K2 Summit.. My reviiew


Well-Known Member
OK I know i am new here, but here is my review.

First off I dont smoke pot, and havent in about 9.5 yrs. Just not that into THC, especially the way it stays in the system for a month because I am in the oilfield and get tested semi regularly.

After about a 2 week cocaine (mainly rock) binge I decided to get a package of this stuff to help me come down and get through the crave stage before sleeping. I bought a 1.5 gr pack for 16.95 at one ofthe head shops here.

Got home and loaded a big pinch into one of my old bowls I fouund laying around at my parents house while visiting. I took 3 very large hits, and was about to take another... but then it hit me. Way faster than I remember MJ hitting me back when I used to toke up. Put the pipe away and went and laid down with my wife (who doesnt know I do any drugs) while she was sleeping.

About 10 minutes later felt very, very high. Had some auditory hallucenations, and was a little worried about accidently talking to myself and waking her up. The lights coming through the blinds (it was 11 am) were changing colors for me and I felt mellow and peacefull all over, which is a hell of an improvement over the normal crave stage. about an hour into it I was kinda freaked out and caught myself not breathing a few times. KNOW IT WAS JUST A HALLUCENATION AND WASNT IN REAL DANGER BUT FOR ABOUT 30 MINUTES FELT LIKE I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF BREATH OR WOULD DIE!!!

after that felt peacefull again and went to sleep about 1 hr 45 min after smoking.

next time I tried it it was a dry try ( I want using anything else beforehand) and it reminded me exactly of a pot high from when I was younger. I even got the muchies afterwords.

The third and last time I have tried it, It was a dry try again. I took about 7 very very heavy tokes and was super super high for about 3 hrs followed by super munchies.

All in all this stuff is more powerful than any pot I ever did smoke. I know theres some real powerfull pot out there now with all the custome growers (i actually have learned alot just browsing these pages) but back when I smoked either that wasnt the case or we just didnt have it in my area because of our closeness to mexico.

I believe I will continue to smoke this on a time to time basis, mainly just to help me go to sleep and jumpsttart my appetite after days of not eating or sleeping.


Well-Known Member
I really like the stuff, serenity now is a lot better than the k2. But nothing beats a fresh bowl of some good ole mj!


Well-Known Member
I really like the stuff, serenity now is a lot better than the k2. But nothing beats a fresh bowl of some good ole mj!
for yall big potheads out there im sure this is true. but for people like myself that cant or dont smoke pot this stuff is a pretty good cheap buzz.


Well-Known Member
NOthing cheap about it man, 20 bucks for 1.5g's isn't cheap. But I do agree its a pretty Damn good buzz. Next time try Ty find the "serenity now" , in a pink bag, its by far the most potent iv found. Also try the magnolia gold, its petty good too.


Well-Known Member
NOthing cheap about it man, 20 bucks for 1.5g's isn't cheap. But I do agree its a pretty Damn good buzz. Next time try Ty find the "serenity now" , in a pink bag, its by far the most potent iv found. Also try the magnolia gold, its petty good too.
thanks for the tip. half the yr i live inak... regular weed goes for forty a gr up there my friends tell me, 10 yrs ago when i smoked in high school, i got mine for 45 an oz... its all perspective lol