can my neighbor bust me

karl hungus

dude, move those plants...anywhere. i just talked to a friend of mine yesterday who said he was thinking about calling the cops on his neighbor who has some obvious outdoor plants growing in his small yard. he was going to call simply because the people are slobs, and have junk all over their yard...if the guy has a good reason to dislike you, thats all it takes.

dont grow in plain sight, dont beat up your neighbors, and get rid of your plants if you dont want to get busted. theyre either going to get taken by the cops, or your way or another, they arent safe.


Active Member
Rule #1 of growing Be nice to the neighbors but not too nice. I always wave to my neighbors and wish them well on holidays but other than that i stay the fuck away.
Rule #2 of growing: Too many people already know. Reguardless of the situation you should never allow people to find out because you never know when something will happen (ex: you and your neighbor have a spat and you charge him with assault.
Rule #3 Live by the cops, die by the cops. Quit being such a pussy and deal with your problems yourself like a man. If the guy hit you smash him back and call it even. You cant go around calling the cops on peeps because karma is a bitch and when someone has the chance they will get you back one way or another. IF the guy is just plain too big or mean to deal with then either use the aformentioned woodchipper idea or move.


Well-Known Member
dude, move those plants...anywhere. i just talked to a friend of mine yesterday who said he was thinking about calling the cops on his neighbor who has some obvious outdoor plants growing in his small yard. he was going to call simply because the people are slobs, and have junk all over their yard...if the guy has a good reason to dislike you, thats all it takes.

dont grow in plain sight, dont beat up your neighbors, and get rid of your plants if you dont want to get busted. theyre either going to get taken by the cops, or your way or another, they arent safe.
I'd get some different friends.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I always have a couple plants in my yard

Nways he was always cool till sum shit went down now he hates me and plots revenge on me everyday.. I recently heard that he was gunnu call the cops..

they know he hates me cuz I gave him an asault charge..

is there anything he can do to get me in trouble?
you snitched???? hahahahaha expect the same shit!


Well-Known Member
Kill him,
Throw him in the trunk of your car...
Get all your valuables...
Drag him out to the middle of the woods,
Stack his ass up in some old tires, and set his ass on fire with some gasoline...
By the time the cops find him, you will be in Mexico, and his bones would've burned to ash...


LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Kill him,
Throw him in the trunk of your car...
Get all your valuables...
Drag him out to the middle of the woods,
Stack his ass up in some old tires, and set his ass on fire with some gasoline...
By the time the cops find him, you will be in Mexico, and his bones would've burned to ash...



Active Member
dude destroy them something along the lines happened like that to me but not so severe a couple weeks ago im moving in a couple weeks and getting out of here you should do the same


Well-Known Member
For all you know he already has called them and they are now just watching for a bit(or have your neighbor watching you) so you cant try saying you didnt know about them and they are not yours or etc. If they get a picture of u going out and messing with em its pretty much game over fighting it.


Active Member
if the popos come get you and you get brought up on charges... it wont be worth it at all. This is a no brainer man... nothing is worth your freedom and the stigma society holds for felonies is absurd (people really think that marijuana is just as bad as rape or murder in some states depending on how conservative they are). Jealousy and hatred are just tools of the ego to validate doing things to other people to hold them down from getting ahead of others. Dont underestimate it... resentment can start small and build up over time into some jerry springer shit. move that shit indoors or to another part of your property that is concealed from sight or move altogether.

hell id do it for the peace of mind alone. Peace of mind is priceless as well. Also I try to be nice to my neighbors. Help them out with stuff lend them tools etc... always treat others nicely no matter what. even if they put 1 n 1 together and are suspicious i might be growing they dont care much cause im not wreckless about it, always kind to them, and mind my own business.
