What is happening with these seedlings?

Can someone please tell me what appears to be the problem with these seedlings?


1000w, temps 76-86, feeding 2x a day with 40% nute strength. Humidity is 40%, PH of water is 4.9, TDS machine tells me 600. In rockwool cubes.

The edges of the leaves appear to be curling up.



Active Member
no you realy need to read more. seedlings dont need nuts and you need to put them in soil or a hydro medium or what ever as well as the need of water with a PH OF 6.0

Brick Top

New Member
Should I feed less? I thought new seedlings should be fed with half strength or less nutes?

Seeds have enough stored nutrients in them for a seedling to survive roughly 3 to 5 weeks depending on the strain so they should never be fed prior to actually needing additional nutrients. After that a weak solution of nutrients would be given for the first several feedings and then a full strength mixture but never should plants at any stage be feed daily and most definitely never fed twice per day. You are burning your plants.

What kind of nutrients are you using? What are the feeding/use instructions on the bottle/box/bag?
Thanks, I will PH the water up. These seedlings are 5 weeks old now and I was sure that I read in the "Bible" that it would be time to give them half strength nutes.

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks, I will PH the water up. These seedlings are 5 weeks old now and I was sure that I read in the "Bible" that it would be time to give them half strength nutes.

If it said feed them twice each day then it is time to burn that "Bible" along with whoever wrote it.
I don't have the nutes in front of me right now but I am feeding them CNS17 or something like that. Hdro store told me to use it. I guess I will cut the feeding down to once every two days, would that be sufficent or until they start to dry out. I will have to re-look at the bottle tonight.
Thanks Bricktop, I will see recheck what the bottle says again and definatley do some more studying. I appreciate your help.

Brick Top

New Member
Thanks Bricktop, I will see recheck what the bottle says again and definatley do some more studying. I appreciate your help.
Feeding nutrients is of course important but feeding 'more' or feeding 'more often' will often result in killing your plants with kindness. 'Just enough' is all that is needed and depending on the strain the plant's requirements and tolerance levels for differing amounts of nutrients will vary to some degree or another.

Always remember that some strains are heavy feeders and some are light feeders so there is no singular 'correct' ratio or amount to feed at any stage of growth that will give all strains all they need without giving them too much . Strains like Blueberry and ones crossed with Blueberry are nutrient sensitive and they will fry to dust if fed what would be normal amounts for some other strains.

Also remember that just because someone was capable of getting a job in a hydro store, or even opening one of their own, does not make them a botanist or even a skilled 'herb' grower. They will push what they sell and in particular they will push what they will make the most profit on and while doing it they will tell you it is the very best of the very best.

Good luck .. I hope all works out well for you and your 'lil 'uns.'