Whats wrong with them? pics

Its about 3 months old from seed, its about 2 feet cause i used fluorescent light for most of its life till switched to outside feed it fish emulsion every 3 days, should i switch to master bloom or add the fish emulsion still to make it veg?


decided to just cut off the leaves that had the orange stuff on it, it was spreading all over. I'll post what the problem was if i find out so if someone has the same problem
the orange spots came back heard it could be rust, i cut the leaves off, does anybody know whether you should cut the whole leaf including the stem, or just the parts of the leaf that are damaged, anyone know the name of those also?


A Pound of Cure:
(1) Remove all of the damaged leaves (only rust fungus damage) and destroy
(2) Spray plants with a sulfur-based fungicide
(3) Pray, out loud, over the plants

An Ounce of Prevention:
(1) Do not overwater the plants
(2) Water in the morning
(3) Do not splash the leaves
(4) Keep soil off of the leaves
(5) Check your environment to ensure air flow is good and nothing can drip on the plants, etc.


Well-Known Member
A Pound of Cure:
(1) Remove all of the damaged leaves (only rust fungus damage) and destroy
(2) Spray plants with a sulfur-based fungicide
(3) Pray, out loud, over the plants

An Ounce of Prevention:
(1) Do not overwater the plants
(2) Water in the morning
(3) Do not splash the leaves
(4) Keep soil off of the leaves
(5) Check your environment to ensure air flow is good and nothing can drip on the plants, etc.
yup! sounds about right