17 acres!!


our land has just been clearcut. what would you do with about 15 acres, as far as an outdoor grow is concerned?


Well-Known Member
Is it cleared like open-cleared so people can see? or an area was cleared leaving you with 17 acres. Mate if i had 17 acres i would get some good strains together and start pollinating them to get as many seeds as you can of high quality dank. Start a bud farm.


Well-Known Member
Just been thinking about this. You will need some good irrigation or an extremely long hose if you plant to go all out on this.


Well-Known Member
never grow on your own property. cause if something goes down, your to blame. if its on someone else's property its not your ass, kinda selfish but better their ass than mine!


Well-Known Member
never grow on your own property. cause if something goes down, your to blame. if its on someone else's property its not your ass, kinda selfish but better their ass than mine!
You grow on someone elses property? How so? Im pretty sure you still liable. You would be where i live anyway. Aiding/Involved in the act cultivation of cannabis plant. But whatever gives you peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
our land has just been clearcut. what would you do with about 15 acres, as far as an outdoor grow is concerned?
I suggest you look into growing commercial switch-grass. Along the edges plant a few small patches of your favorite. Anyone asks you anything, say it is volunteer. Happens around here all the time. Pigs can't get rid of all the ditch-weed. They are not even concerned about you plowing it up. Just go easy with it.


Well-Known Member
posession is 9/10th of the law where im from. i mean if u get caught in the act of course. but if leo shows up out of nowhere when ur nowhere around, its the property owners ass.


Well-Known Member
True. Smart thinking. I would get sick of missioning it there to care for them. But is completely understandable why you would.


its not really my property, we just live here, but i would still be accountable if anything went down. i want to do about thirty plants outdoor this year, even though my property is completely clear, we have woods all around and no neighbors close enough to see into our yard. we do have the fly overs every year though, not too familiar with how they work, but was planning on doing single plants spaced far apart and spread around the property, are single plants detectable from the air? i also figure that by springtime there will be plenty of new underbrush growth to disquise them. lmk what you think


Well-Known Member
plant somthing around the field and grow ganja in the middle. dont want to grow too much, in case awt goes wrong. try a section of field this year and if your successfull, then grow more the next year. but you dont need many outdoor plants to bring in the money, start vegging now like fdd. and then youll have many forrests.
good luck with what ever you do.

Mob Barely

Active Member
Grow hemp for seed and fibre legally and then do what hardly anyone does yet and make hemp seed oil in large quantities.
This would make you rich


Well-Known Member
if it would make him rich, then why arnt all the farmers doing it.
in england, there having to grow crops for car fuel, why dont they just grow hemp?.


plant somthing around the field and grow ganja in the middle. dont want to grow too much, in case awt goes wrong. try a section of field this year and if your successfull, then grow more the next year. but you dont need many outdoor plants to bring in the money, start vegging now like fdd. and then youll have many forrests.
good luck with what ever you do.
how many plants would you suggest to get about six pounds dry? also i wanted alot not really for the yield, but for the strain diversity. and what what do you suggest planting as a cover crop?


Grow hemp for seed and fibre legally and then do what hardly anyone does yet and make hemp seed oil in large quantities.
This would make you rich
from what i understand, that is also illegal here, will have to look into it. that would be a cool start to my real goal of growing pot for a legal living in america. gotta move to cali.

Mob Barely

Active Member
where can you buy hemp seed oil for personal use
this is why is say this as its nowhere really
even unpotent hemp oil has healing properties and is very good for you
i would like to use it as olive oil is used
olive oil is a trillion dollar industry
hemp oil is a new industry
the fibre can be used as well
let em seed and crush those seeds


Well-Known Member
how many plants would you suggest to get about six pounds dry? also i wanted alot not really for the yield, but for the strain diversity. and what what do you suggest planting as a cover crop?
id grow corn round the sides, it quite tall.
and id do 30 40 plants, a full season growing out doors, i dont know how much a plant would yeald, depending on strain,ect. id say 15 to 20 oz a plant. but fdd or lacy would be the ones to ask. about outdoor yeilds. what did you think of the vid?.


where can you buy hemp seed oil for personal use
this is why is say this as its nowhere really
even unpotent hemp oil has healing properties and is very good for you
i would like to use it as olive oil is used
olive oil is a trillion dollar industry
hemp oil is a new industry
the fibre can be used as well
let em seed and crush those seeds
i like your way of thinking, if it is legal, it is a low competition market...def worth looking into