Dubious Greenhouse Grow

I think you should do it. The rewards out weight the risk. Put a wire cage around each plant to minimize damage from pulling the bags on & off.

Give it a try, it should work.

Yeah I'm definitely going to use this method Doublejj-- it's just to much work to try and haul plants in and out everyday twice a day. I was thinking that I could even put four posts/stakes around the outside of the plants container, and just slide the bag down, but a wire cage might be even easier.

I was just curious why some people are so against it. It doesn't strike me as rocket science, and the technique seems pretty straight forward. What are there potential issues that make some so opposed to this? This method really is my only option for inducing flowering, and I'm going to use it regardless. I plan on letting a couple flower naturally too. Thanks.
It requires a bit of disipline, your pretty well committed for many weeks. Quite a demand.

I've got my eye on the prize and that's enough motivation for me! Besides, my wife and I are outside every evening looking through our gardens, and since I'm already right there...

I've really enjoyed learning about this whole process, and it's application too. I love gardening and I can't believe it's taken me this long to start growing. I appreciate the help bud, cheers.
I hope everyone had a great 4th. I had a little too much fun, and didn't open the greenhouse until later in the day. Needless to say when I did it was 105+ in their and I got blasted with heat upon opening it. The plants had angled their leaves up at a 35 degree angle, but have since returned to their original position.

Here's some pics, but not much change. Just took some of the ones growing quicker than others. They're pretty dry and tomorrow I've got more transplanting, watering and nutes to apply. Check out the growth between the first nodes-- pics 1-3 are the same plant. Thanks for the help.

Oh I also threw in a pic of my grapes beginning to ripen-- can't wait!


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Hello everybody. I needed some help with one of my plants. They've been doing well in the greenhouse, but I went out today to water and noticed two of my plants had a set of leaves that had rolled up. By that I mean that one set of leaves had curled up from the tip towards the stalk-- on both plants. The rest of the plant looks good, but that one set of leaves looks toast.

It's hotter than hell outside (97 today), but nothing they haven't already been exposed to. The soil was fairly dry but not completely. I've nuted with fish emulsion about 5 days ago, but it hasn't burned them before. Heat stress? Under watered? Nute burn? Help!!!

I know, I know-- pics would help. I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow. Thanks to all who care to drop a post. Cheers.
I finally got some pics up. I've got some leaves curling and need help!

Pics 1-3 are of the leaves curling-- same plant. The discoloration on the leaves is actually water, but it's hard to tell. In the mornings condensation drips off the top of the greenhouse. They look a little worse than yesterday, and I'm not expecting them to become "uncrispy". My guess is the heat caused them to curl, and we've had high humidity to boot. Today was in the high 90's, and it's pretty brutal outside. I've added a large oscillating fan into the greenhouse to further beat the heat. So I'm hoping that will help more than just the vents in the front and back of the greenhouse.

Should I cut those leaves off, since the plant is still sending it's precious energy into those fried leaves? With every other type of plant in my gardens I trim off dead growth, so I assume it would be the same. But this is my first grow, and would rather get some opinions before doing so.

Pics 4-8 are just progressive pics of mystery plants. Pic 8, which looks like some kind of sativa, is quickly becoming my favorite-- I don't know why, it just is.

Pic 9, the second to last, is a plant that got chewed on over night. The green house is sealed so I don't think it was a grasshopper, and the vented areas are covered with mesh-- of course one could of sneaked in while I had the mesh open yesterday. I've seen a few crickets in there, could this be my culprit?

Pic 10 are two plants I've taken out of the greenhouse and have decided to let them grow outside in the elements. I did this mostly to experiment with the difference between the plants inside the greenhouse and out. They're smaller than the others, and I'm curious to see how they do. If they start to look bad I'll put them back with the others.

I appreciate any and all insight, advice, tips, and constructive criticism. Thanks again everyone, cheers.


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To me it looks like residual from their 'roasting' episode. I say this because they look like when, they grow to close to the lights indoors, & get burned. You might need some sun screen for the hottest days. And keep the door opened!

Good luck

Thanks doublejj. I've got a shade cloth over the top of the greenhouse that has cut the heat drastically since spring-- it stays on through summer, but still lets in a ton of light. The door stays open but I've got a screen door behind it that I leave closed to keep the bugs and critters out. It does diffuse the air flow a bit, but now I've got that fan to help. When that door is closed the temps spike to above 110! The curling was just odd because they were looking great the day prior, and these temps have been the same for almost 2 weeks now. Thanks again bud.

Anyone else care to share? Please do!
About "bagging"...

The best timing is when the plants are out of direct sunlight prior to sunset. You then note the time and pull the bags off, twelve hours later. Heat is your enemy. Ideally you can pull the bags off before the sunlight gets too intense.

Put a bag over YOU at noon. Can you see your hand in front of your face? If so, you need thicker bags.

Even a light leak at ground level can mess things up. Be careful.

If you are watering adequately and provide good air flow, heat shouldn't be an issue in a greenhouse. Temperatures have reached 130 degrees in both my greenhouses, and the plants simply grew faster.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice VG-- growing faster is certainly okay with me! I hadn't thought about the bag not being dark enough-- that would be a terrible thing to find out the hard way. I can't wait to see the look on my wife's face when I'm standing in the middle of the the yard with a black bag over my head! Though I guess I should hope I can't see anything.

So if it's not heat that's the issue, what is causing that plant to curl? The plants are all under the same grow conditions, yet only one has curled. The only variable that would be different would be the plants themselves. For right now I'm only using a diluted fish emulsion, which is pretty tough to burn plants with. I just don't want any of the other plants to suffer the same issues. Should I trim off the leaves that are bad? Thanks for the help.

Anyone else care to share?
i have an outdoor blackbox that i pull over my flowering plants everyday at 5 its tedious but well worth it i just harvested my first plant and it cronic
so you greenhouse too :)

are you planning on just killing the males or are you going to produce seeds?

have you heard about light deprivation to make ur kids flower at any time?

i've noticed that when growing outdoor, the young kids flower a lot quicker than the more mature plants.
so you greenhouse too :)

are you planning on just killing the males or are you going to produce seeds?

have you heard about light deprivation to make ur kids flower at any time?

i've noticed that when growing outdoor, the young kids flower a lot quicker than the more mature plants.

I think I'm just going to kill off the males this time around. I've still have a ton of mystery seeds that I haven't germinated. A part of me wants to order feminized seeds next grow so that at least I know exactly what to expect. In the not to distant future I'm going to try and induce flowering on a couple young ones. I wanted to wait until they showed their sex but so far they have not. I know it'll be a lower yield, but as this is my first time I'm mainly experimenting. If the young ones flower earlier that's okay with me! I'm going to post some pics later tonight of their progress. Cheers.
Here are the plants. So far everyone looks pretty good, and they're really starting to take off. I'm noticing that some of them smell really skunky, while others only a little. I don't know the significance, other than different strains maybe. Pic 4 will be my LST experiment. Second to last pic has been eaten to hell-- I still haven't found the culprit and I'm pissed! Last pic are two young ones I'm growing outside the greenhouse.

Question about topping: I'm planning on topping, but I'm not sure how established the plant should be before doing this. Also, if I top, how long after do I need to wait before I can begin to induce flowering? I'm going to take a few and start them early. None have showed sex, but I have so many I'm not too concerned. I'm dabbling with a variety of methods, and appreciate any help or advice.

If anyone could help me with topping it'd be appreciated. I'm off to water these guys, as it is crazy hot and they're starting to droop a bit. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!


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Cool, and I'll follow yours, keep posting.

Yes, anytime you disturb the plants you risk loosing trich's, there's a price for everything, but not much. Be as careful as possible. Maybe if you built some wire cages around them.


Yep I used to be a 'bud squeezer' couldn't help it. Liked to smell my fingers afterward ;-) Don't do it anymore. Read somewhere here about bruising the buds and wasn't good for them.