie, you more than likely have plus or minus an hour each day without any measurable difference in the plant. I would only use the trash bag method if you have done it previously.
Bond, I have not used this method before. But the more I think about bringing my plants in and out (potentially 22 plants twice a day), the less inclined I am to do that. The greenhouse they're in is about 20 yards from the back door. This is my first MJ grow, but I consider myself a very experienced gardener as I've been doing it forever. Not new to plants, just MJ growing. Why would you recommend not using the bag method? Is there a more effective or efficient way? An inquiring mind would like to know. Thanks for the post, cheers.
Anyone else want to provide insight on why, or why not, to use bags to induce flowering. Share your advise, opinions or criticisms here. Thanks guys, cheers!