alot of people say.......


Active Member
well i have been told from loads and read lots of posts from people saying when planting a seed the tap root should be pointing down, well check this out it seems that it should be pointing up cause when you point it down, it has to curl twice to go down cause it curls up first and it uses more energy, so what are your views on this? is this wrong or is lots of people dishing out wrong information? or do you think it doesnt matter aslong as its put in the soil lol



Well-Known Member
If I put a germinated seed in the soil with the tip pointing down the root will grow up out of the soil and dry out.

I had to turn some of my seeds this spring.


Active Member
no if you point the root down it will grow up then curl back down using more energy and slowing the growth, did you not read it lol


Well-Known Member
I plant my seeds very shallow. So when the root started growing up it broke the soil and started to dry out.

If it was deeper it would have turned around and grown down again.


Well-Known Member

well, I like to make sure I have the tap-root from the seed.. facing downwards. That's the way I learned to plant seeds.. 3 years ago when I was just starting out trying to grow my first plants.

I've been using the same method ever since..

and it is true, that if the seed is planted upside down, the seed uses a ton of extra energy. IMO, its better to plant a seed just like they say to do it. Tap-root facing downwards.

Anything else, is just counter productive and wastes time as well as slowing the growth of the plant.


Da Silva Satia

Active Member
i have had great success with mine turned up
i saw that same diagram about a while before and used that method ever since
another method that could help is to place the seed in side ways....that way it has alittle more way to go but no as if you put it in facing down........
hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Yea I planted half of my seeds sideways and that seemed to work just fine.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've always just sort of dropped the germed seed in the hole and called it a day. it usually lands sideways anyway. if the seed cares at all it can't be that much because i've never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
where is all this up and down stuff coming from? it's a SEED. :roll:

mine grow straight, tap root down. 020 (8).jpg014 (17).jpg


New Member
damn you didnt get it lol.

i was replying to fdd he said his grow straigh up and down. i said what if its gay meaning crooked what way would it grow


Active Member
i have just dug up a seedling to show you the curl in it, this one has straightend out a bit as it was just about out the soil


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to get some started in a shot glass to show the root development but they've not been cooperating. The only ones that have sprouted were planted tip up, and I'm not wasting good seeds to prove this to non believers. lol