Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w


Well-Known Member
Bro your goin around tellin us you just finished your FIRST HARVEST! Well WHERE IN THE HELL ARE THE PIX??!!??!!??!!?? C'MON man! If you've learned nothing about this site up untill now, you have to AT LEAST know that everybody is ALWAYS awaiting the pictures! LET'S SEE EM! lol


Well-Known Member
Bro your goin around tellin us you just finished your FIRST HARVEST! Well WHERE IN THE HELL ARE THE PIX??!!??!!??!!?? C'MON man! If you've learned nothing about this site up untill now, you have to AT LEAST know that everybody is ALWAYS awaiting the pictures! LET'S SEE EM! lol
yah my bad im getting them up very soon. in like 20 mins or less.


Well-Known Member
Fuck. i misplaced my usb thingy for my camera to upload.So Sorry hookd. and everyone. will post in like a 1 or 2. it might take so time.


Well-Known Member
Harvest pictures are here!
Once again thanks everyone who helpd me out.
:peace:Soo here they are the pictures!:peace:
Once again 50.2 grams wet.

Those random nuggets are what im blazing now:bongsmilie:​



Well-Known Member
Nice shit man! Is she dry yet? Not sure why you've got the buds in jars if they aren't dry, all good tho. Nice first harvest!


Well-Known Member
the buds look very good, i bet u cant wait to smoke them. and the pics of the flowers you got are really good pics nice work and congrats on the successful first harvest.


Well-Known Member
the buds look very good, i bet u cant wait to smoke them. and the pics of the flowers you got are really good pics nice work and congrats on the successful first harvest.
thanks mcpurple!
Hell yah i cant wait to blaze them. thanks those flowers shots are just samples of what to come.
First harvest= im feelin like a million bucks! lol


Well-Known Member
Nice job bro. Looks very appetizing! Plant looked good hate to see her chopped but have to do the deed.


Active Member
looks real good bro congratz!!! for real man they look like some of the bud I used to get around here, it was like fruit loops, we used to call it fruity-tooty :D


Well-Known Member
Jarring early is nice, but if you don't stay on it and the moisture molds the buds, you will be sick. moldy bud is not sexy!


Well-Known Member
:peace:Harvest Report:peace:

Soo the buds are slowly drying. What i expected. Im puffing on the popcorn nuggets.:mrgreen:
I took some pictures of the buds today. they deffintly are shrinking. :( ........Im Still pumpd on the fact this is my own nuggets no money needed to be spent.....
I also took two pictures of a landscape shot. tell me whicch one should i keep.
drying day 3. 020.jpg drying day 3. 002.jpg
Well hope you enjoy the pics, the word for them is "frosty". ;)

So my babies have something wrong with them. I gave them molasses to see if they will get any better. IF they dont correct themselves im gonna pull them and start over with new seeds. i 2x seeds {same strain} germinating right now.

I planted my fem. church in her party cup till she gets old enough to go into her final pot.

Well illl update throw another update on sat.

