60 Plant Grow Setup

at least i just built a bigger space so i can go alot onger without worry. Thats about personal need also. Space, how to harvest are you doing it all at once, ect?
if you have the time and the height than go for as long of a veg as you can, but 21 might be enough, only time will tell :P
Longer you veg the bigger the plants. more buds. if you got enough light. Wait till they are about a foot to 2 feet tall. Just my opinion
today is day 10 of veg. Many plants are between 8"-13" inches. Here are many pics of the plants. I watered them 2 days ago with food and today I re-watered them with just plain PH water. I am planing to use nutes every other watering. What are your thughts? Please look at some of the close-up pics. I have noticed that many of the leaves appear to look droopy:cry:. What does this mean???











Im hoping some of them will get to 2 feet within a week. What do you think? They are probably going to go through a bit of stress tomorrow because I will be soaking them top to bottom with floromite (Kindof like avid) again. I did it 5 days ago. I havn't seen another spidermite but I do see many eggs and am wondering if the first spray killed the eggs or are they goona hatch. I think it;s smart to spray them again to be safe. Theres a lot of leaves now so it will probable take about 6 hours to do all 60. Pretty hard to get the back side of all those leaves.. Do you guys agree that I should spray them again. Floromite is suppose to be some pretty strong shit...
Sorry, no advice on the spider mites because I've never had to deal with them (cross fingers). Seems like besides them, the plants are looking nice. Good luck to you and Happy New Year! I'll be watching.
Im hoping some of them will get to 2 feet within a week. What do you think? They are probably going to go through a bit of stress tomorrow because I will be soaking them top to bottom with floromite (Kindof like avid) again. I did it 5 days ago. I havn't seen another spidermite but I do see many eggs and am wondering if the first spray killed the eggs or are they goona hatch. I think it;s smart to spray them again to be safe. Theres a lot of leaves now so it will probable take about 6 hours to do all 60. Pretty hard to get the back side of all those leaves.. Do you guys agree that I should spray them again. Floromite is suppose to be some pretty strong shit...

i'd spray them again.

did you lower your lights?
One of my most favorite journals:mrgreen:

much agreed this grow is consistantly logged even though its the only one he plans to do in the current dwelling. I love the fact that he is putting this much love to his plants, it show the dedication that he is willing to give up.
do me a favor.....never give up growing trenton.
I can relate to that picture of you with your feet. Just maxin out, checkin the veiw. Really nice grow. Hope your yield is as impressive as the amount of plants you have.
I can relate to that picture of you with your feet. Just maxin out, checkin the veiw. Really nice grow. Hope your yield is as impressive as the amount of plants you have.

saw that and thought. i would never put a single chair in the room. EVER. just because that is the BEST way to watch the plants grow. i do that outdoors but dont worry about it indoors. my indoor room is more like a machine to me. well oiled and pumps out the product like an assembly line. but when i get out in nature and get down to my real roots is when im happy. miles away from everyone (and a single watt of electricity) with nothing but but me and my plants. (and some dried bud too of course:mrgreen:)
Well it lookx like the floromite did not seem to damage them very much, and they were much younger when you first sprayed them. So, I would think that you won't see any neg. effects if you do "exactly" what you did the first time....GL and looks like great growth...Are you going to take any of your lower branches off? This is a common tech. to create better air flow under the canopy, and you can also use them for clones to get anther batch going...Like I said before, you can have a few harvest with the time you have...
I know someone else mentioned this, you should dip them in whatever solution you are spraying them with.

They are small enough to dip still, you can't do this later and I've heard its very effective.

You can also feed them neem oil... I wonder if its bad to do this to plants on a regular basis just to avoid mites all together... but that would be me just being paranoid.

Good luck... bugs are a bitch
looking really good, im well jelous.
when are you going to put them into flower, id do it now , cos them plants are going to get bigger and wider, and will be harder to keep upto, if they get to big, unless you have bags of time every day.
they look good what ever your doing. keep it up
I am currently looking into making a sonic device that mites hate just like a cat/rat sonic repeller.
The sonic frequencies will make sure you never get any mites coming in and if they do they will soon leave.
When i find the right frequencies i let you all know.
Testing is done with an infested tomoato plants to see which ultra sonics they hate.
Before i get shot to bits for saying this mites have loads of minute hairs all over the body if we can get them to constantly buzz so to speak they will hate it just as we would hate it to have to listen to high pitch noise 24/7.
thanks may never even work but i am trying it anyway if anyone else wants to try all you need is a small speaker that emits ultra sonics attached to any output and some software to produce and test frequencies
i have been able to cause them to scatter and reduce breeding i am yet to see them all evacuate a plant
many frequencies to try yet maybe about 27 million but i am hoping that it wont require an exact pulse just one in a certain sonic range
I will be spraying the plants today with floromite again. The lights are at 28" above the plants. Should I raise the lights all the way up to the ceiling for a few hours while I saturate the hell out of the leaves???
Also, Mob Barely, That is one great idea you have with the spider mites. If a frequency will work. Make a device, patent it, and market it. It could make millions. I could help on this pm me if you wish.. Please let me know if you think I should raise the lights for spraying..