17 acres!!

Mob Barely

Active Member
from what i understand, that is also illegal here, will have to look into it. that would be a cool start to my real goal of growing pot for a legal living in america. gotta move to cali.
you can get a licence to produce unpotent hemp for fibre and oil but i dont knoa about your state laws


id grow corn round the sides, it quite tall.
and id do 30 40 plants, a full season growing out doors, i dont know how much a plant would yeald, depending on strain,ect. id say 15 to 20 oz a plant. but fdd or lacy would be the ones to ask. about outdoor yeilds. what did you think of the vid?.
just finished watching the whole thing, that is the most beautiful grow i have ever seen..like a christmas tree farm. wish that was possible in the "land of the free", wtf country is that in?


id grow corn round the sides, it quite tall.
and id do 30 40 plants, a full season growing out doors, i dont know how much a plant would yeald, depending on strain,ect. id say 15 to 20 oz a plant. but fdd or lacy would be the ones to ask. about outdoor yeilds. what did you think of the vid?.
woulnt mj be obvious from the air in a crop of corn? i was thinking of putting a few with some pepper bushes in my garden. im sure you've seen land clearcut before, i was thinking that the outrageous underbrush that grows up right away would be perfect cover in the parts of the property that i am not using currently.


Well-Known Member
posession is 9/10th of the law where im from. i mean if u get caught in the act of course. but if leo shows up out of nowhere when ur nowhere around, its the property owners ass.
Posession is 9/10ths here as well. But, volunteer ditch-weed on a functioning farm, is not "in posession". If you cut, bale, and process, it is in posession.

But that could be different in other states. Perhaps even different counties in the same state.

Where I live, anything in corn rows, other than corn, gets attention. Cannabis found in a vegitable garden is a huge issue. A patch of free growing, "volunteer" ditch-weed, beside a tilled field does not get any notice. You want thirty plants? That would be easy. A couple small volunteer patches somewhere in the back and to the side.


Sector 5 Moderator
If you have flyovers it would not be a good thing to grow there. Even a single plant can be spotted with their IR scopes; they are seeing heat signatures and it must stand out pretty good. I saw a vid on YouTube where cops in Tennessee had spotted one plant or maybe it was a couple or so but they were spread out at least. It was in a huge field and blended in with the local flora and fauna. To our eyes you can hide them but when you look thru IR equipment it's a whole nuther world.


If you have flyovers it would not be a good thing to grow there. Even a single plant can be spotted with their IR scopes; they are seeing heat signatures and it must stand out pretty good. I saw a vid on YouTube where cops in Tennessee had spotted one plant or maybe it was a couple or so but they were spread out at least. It was in a huge field and blended in with the local flora and fauna. To our eyes you can hide them but when you look thru IR equipment it's a whole nuther world.
do you have a link? i didn't think it was that sensitve, that kinda sucks


Well-Known Member
do you have a link? i didn't think it was that sensitve, that kinda sucks
Try calling the sherrif's department, from a pay phone, and ask about some stray weeds along your field that "might be" pot. See what they tell you.

Around here it would be something like this: "Damn stuff. Can't git rid of it. Worse than damn poison ivy. I got some heracide that 'sposed ta kill the stuff. C'mon over and I'll give ya some."

If pot can grow outdoors in your climate, then somebody has a volunteer cannabis "problem". Just find out what the local precedures would be.


Sector 5 Moderator
OMG man, I just did a search in YouTube for "Pot Bust" and got so many hits that it would take days to watch them all. I don't see that particular video but it was from a news cast.


Well-Known Member
could always just grow some , and if you get spotted, just say that you dont use the field, and somone must have put it there. just plant some toms and peppers around your grow, just plant 5 to 10 to start and see how you go. planting loads would be hard to water.
isnt that vid. fucking ace. i think it was in holland. type green godess into google, and they have many vids. there cool. yes its in holland,i think. but the real location is a secret,
and yes i have seen fields, from air and i supose corn around ganja , would stick out like a sore thumb.


Well-Known Member
how early did you vegg that plant, and when did you harvest it, fdd?.btw. happy new year and good growing to you all, keep safe.tell no fucker.smoke loads.