First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider


Well-Known Member
I didn't have any problems. 2 of my 5 diesel ryders wouldn't drop their shells so i just gently took them off and then they were fine, plus one of them was a runt and about half the hight of the others and after just one week its the same size as the others.
I have had 100% success rate with nirvana master kush.
I usually help em shed the shell also.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure i got some duds....i know it was only that seed,started another at the same time and its growing great.germed and started them the same way.nirvana is a great site,nifty selection,just not a fan of the short rider deisel rider is kicking ass tho.if i start anymore short riders,think i might crack the shell just a tad


Well-Known Member
pretty sure i got some duds....i know it was only that seed,started another at the same time and its growing great.germed and started them the same way.nirvana is a great site,nifty selection,just not a fan of the short rider deisel rider is kicking ass tho.if i start anymore short riders,think i might crack the shell just a tad
Yeah i love my diesels too.
Dont try to open the seed a little until the seedling sprouts btw.


Well-Known Member
well..until this strain...never had that problem,they normally sprout without the shell..but not these,they are dirty lil bastids


Well-Known Member
can check my grow journal on here...growing short rider and diesel riders...its sad watching them side by side.but not too worried...placing a new seed order the short bitch is getting ripped up


Well-Known Member
hey folks...jumping in on this one kinda late.ill try to lend a hand when i can..but.first for the short rider strain..i hate it.all the beans i got from nirvana was crap...the seed casings seem to not like coming off,so they are 10 days in and no growth since it sprouted.and ive heard a lot of bad things about the strain.but as for what you got going..looks great so for putting them on 12/12 i wouldnt...yet..changing their light cycle now might make it go hermi,stress isnt good..even if its little stress.and they are autoflowering...but not a stable auto strain yet.the only time you will get a autoflowering strain to sex in 3-4 weeks is to get a stable strain...joint doctor has some good ones.and as for cloning...thats a big no no for autoflowering strains.from what ive seen and heard its not good for the plants and the clones hardly make it due to its set growing cycle..but never say never.try it and if dont work..your not out too much..just dont take a bunch of clippings...that will really throw off its flowering cycle
Welcome,thanks for stopping in and thanks for the help! From all the stuff I've read I probably wouldn't buy this strain again but one thing I can say is that 9/10 germed and they did grow really slow at first, specially the outdoor ones I have going. Other than that for my first grow they have done pretty decent.. There starting to look really nice so hopefully I get a female out of one so I can see what kind of bud it produces. I've read a lot of mixed reviews on the bud but for the most part it seems like it should be pretty decent.
I will definitely wait at least till week 7 to drop them to 12/12 but any longer than that they might get out of control. I was thinking the same thing as far as the cloning goes but I have some other plants I can practice cloning on, so I'll probably wait on cloning the SR's. I've read the same thing about cloining auto's but if these aren't true stable auto's would that be an exception?

can check my grow journal on here...growing short rider and diesel riders...its sad watching them side by side.but not too worried...placing a new seed order the short bitch is getting ripped up
I'll drop in there an give it a look!

LOL smelly's gonna have like twenty posts to read.
Sorry smelly
Its all good, I don't mind gives me something to read lol..


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd throw up a couple pics of the outdoor plants. "This was around week 3 from germ"

1st pic) You can see the lower leaves where killed
2nd pic) Trimmed up.
3rd pic) Other SR pretty healthy besides being stunted from the transplant..

4th pic) Around 6 weeks, they'll be 8 weeks this friday.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey treeZ, something else about the autos, if you clone them, they will still be the same age as the plant you take them from as they have a set lifespan, just something to think about. so if they are late in thier lifespan, it wont be worth it, again, check it out, just dont want to see ya wasting time with it, but may still be worth a try. maybe someone else knows if im correct?


Well-Known Member
Yea I've read the same thing, I wasn't even considering it until they decided not to autoflower, "hopefully their just late.." I don't think I'm going to waste my time anyway, I put in my order from attitude so after this it will probably be on to the next:) Then I'll worry about cloning.


Well-Known Member
Welcome,thanks for stopping in and thanks for the help!
thats why we make these get help,advice...and a little ego boost.just dont take everything said as the only truth.every grow is different,some things work for some,somethings work for many variables involved when growing.take all the advice given and make choices based on what works best for you.i could do a grow here and it work fine..but go 300 miles north and try to grow the same way and would have different outcomes.find what systems and tricks works best for me ive seen some idiots post things on this site that should get them dragged naked thru a cornfield...and people follow what they say...and look confused when their plant is a pile of crusty brown the guy that was telling people to piss on their plants...epic fail..lets just hope he dont breed...weed or children
and as for cloning...this being a new strain,and obviously unstable,give it a try,i would think that not too much testing has been done on this strain as it comes to cloning...even if they say autoflowers are not good for might work out great..if it works for you i might do the do it then pass then info along..but my short rider is a dirty non growing whore at the moment


Well-Known Member

You have some great points. I will see how they do in the next week and if they still don't show, I'll give a few clones a shot.

I read through your journal, DR looks great and I see what you mean about those little whores lol.. Hopefully it'll change around for you, let us know what happens though for sure! If they don't grow I would get in touch with nirvana, from what I hear there usually pretty good about sending out replacements.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thats why we make these get help,advice...and a little ego boost.just dont take everything said as the only truth.every grow is different,some things work for some,somethings work for many variables involved when growing.take all the advice given and make choices based on what works best for you.i could do a grow here and it work fine..but go 300 miles north and try to grow the same way and would have different outcomes.find what systems and tricks works best for me ive seen some idiots post things on this site that should get them dragged naked thru a cornfield...and people follow what they say...and look confused when their plant is a pile of crusty brown the guy that was telling people to piss on their plants...epic fail..lets just hope he dont breed...weed or children
and as for cloning...this being a new strain,and obviously unstable,give it a try,i would think that not too much testing has been done on this strain as it comes to cloning...even if they say autoflowers are not good for might work out great..if it works for you i might do the do it then pass then info along..but my short rider is a dirty non growing whore at the moment
you are so right dj, im a crew chief for a race team here in florida, and i've always lived by the same words, i always listen to what everybody says to do and "weed" out the good info and throw out the bullshit, thats why me and my driver have over 150 feature wins and 6 track champioships. good words man.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~

You have some great points. I will see how they do in the next week and if they still don't show, I'll give a few clones a shot.

I read through your journal, DR looks great and I see what you mean about those little whores lol.. Hopefully it'll change around for you, let us know what happens though for sure! If they don't grow I would get in touch with nirvana, from what I hear there usually pretty good about sending out replacements.

I wrote Nirvana and explained that my Short Riders are 3 feet tall and showing no sex and Alice said that was very Odd but would resend

my order free of charge. Since then one plant turned out to be male, the rest arent doing anything but growing tall and pretty.

So yea you should get replacement seeds with ease bro.


Well-Known Member
I wrote Nirvana and explained that my Short Riders are 3 feet tall and showing no sex and Alice said that was very Odd but would resend

my order free of charge. Since then one plant turned out to be male, the rest arent doing anything but growing tall and pretty.

So yea you should get replacement seeds with ease bro.
Nice good looking out.


Well-Known Member
I wrote Nirvana and explained that my Short Riders are 3 feet tall and showing no sex and Alice said that was very Odd but would resend

my order free of charge. Since then one plant turned out to be male, the rest arent doing anything but growing tall and pretty.

So yea you should get replacement seeds with ease bro.
Thats good to know! If these turn out decent I'll be happy but its nice knowing that they will hook you up if things arn't right on their part!


Well-Known Member
i would do that myself...but i ordered them from worldwide..they wont honor any beans bought from another place..even though they are nirvana seeds..and ofcourse they say they are not to be germinated blah blah blah