Soil Grow first week


Active Member
Hey guys Im doin my first soil grow and my first seed sprouted the 29th and is 10 days old and i was wondering if it was too early to introduce nutrients to my plant i read that 3 weeks or third row of leaves is a good time to start i have made 2 CO2 generators for my plants but this lil guy is gettin big fast any suggestions?2010-07-03 14.09.31.jpg2010-07-05 11.16.00.jpg2010-07-05 11.16.06.jpg


Well-Known Member
depends what kinda soil you are using. some soils have all the nutes you need for flower so all u need to do is feed once or twice. if you got good soil you really wont need any nutes till flower stage. remember that co2 is heavy and it falls. if you go skim threw my journal in my sig you will see some co2 creations and what u can do under just floros. i veged under floros and if you look they look great! my buddy grows with 100% floro and you can see that as well in my journal. good luck


Active Member
Savo253 i have them in happy frog potting soil and they are just a week and 5 days i got it at a local hydro store, they are getting light from a t12 shop flDSC05057.jpgoro with plant bulbs and a T5 fixture with blue and red bulbs so i believe it should all be good only other trouble i am having is keeping my water at the right ph level. I buy bottled water and leave it open outside for at least 2 days and its still is a heavy 6.8~6.9. Ill check out your page too thanks everyone for the advice here are my plants as of tonight he has a lil borhter who is a week old today and he has two more lil sisters who are two days old and groing strong one grew a 1/4 inch in less than 12 hrDSC05058.jpgDSC05060.jpg DSC05059.jpg


Well-Known Member
You dont need to let bottled water sit out before using it. 6.8-7.0? Thats right where it should be. I'd wait at least a week and a half before you can give them a nice little dose of nutes(1/4 strength) and slowly start working your way up to full strength. Cannabis is kinda sensitive to nute burning when you start feeding, thats why you want to start slow.


i would say u can give them some nutes as long as the n-p-k is not to high i used a product called greenleaves grow juice and the n-p-k is 2-1-3 and i even used it when they were germinateing it shortend the time it took 2 germ and the plants grow real fast i used it every other watering at 1/2 but if u dont like the product u could use bio roots at 1-1-1, give your plants some nutes, enhances the root structure, and it not to strong a triple bang for ur bucks! but lookin good keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
i would say u can give them some nuts as long as the n-p-k is not to high i used a product called greenleaves grow juice and the n-p-k is 2-1-3 and i even used it when they were germinateing it shortend the time it took 2 germ and the plants grow real fast i used it every other watering at 1/2 but if u dont like the product u could use bio roots at 1-1-1, give your plants some nutes, enhances the root structure, and it not to strong a triple bang for ur bucks! but lookin good keep up the good work.
What kind of soil did you use?


with happy frog soil are u using and does it have nutes in it cause alot of the happy frog soils do, there rich with organic nutes. if i were ou i would just use organic ferts cause ur soil is teemin wit mycrobes and any chlorinated water or sinthic ferts. will kill these mycrobes and that would not be good as they help your plants grow better and faster!!! bio roots is organic so u could still use that as nute.


i used pro-mix i cant tell you witch on because that was a while age but i use sunshine mix 4 now and its pritty good. i like to used soil that has no nutes so i know whats in my soil


Active Member
I am goin to purchase all organic nutes to sustain the mycrobe factor because i have seen grows chemical burns and i want to avoid that at all costs and thank you on the tip for only using the nutes at half strengh than building up here is some updated pics DSC05081.jpgDSC05083.jpgDSC05082.jpgDSC05084.jpg


Active Member
Here is my grow 3 weeks in Ive been giving them steady 24 hrs of light and have two fans on them got a thick stem and my first plant is at three rows of leaves and was wondering when it would be a good time to start topping my plant?? i want it to get wide and busy and its goin into its final transplant into a 5 gallon pot on friday i can see the roots pushing out the sides of the pot. Any suggestions?

