Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
well I have been somewhat challenged in that department.....I have not been able to keep a steady hand....and so far have not clipped any leaves...but I suppose that is what I should do...I have just been trying to hand hold it....and at my age the parkinson's and alzheimers has settled in pretty good....hahahahahaha....I'll try again. So do all you folks clip a leave portion and look at it under the scope or am I totally being lame here?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I just lean in on the bud with my pocket microscope to check am all over the plant. Not just the leaves. I don't pick leaves to see them, just get in close enough. :mrgreen::peace:

well I have been somewhat challenged in that department.....I have not been able to keep a steady hand....and so far have not clipped any leaves...but I suppose that is what I should do...I have just been trying to hand hold it....and at my age the parkinson's and alzheimers has settled in pretty good....hahahahahaha....I'll try again. So do all you folks clip a leave portion and look at it under the scope or am I totally being lame here?


Well-Known Member
hey thanks...I'll keep trying....seems like I can't keep it very still......more practice to find the method that works with my weathered harnds....hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
nay....no no ... you won't .... you said you like e'm rounded .... sumthin about banging a pubic bone, or cut by them razor hips.....hahahahaha....hell - I am tall and thin....I like to be able to lift them up and toss them around at will.....hahahahahaha....(gently...and with great love and cherishment o course) thanks for popping on in!


Well-Known Member
Hey Tahoe.. Do you have a Microscope that has an adjusting focus. I find that if I turn my scope all the way one way, and just like Chiceh suggest, press right up against the buds, I get a clear steady look at the trichomes..I have some pics that I have been meaning to post of some trichomes that I shot. I will re-size them and show them off to ya!


Well-Known Member
Hope you get a shot of them trichs soon, I'd like to see them, use two hands you should be used to it by now:mrgreen: that's something I failed to do this first harvest invest in a micro, I was too focused on just growing some buds and now I look back on it .. I sure wish I woulda got one, Damn It! Oh well maybe next time...

PS: "Walk On Man!"


Well-Known Member
like the freakin' lost world eh?!! hahahahaha...thanks for sharing those and recommendations on scoping -= yes it focuses and is 60 - 100x...and Hum...thanks....will do my best! I went looking at proper macro lens for my DSLR .... and the day I went there was a crowd, and I didn't feel like hanging along.....I'll wait when the commercial rush is over.....in the meantime, I will use what I have....love pics...I hope I can do sometihng as decent as those...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I had problems holding it steady too. So now I grab a stool, sit in front of the plant, microscope in hand and I rest my elbow on my knee to hold it steady while looking through it. Mine goes from 60x to 100x as well. :mrgreen::peace:

like the freakin' lost world eh?!! hahahahaha...thanks for sharing those and recommendations on scoping -= yes it focuses and is 60 - 100x...and Hum...thanks....will do my best! I went looking at proper macro lens for my DSLR .... and the day I went there was a crowd, and I didn't feel like hanging along.....I'll wait when the commercial rush is over.....in the meantime, I will use what I have....love pics...I hope I can do sometihng as decent as those...


Well-Known Member
thanks.....note to self....need to spend more time sitting in front of my plants......dreaming of the wastoidness forthcoming......end note to self.

New note to self......first must learn how to use the scope like a regular human.....end note to self


Well-Known Member
So now I grab a stool, sit in front of the plant, microscope in hand and I rest my elbow on my knee to hold it steady while looking through it.
That helps alot...
Oh by the way Chiceh, I would not tell people that you like to grab stool, they may get the wrong idea....I know Tahoe is a bit of a freak.....


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You funny, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

So now I grab a stool, sit in front of the plant, microscope in hand and I rest my elbow on my knee to hold it steady while looking through it.
That helps alot...
Oh by the way Chiceh, I would not tell people that you like to grab stool, they may get the wrong idea....I know Tahoe is a bit of a freak.....


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....i spent the first 8 months of my career as a biologist, following wolves for days and weeks and picking up their sh*t for food analysis.....and let me tell you....hiking in the dead of a July summer with easy 30-35C temps, and a 100lb pack....and WAY too much wolf sh*t....hahahahaha...learned a lot, wouldn't trade the experience for a thing.....but still makes me laugh!! but even then.....now 28 years ago.....i had my weed - or more often than not .... honey oil at that time....!


Well-Known Member
shitty story Tahoe! LOL, I had to collect my dogs shit for a few days...4 dogs died of poisoning on my street, and my dog was the only survivor. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to put gofer poison in something that the dogs were attracted to. So sick..Anyhow I found the pellets in my dogs crap...We got lucky that she lived..


Well-Known Member
whoa....thats lucky...I'm happy for you...that would have been very tragic......sick friggin' people .....I remeber saying to my dad....I just don't understand...his answer - you're not supposed to .... it not rational on the same level....weird what makes some people tick...cheers!
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