60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
6th day of veg and here are some photos of the plants. I took a couple close ups of a couple plants that seem to have problems not related to growth but to the leaves. They are turing yellow on the edges of the leaves and starting to feel crispy. Please give advice. Thanks. Also, Sorry my camera sucks.



Well-Known Member
Soap based spray you can use as often as you like i think.
Might be an idea seeing as you have invested so much to buy some mycorihazea fungus to create mass roots quickly which always helps clones that are flagging:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok the spider mites still arnt dead. I sprayed each plant throughly and this floromite stuff is suppose to be extremely potent. So, what can I use on an everyday basis???


Well-Known Member
probably the mites doing the damage to the leaves.....but i wouldn't be too worries they look super healthy....just nuke those mites..


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I just spent a couple hours spraying every plant top to bottom with floromite (very similiar is avid, I believe). I am going to the hardware store in a little bit to buy a magnefying glass and will check to see if there are any active spider mites in a few hours. Updated pics, I will take some now and post them within 10 minutes. Also, I know that AVid or floromite is very powerfull stuff that is known to kill both the spider mites and the eggs, but what else can I use on an every other day routine that is organic and will kill spider mites and will not harm the plants regardless of how much I use and how often I use it. Thanks.

Neem oil with alittle dish soap, make sure that you ph the solution....When in the light cycle are you spraying? You can use a green light to go into your room when the lights are off. Is your room still HOT? It looks like it..


Well-Known Member
.When in the light cycle are you spraying? You can use a green light to go into your room when the lights are off.
I asked my mate who claims to be a qualified landscape gardener with degrees in horticulture if green lights are ok. He said that the spectrum bandwidth of the specific green required to not reintroduce the photo period is very narrow. Unless you can get the right green, he says one will decrease their yield. I wonder how moonlight affects photo period???


Well-Known Member
this is an interesting question....I looked into it very briefly....and was most intrigued by the fact that with in any one moon cycle, there are really only twelve days with darkness....while the other days would prolly have some registerable light....wavelegths/intensity/variation in duration....interesting aspects for sure!:blsmoke:
I asked my mate who claims to be a qualified landscape gardener with degrees in horticulture if green lights are ok. He said that the spectrum bandwidth of the specific green required to not reintroduce the photo period is very narrow. Unless you can get the right green, he says one will decrease their yield. I wonder how moonlight affects photo period???


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone. I have made it through week 1 (7days) of the veg stage. All 60 plants look prety damn good. Today I watered them adding some nutrients. I used a product called big bloom and grow big. Both reccomended by fox farms. My tallest plants are 10"-11". The average height is 6"-8". Is this ok for only 7 days so far. They are of course under 24/7 light. Again, the strains are sour diesel, grape ape, purple urkle, and green crack... I lowered the 4 1000 watts HPS light to 36" above the plants today. Is this OK???? If all goes well I expect a lot of growth for week 2.Thanks


Well-Known Member
Yea Man Your Way Good.....just Keep Doing It Just How You Are Doing It..your Being Real Cautious And Paying Close Attention So They Are Going To Turn Out Gooood..


Well-Known Member
Thanks CaliGrown, I work out of my home so I am able to give the plants the attention they deserve. I don't mind spending a few hours a day or more with them. I think I might have the spidermites somewhat under control. I am going to use the floromite every 5 days for a couple weeks. This should kill the eggs and all. I will keep you all posted. I will post pics in thee next couple days unlessI have more problems of course.


Well-Known Member
spider mites love warm temps and low humidity.... to keep them undercontrol i simply spray them a few times a day with RO water, take a wash clothe and gently rub the bottem of every leaflet where the eggs are. keep em wet at this point and dont water the soil too often in the first two weeks or so. you will gain an incredible root structure. do you have superthrive? i would also get some milk crates and get those tables off the floor. and i would also put the lights as close to the plants as possible... becareful using the fox farm nutes in conjunction with ocean forest, the soil is rich to begin with.. peace and happy grow


Well-Known Member
SK3TCH3 thanks for the adivce. Hopefully no harm will be done with mixing the nutes but if i see a negative change I will back off right away. The temp in the room is stable at 75' and the humidity is at only 30%. Tomorrow I am going to put a humidifier in front of the intake fan to try to raise the humidity to 60-70% this will help to kill off the spider mites, correct? Of course this is a bit high and will only be done temporarily...