My very first plant ever.


Well-Known Member
set up.jpgplant side.jpgearwig damage.jpgcurled leaves.jpgHello, I'm Kaleb and this is my first child.

I decided to use CFLs because I had no other option (broke as hell and already had the lights) so these are the specs...

2-100w CFLs (1)26w cool white (no box to list the spectrum temp) (1) 23w soft white (2700k)

the child is inside a tinfoiled aquarium, has a fan blowing on it to strengther the stem and remove heat.

The top of the plant is roughly 3-4 inches from the lights and has survived aphids and earwigs and now has tiny pin holes appearing in the older leaves.

I have gone over the plant with a x10 magnifying glass and I can't find so much as a mite on it.

I'm using half strength all purpose miracle grow (24-8-16) with micronutrients.

I don't know what to do, this is a first for me and i'm doing what I can to save this plant after the bug trauma(earwigs are fucking nasty)

The new growth at the crown is comming in twisted, I have no idea if that's normal or not, a friend had spotted the original bug problem (aphids) by the turning leaves when I had this outside on the deck so I brought it in to heal. that's when the earwig decided he wanted a salad.

so here's my set up, some pictures of the child and the lighting set up if you can call it that.

just noticed the leaves seem kind of papery too and a bit crusty.

So i'm doing something wrong but have no idea what.

Please help
First, Welcome to RIU. I thought I would try my best to offer some fair advice and guidance. I have got many years of growing expierence and wont lead you in the wrong direction. However, I will say take it for what its worth to you. Just cause it works for me, it may not work for everyone. I am a Organic Smoke person. However, I know how it is to be growing on a really strict budget and with limited to no resources.

For the Veg phase of your plant. I recommed that you use 6500K. The greater majority of your lighting in veg should be in the 6500K temp. range. Moreso, the closer you can get them the better. This will prevent plant stretching. However, not so close that it burns your plants. 2-3 inches above the plant is sufficent.

As far as Nutrients and Ferts are concerned. THROW OUT THE MIRACLE GROW GARBAGE! I think that the greater majority of growers WILL agree that While Miracle Grow is great on my Vegtable Garden, THEY SUCK FOR CANNABIS. You are better off NOT using any nutrients, in my opinion, than to use Miracle Grow. I would recommend Products such as Roots organic or Fox Farms or even Humboldt Nutrients if you can afford them.

*** Get the TINFOIL Out of there. Tin foil is very very bad for cannabis cultivation. It creates "hotspots" that can and will burn your plant. If you can afford it, get a product called MYLAR OR PANDAFILM. If not, try to paint the walls white, or put up white paper. Its way may reflective, and not damaging at all to your plant.

Also, I am not sure what kind of soil you are using but it doesnt look all that great. You are going to need a medium that provides good drainage but can retain moisture real well. Something like Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Happy Frog is a GREAT SOIL! However, pro-mix, sunshine and similar peat based soils will work fine. I dont recommend anything Miracle Grow.

PS. If Kaleb Baiden is your real name, I recommend you change that. Personally that information I just wouldnt want to put out there like that. This world is pretty crazy and you never know how that kind of information can be used against you in bad ways.

Feel free to ask any questions. Here, the only stupid question is the one you dont ask. Also, LEARN LEARN LEARN. There is a uber wealth of knowledge on this website. There are many great guides and "how to's" that can make your grow much much better. Good Luck and Welcome to RUI. Peace, Love, and Happiness.
Thank you, I'll switch the lights out for something in the 6000k+ range as soon as I can (I think I might lose the plant anyways)

The tinfoil is gone now

Kalebaiden is definatly not my real name, I stole it from some gamer I was playing against today on Battlefield2

and no miracle grow you say.....with my less than shoe string budget I don't know what I ...........what about building a nutrient solution? I just remembered we did that in college a few months ago as an experiment on beets to show nutrient deficiencies and I remember the components used to build the +all solution (as opposed to one that's -N, -Fe bla bla bla) and I have access to the stuff at the college.

Do you have any suggestions on the pin holes in the leaves or why the leaves are kind of crusty? I don't think it's a nute deficiency because of the miracle grow I alrady put in(unless it's an over dose from a half strength solution)
Hello again. I can say that I HAVE NO EXPIERENCE formulating my own Nutrients. I would think that is why we let these million dollar companies do it. I can assume that there is alot of science going on that is probably far beyond most newbie growers knowledge. But then again, I think we all have a rocket scientist within oneself.

If you cant afford any other nutrients you will being doing yourself a favor in a sense. If you plan on smoking your own grow, at least you dont have to worry about smoking some really nasty nutrients. I am a Organic Guy. I sleep, eat, dress, and smoke organic. I am actually in the process of re insulating my house with Recycled Blue jeans. I am a naturalist. HOWEVER, you can choose not to be. Although, I greatly recommend it to anyone.

When it comes to flowering, I recommend you switch out to the 2700K cfls. I recommend Big Bloom By Fox Farms for flowering. Its all Organic and you really cant nutrient burn with this product. Its about 20 bucks a bottle. That should be sufficent enough for flowering. For veg just feed her some distilled, spring, or reverse osmosis water. Stay clear of tap water. While Cannabis does need "food" or nutrients, its WAYYYY overated. This industry is saturated with ever kind of chemical this and fertilizer that. YOU THINK THAT CANNABIS got Advanced Nutrients 3500 years ago??? No, if anything they used naturally occuring, organic material to feed basic nutrients to them ( NPK)

As far as the pin holes go, thats kind of hard diagnoses. It could be bugs, the nutrients( most prob. suspect) but its hard to say, FOR SURE. She looks okay, and she will be fine. Its like children, got to raise and nurture. Learning from our mistakes is all we can do brotha! Take a breath, smoke a joint, and like Bob Marley once said " Everything gonna be alright"
Again, please feel free to ask anything...well anything to do with cannabis cultivation :) Peace, Love and Happiness!
Thanks, I'm letting the soil dry now and then i'll be switching to non-flouridated chlorine free water. I have some experience with creating a nutrient solution but it's completely chemical(except for the chelated iron) and like you said, I could probably grow a nice plant without it. The soil was a good organic mix from <insert random store> and the seeds came from a giant tupperware bin of ancient dried really seedy stuff found in the back woods of no where(I had to take a few seeds, but left the persons bin of bud)

My talents and specialties lay in environmental science, research and technology specificly (2nd year of 4) hence the nutrient solution building capability.

here's the new set up and a couple extra pics.

new set up.jpgshowing some damage.jpgplant again.jpg
Looking better brotha! I am not sure what object you have surrounding your plant, but out of curiosity, what is it? Maybe something for you to post up some mylar, or maybe white paper for time being. I would also make sure to use multiple layers of paper if that is your plan. Just to make sure you are reflecting instead of absorbing the greater majority of light would just pass through a single layer of white paper.
the plant is sitting inside an upright aquarium with paper lining the inside, a fan is circulating air so nothing burns or gets to a stressful stage and inside the aquarium is the plant on a box and a few books to raise it up to the lights. as the plant grows I remove some books untill it gets tall enough to start lowering the lights to it(the lamp fixtures i'm using can only bend down so much)
Hey if it works, dont fix it, at least that was what I was told. I actually enjoying watching other people try their best to grow. You can really learn alot from people in your shoes. It really does inspire the creative side of all of us. Im with ya for the ride brotha! Ive already learned something new, thanks for the knowledge...hopefully you can get something same or similar out of the whole expierence.

Peace, Love and Happiness
Lol, I couldn't resist changing the set up a bit more.

I moved the whole set up deeper into the closet, took out the clothes and positioned everything so it fit nicely with lots of room for circulation.

removed another book, added more paper layers, itching to water it but everything I read says don't do it till the soil is dry-ish(will over watering make the leaves turn papery and crusty?)
and finally added a closet cover in the form of a gyprock sheet, leaving a 4 inch x 3 feet space at the top so heat can escape but I can sleep without light in my face.

I'm running a 24h light with the plant untill I can pick up a timer and the better lights (good/bad or doesnt matter with a 6 inch plant?)
Okay, Gonna try my best to awnser everything, but I am wickedly fried out me mind.

1. Will over watering cause leaves to turn papery and crusty? IMO, No. Typically overwater will not cause those symptoms. I would'nt stress the conditions of the leaves at this point. You have made good adjustments to aid the plant on a rebound. I am starting to question at what temp your closet is at, and/or if you are getting adequate fresh air exchange.

2. Lightining schedule for a plant is veg is very debatable and not a exact science. Some prefer 24/7 lights, some prefer 18/6. I am on the 18/6 bandwagon for several reasons. Its more natural for the plant. Its is a similar light schedule that cannabis would recieve if they were grown outdoors. Moreso, it is nice to save some $ on electric bill. Lastly, I believe a plant in veg needs and/or can utilize some down time or rest periods. However, until you get a timer, I would recommend running whatever is the least likey to fuck up and mess up your plant.

3. Watering. Most newbies do tend to make the mistake of overwatering when they first begin to grow. I water every 3-4 days. Typically 4 days. Drying out the roots, actually promotes further and deeper root development. The roots will shoot deeper in a mission to seek water. Also, for future reference, if and when you start to feed Flowering Nuts. I water one week and feed the other. Making sure to still follow the 3-4 day period.

4. I would also recommend you trying to pick up a PH meter of some assortment to measure and stay on top of your soils PH as well as your waters PH. However, I understand what a tight budget is all about.

Wow, I cant believe I actually got all that out in that manner. I outta my mind baked. About 16 or so bongs, and two amazingly huge joints have buried me. I look really asian with a slight case of head nod :) BUT ITS ALL GOOD!!! IM MCLOVIN IT!

Peace, Love and Happiness
Welcome, I think you will be fine moving it inside to finish her growth...Depending on how long it was out side? for 24/0....I would suggest 18/6 for a couple weeks and slowly progress over to flowering when time is suited.
Welcome, I think you will be fine moving it inside to finish her growth...Depending on how long it was out side? for 24/0....I would suggest 18/6 for a couple weeks and slowly progress over to flowering when time is suited.

WHOA WHOA WHOA, I know I really high right now, but did I miss something? I dont recall your plant ever being outdoors at all. Moreso, I have always just switched them from 18/6 to 12/12 when it comes time to flowering without a single problem or bad result.
WHOA WHOA WHOA, I know I really high right now, but did I miss something? I dont recall your plant ever being outdoors at all. Moreso, I have always just switched them from 18/6 to 12/12 when it comes time to flowering without a single problem or bad result.

I may be wrong man, he said it was on the deck..but maybe only for checking it out under sun light...idk..
WHOA WHOA WHOA, I know I really high right now, but did I miss something? I dont recall your plant ever being outdoors at all. Moreso, I have always just switched them from 18/6 to 12/12 when it comes time to flowering without a single problem or bad result.

i wish i was really high right now, LoL. i believe switching the lights to 12/12 is what starts the flowering process in a non-auto flowering plant, which in turns starts the showing sex process, does that make sence, LoL. i switched my to 12/12 at 15 days and they showed sex at day 28/29. the pics are of my plants at day 15 when i switched, day 28 when she showed sex, and day 40, today.


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I'll keep it on the 24 schedual untill I get the timer then switch to an 18/6, the plant originally started outdoors in a pot of Iris's but was attacked by aphids so I dug it up and brought it inside, there the earwig munched it a bit, I signed up to the site, saught some help and been here ever since.

Now that everyones had the readers digest version of the story of Potty McPlanterson the 1st I have my first good news announcement about Potty, He grew a whole inch!

I moved him down an inch yesterday cause I thought he was feeling a bit crusty and I just had to do it again because it was too close to the light, it's also getting little leaves in the branching crotchs and I think my baby just may survive!
See, I told you, Potty is on the path of recover and lush growth :) Your baby will survive brotha! Its all mental. Just have the faith, we got your back. Bongs to You!!

Peace, Love and Happiness
Just checked, the papery leaves feel like leafy soft plant again (with little prickles)

I think i'm going to be able to switch out the lights within the next few days and have a timer, I found some bright white paint and a clean brush in the shed here so i'll be painting the closet that nice, bright shiny white soon too.

I noticed alot of people using a lightbulb to pulg in adapters with Y splitters hooked up to powerstrips. Is this safe to do or is it a fire hazard? (last thing I want to do is cook my baby again)
I noticed alot of people using a lightbulb to pulg in adapters with Y splitters hooked up to powerstrips. Is this safe to do or is it a fire hazard? (last thing I want to do is cook my baby again)

yes, there safe, just use a zip-tie to hold them in around the powerstrip and over the Y. there only a couple dollars or so each at home depot or lowes.


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