Serious water issues!!!


Active Member
Can someone please help me. I have been growing for a number of years now and I have done very well until I moved into this new place. All my plants now are not yeilding anywhere close to what they use to! I grow in dirt, I use A&B, liquid karma (veg) and then Dr. Hornbry big bud and Overdrive (flowering)
I figure it can be one of 2 things....1) I grow AK-47 and I kept cloning off of a clone off of a clone (I should have kept a mom from the origional seed but i did'nt) anyways the quality is still there but the yeild is not.
When I veg everything seems ok, but about 2 weeks into flowering the leaves have brown spots on them and a ton of yellow leaves?
2) Could this be from the new water system that I'm on (tap water) from moving? like chlorine or something?
The thing is, I am doing everything the EXACT same as I always have, so I'm thinking it MUST be the water...has anyone had this type of problem before?


Sector 5 Moderator
If you're using tap water and it's not well water, yeah that will definitely screw with your plants. If you have to use tap water, draw it out the day or two before you'll be putting in on your plants to let the chlorine outgas. It's best to use filtered water. I catch rain water and keep it in 5 gal buckets and that has worked out very well for me.


Active Member
Check this link, and see if your problem looks like any of these:
Marijuana Plant Abuse

Could be Mg deficiency, brown spots 2~3 weeks into flowering (when plant requires Mg).

If it is, then epsom salts in water and as foliar spray will fix it.


Well-Known Member
What potpimp said. an alternative is to use nutrients designed for hard water or bite the bullet and get an RO system. At least you'll know for sure if it was the water or not and you'll still have the RO system.


Active Member
thanks for the quick response guys....ok so first I'll try letting the water sit for a couple days and see if that fixs the problem, but when should I pH my water? just before I water the plants (after the water has been sitting for a couple days?)or right away. I know when water sits the pH usually changes?.... also should I get a fish tank water bubbler thing to oxidize the water while it sits? will this help get rid of the chlorine too

....and if this does'nt work then I guess I'll buy one of those filters, how much are they and where could I get one? ...probably my Hydro Store? (Northern Lights)


Well-Known Member
save yourself some time, i have the same problem, i have always let me water sit for days b4 watering, it wont help


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can get an RO system from a hydro store. Might want to search on some threads cause there is a lot of discussion. I personally use tap water with hard water nutes but that is because the RO systems are a bit out of my grow room budget (spent it all on lights).

I normally check pH before i add my water to the reservoir (or if in soil i guess it would be before you water your plants) AFTER i add my nutrients - cause the good nutrients buffer pH (I usually don't have to add any pH up or down).

And while letting tap water sit for 24 hrs won't cause any change to PPM/EC - it will allow the chlorine to evaporate and that is a "good thing".


Active Member
u could always boil your water, and let it sit for a day so it can return to room temperature(if you grow indoors), or around 70°F


Active Member
ok thanks, I was looking at aeroponic systems just now and they look pretty cool. I think I may try doing it that way in the there a lot to it?


Well-Known Member
boiling water will only make things worse, until i can figure it out, i'm just watering and feeding as i normaly do, i have tried just about everything, 'cept fer the pat'n my head and rub'n my belly at the same time thing, or is it the other way around?


Sector 5 Moderator
Aeroponics is WAY cool; I only wish I had started with that. Ebb and Flow is also a good method too. Aeroponics will get you more, quicker than any other method. It's a bit fussy from what I've read and the onset of problems can be sort of sudden and a lot more serious than growing in soil or rock wool and you've got to be on top of them or they can suffer.


Well-Known Member
most aero systems are a combo of bubbler and aero (the roots dangle or grow into a reservoir with oxygenated water) while water is pushed through a nebulizer (in the better aero systems) to mist the roots.

i have one of the rainforests which does exactly as described.

if you want to see it in action, have a peak at my grow journal (link in sig). Note that i am not trying to foist a rainforest on you. in fact, i think you could build something comparable (or even better). check out Earl's super-duper hydro machine too!


Well-Known Member
I have hard water and its a big problem, i get those brown spots on my leaves....... i add epsom salts and it helps quite a bit......... i would like to try a nutrient formula that is designed for hard water!


Sector 5 Moderator
This is what I bought for my next grow. It was recommended by Nongreenthumb; it's what he uses. I bought it on ebay for like $18 for a gallon.


Active Member
I was thinking about just getting bottled water (5 gallon jugs) from a water depot or something? Although I've heard that some are reverse osmosis and this may not be good for growing? has anyone tried this?


Well-Known Member
Lots of folks use RO water - if i had budgeted a system, i would be using it now.
I have to add about 2-2.5 gallons to my reservoir everyday. Even if you're growing in soil, you'll still go through a lot of water. By the time you add up the cost of bottled water, an RO system would probably pay for itself.

either that or use a nute designed for hard water (like G.H. flora micro hard water).


Well-Known Member
hmm this stuff is just for flowering?

i was also thinking about the gh hardwater micro base and then their flower and grow nutrients

This is what I bought for my next grow. It was recommended by Nongreenthumb; it's what he uses. I bought it on ebay for like $18 for a gallon.


Well-Known Member
hmm this stuff is just for flowering?

i was also thinking about the gh hardwater micro base and then their flower and grow nutrients
If it is anything like G.H. - you add all three parts during most all grow cycles in varying amounts. But with G.H. - only the micro helps with hard water.


Active Member
Lots of folks use RO water - if i had budgeted a system, i would be using it now.
I have to add about 2-2.5 gallons to my reservoir everyday. Even if you're growing in soil, you'll still go through a lot of water. By the time you add up the cost of bottled water, an RO system would probably pay for itself.

either that or use a nute designed for hard water (like G.H. flora micro hard water).
I'll see what nute they have at the store...I hope there as good as the ones I'm using now. I'll find it hard to switch just cause I have a specific formula that I've always used....Thanks for your help, I'll let you know how it went in a couple weeks
