My very first plant ever.

Simple search om google came up with this:

Hemp is grown in rows one to two inches apart. The plants are grown very close together and shoot up toward the sky till they are taller then full grown men. They have a woody core and are stiff and hard to walk through. Marijuana on the other hand is grown with lots of room to bush out.
The only difference is the method in wich they are grown. hemp is grown for fibers. These fibers are famous for there strength, durability. Researchers say it would take an acre on hemp to get high.

So after 4 days of 12/12 lighting, alot of LST torture, redirecting growth horemones 4 times (topping), this is what I have.

There's a problem, the leaf end tips are turning black, the leaflet that looked like it was starting to suffer (-N) never recovered <I didn't know if it was supposed to>

one leaf looks like it got light burn (that's what I get for forgetting I own a plant for 4 days)


These pics are taken of leaf/stem crotch areas after the 4 days of 12/12 lighting, I don't know if anything is happening but they look weirdish?

I found a package of light house plant food stakes (little, white, low numbers) so I broke off a 1 cm section of one of them, added it and some very warm water to a old water bottle and shook the living shit out of it untill the piece of fertalizer stick was half disolved. I then let the waster sit (24 hours) to remove the chlorine and added it today. Hopefully what evers wrong will fix itself in a few days but if anyone knows whats going on with my baby i'd be really happy to know in case i'm doing something wrong.
No shit man, next time start a few so you have better odds of getting a girl. Sometimes you can get lucky but more often then not if you only try one it will let you down.
Well this was definatly a learning experience........I learned that I spent a bunch of money I never should have spent on lights that i'm not going to use and ferts that would have killed my plant and faught with the landlord over the right to do whatever I wanted in my basement as long as I wasn't killing anyone.......this fucking blows
Well ladies and gentlemen, thus marks the end of Potty McPotterson. He will be turned into salad this afternoon with an orange poppyseed dressing.