does anyone use the trio at full strength, like what the bottles say? how does it treat your girls?
does anyone use the trio at full strength, like what the bottles say? how does it treat your girls?
I used it at full strength every watering ( I fed every watering ). Look into my album, all past harvest was FF complete line up. The trio is Golden.
hey golden what you gonna do for your next grow
I have 1 Beautiful 4 topped Super Lemon Haze (veg) 1 The CHurch veg 1 Rock Lock veg and one LA Confidential in roots organic (veg) that needs to be transplanted into FFOF this am. It is doing poor in RO. Also I floated 2 OG #18 for 24 hrs, then I put them on a saucer/heat pad, and less than 16 hours later they are showing rootlets looking like clam tongues. Very Excited Going to be some strong plants.
hell yea sounds good man so that rootorganic is crap or what man
View attachment 1024052View attachment 1024049 smells so good...
i use ocean forest and the liquid trio. no beef here. here are some pics of my current satori which just finished week 10 of flower. i have included some pics from when they were younger because as you can see from the bud pics some of the leaves got a little crispy. strictly heat and underwatering issues. they got molasses starting week 5 of bloom. this paticular strain is a light feeder so i actually went very light on the feeding. I was proportionally more generous with the big bloom than the tiger bloom. looking back i could have probably fed more but not too shabby. they should be ready in about a week or so.
Very FAt +reps for that.
nice bro keep it upView attachment 1024052View attachment 1024049 smells so good...
nice man come back thru when you harvest wanna see the results broi use ocean forest and the liquid trio. no beef here. here are some pics of my current satori which just finished week 10 of flower. i have included some pics from when they were younger because as you can see from the bud pics some of the leaves got a little crispy. strictly heat and underwatering issues. they got molasses starting week 5 of bloom. this paticular strain is a light feeder so i actually went very light on the feeding. I was proportionally more generous with the big bloom than the tiger bloom. looking back i could have probably fed more but not too shabby. they should be ready in about a week or so.
Do you need to flush your plants before harvest when using Grow Big - Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom ?