Agree 100%. Lots of people will gladly disagree with that logic.
You see plants all the time being pruned, Marijuana is a plant and all it does is grow.
The Chinese bound the feet of female children resulting in deformed feet that were fashionable. Because it was common did that make it good and or better than not binding feet?
The point is not what a light puts out in lumens or distance from plants/leaves/buds but instead that of a plant's ability to absorb and process the light it has access to, to create energy. If leaves are removed the ability to absorb and process light to create energy is reduced and nothing will ever change that fact.
It is like having a home that is 100% solar and in an effort to increase the amount of energy the home's solar system can create someone removes their largest most efficient solar panels.
Addition cannot be performed by subtraction. Redirection of energy will occur in plants when topping and or trimming is performed but what is then being redirected is redirected from a lesser total overall amount of energy. There cannot be an overall net gain of energy creation as a result of reducing a plant's ability to absorb light rays and create and store energy.
A plant has a limited ability to absorb and process light regardless of the source of light or distance from the light. Call the total amount of energy a healthy complete/not trimmed plant can absorb and create for growth 'X.' When healthy leaves are removed that reduces the total amount of light able to be collected, processed and available for growth to say 'P.' So now rather than 'X' energy you have 'P' energy. From 'P' a certain amount will be directed to replace the lost healthy foliage leaving what might be called 'K' amount of energy for the remaining portion of a plant to rely on.
By removing healthy leaves you go from the total amount of energy 'X' to the total amount of energy reduced to 'P' and part of that goes to regain what was removed leaving only 'K' amount of energy for the rest of the plant.
Where is the true gain of energy supposed to be found in an overall amount that has to have been reduced through loss of collection and processing and storage of energy? Regardless of lumens and physics that will never change. This is a situation where botanical science holds the trump card over physics and what is believed to be observed and sensed by someone when they look at their plants and sample them.
Cannabis plants are rough tough plants even though they can give some people fits at times and growing them is as easy as falling off a log but growing them to their full genetic potential is about as easy as peeling a turtle and not many of us ever manage to grow our plants to their full genetic potential.
Since some prefer to attempt to keep a separation between botanical science and cannabis plants they will always see various different methods of growing as being perfectly viable options but in the end it comes down to how close to growing a plant to its full genetic potential is someone satisfied with and is gimmick-growing more important to them than final results only because it appeals to them for some reason and the reasons behind growing that way seem to be logical to them regardless of the facts they refuse to accept?
People will believe something they read or are told that is not actually accurate and if it is questioned by some they will then often times set out to prove their belief to be accurate. When someone does that it is inevitable that their perceived facts will be shaped to fit their previously accepted theory rather than the true facts shaping and creating a valid theory. What they see and sense will only be in many cases exactly what they want to see and sense and any inconvenient facts will be dismissed for being nothing more than a trivial insignificant anomaly.
People are of course free to believe whatever they wish to believe. Myself I would really like to believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the missile shield and strippers with a heart of gold but unfortunately for me since I know certain proven facts I am forced to accept those proven facts and the things I would love to believe in I am unable to believe in and the same goes for gimmick-growing methods.
But everyone needs to be happy with what they do so they can of course carry on as normal if that is where they find happiness, contentment, fulfillment and where they find the successes they need in life.