WSD'S BlackJack 400MH/600HPS Coco Grow. ( Nirvana Strain )


Well-Known Member
Nice pic update and def liking the new av.:mrgreen:

Here's a couple of my macros so you can see what I mean about the practice and working with post edit process.Plus love just showing off Bud Pron.

DSC00057.jpg DSC00206 - Copy.jpgDSC00298.jpgDSC00208.jpgDSC00206.jpg


Str8 Smokin

Active Member
Lookin good bro:blsmoke:

and as for checkin the tric's under the scope i just cut a lil sugar leaf right off a top bud and check that and it works good cause u can put it on the table and focus real good on it:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Later Str8:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Its a Sony a230 the cheapest dslr I could find with the stock lens. I can't wait to get a wireless flash and nice macro lens. It's funny I bought the camera to get me out of my house and it spends most of its time taking photos of my grow inside my house.


Well-Known Member
Hell no bro, don't cut on your plant unless it's to top it, look at that bud right on the plant! that's one less flower in the end, what's stopping you from just bending over lol? On the other hand, Wow.... totally WOW.... I wish I could bottle that rooms smell up and take it with me...


Well-Known Member
this is titillating for sure. cant quite tell in the shots (maybe due to flash) but did they ever express any of those BJ pheno genes we see in the pictures?


Well-Known Member
this is titillating for sure. cant quite tell in the shots (maybe due to flash) but did they ever express any of those BJ pheno genes we see in the pictures?
the one in my avatar. Blackjack 2 is has the sickest phenotypes!

Ill go into detail on how each of them grew differently from one another later but blackjack 2 has grown Faster, Bigger, and seemingly more potent than the other 2. Luckily : D #2 was the one that survived the cloning process so ill have a mother to use now! Next grow will be super ill. The bud looks really good ... this is my first grow through flower and im using boost and everything. Its amazing but honestly, i expected more resin :/ . i guess i still got a few weeks left to see how things turn out. Growing is a beautiful thing.



Well-Known Member
One phenotype that seemed to be consistent with each one was that fruity orange citrus / bud super great dro smell ...

Everyone said it had a citrus smell to it. All of them do : D



Well-Known Member
yeah i got clone pictures of the surviving clones and my mystery bagseed dro that i will turn into a mother ( if its fem ) . Clones are the way to go : D. The whole point of me growing right now is so i can move to michigan and become a caregiver. When this grow is done my partner in crime and i are upgrading and upsizing. get ready : D



Well-Known Member
Everything's goin great. here's some pictures to prove it. More detailed update coming in a day or two. lemme know if you like the pictures : D


