Only got 2 females of a strain left, strain now discontinued and seeds unobtainable..

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I want some more seeds - how do I do it? I don't wanna screw up the plant I've got going really if I can help it (its my fave strain)...I'm not too good at cloning so seeds are probably the best option (lets put it this way - I've taken about 10 clones ever and only by chance 1 of them actually grew roots...)

Any help to someone who can't clone well enough to chance it? :blsmoke:


Active Member
And by doing so create seeds that carry the hermi trait and they will pass it on to each batch of new seeds. Great idea.
You have a better idea of how to get seeds with out changing the strain? (which is the question he asked.)

I would keep trying to get clones if i were you. and then try to seed one of the clones. that way u dont mess up the original plant.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I WAS thinking of trying a couple of clones (got a couple of nice thick-stemmed ones I'm thinking of...I read somewhere on here the other day that the bigger/fatter the clone branch the easier it is for the roots to come out...any truth in that?)

I can't really afford to mess up on this...any advice on thinner or thicker stems appreciated before I take them! (probably in a week or so...)

I'm thinking just the water method as that one worked, in rockwool they all died...


Active Member
the lower closer to the roots that you take the clone the better.

and i think the thicker ones take longer? but not sure on that. i think your suposed to slice them up to have more surface area on them.

wait for someone else to chime in.


Well-Known Member
I'd for sure keep at least one of them in a veg state (18/6 lighting or similar), till you get your cloning chops down.



Well-Known Member
I have great luck with cloning since I tried Jorge Cervantes method of slicing your clone clipping a couple centimeters up the main stem before planting in order to stimulate more root growth. I also use Clonex with successful results.


Active Member
get some root hormone powder an dip the cuttings into it shake off excess an put it in some water (in a non see through glass/pot/beaker/etc) you dont want light gettin in :)

peace out :joint::roll:


Active Member
And by doing so create seeds that carry the hermi trait and they will pass it on to each batch of new seeds. Great idea.
Genetics don't work that way my usually well informed friend.

A living thing cannot pass along a gene it does not possess.

That being said a plant that has a gene (or combination of genes) that makes the plant more likely to be a hermaphrodite, when bred with itself, will always pass along said gene(s) simply because there is no other genetic stock to co-mingle with.


Well-Known Member
You could force some of the buds to produce male pollen sacs full of pollen, which can then be used to fertilize some of your buds and produce all female seeds. Click here for more info on how to force a female plant to make pollen. From what I understand, the process of using colloidal silver to force male traits is the method used by many big seed companies to make feminized seeds.

However, your best bet is probably to keep the plants vegetating until you can get some usable clones off of her. Once you have a couple of clones, you have a lot more options. I've always had good luck cloning by taking thin, longish stems near the bottom/base of the plant. From what I understand, you want to take clones from the bottom of the plant because these cuttings will have more root stimulating hormones than cuttings taken from the top of the plant. I prepare the growing medium (I transplant my clones right into a coco coir potting mix) by watering it thoroughly with pH'ed water and creating a little hole to put my new clones. I cut the clones at a 45 degree angle and then use scissors to split the stem down the middle by about a quarter of an inch at the bottom. New roots will only form on parts of the plant that have been cut, so when you cut the slit up the middle, it makes more surface area that roots can potentially grow out of. That's also the reason for cutting the clone off the plant at a 45 degree angle. I trim all the leaves on the cutting except for the top two. I then quickly dip my cutting in plain pH'ed water, then stick an inch or two of stem right in the hole I've created and press in the coco coir firmly around the stem to prop the cutting up. My best advice with clones is to leave them alone, keep them moist but not wet, and make sure they're getting only a little bit of ambient light from something gentle like a CFL. If you give them too much light, new cuttings focus their energy on photosynthesis instead of creating new roots. I don't start really giving new clones any real light until I see signs of new growth, then I take it really easy and gently introduce light.

I know many people use cloning gel and misters, but I've had pretty good success rates using my plain water method. Some clones will show signs of new growth in only 2-3 days, and many are thriving by day 7-10.


Well-Known Member
You could force some of the buds to produce male pollen sacs full of pollen, which can then be used to fertilize some of your buds and produce all female seeds. Click here for more info on how to force a female plant to make pollen. From what I understand, the process of using colloidal silver to force male traits is the method used by many big seed companies to make feminized seeds.

However, your best bet is probably to keep the plants vegetating until you can get some usable clones off of her. Once you have a couple of clones, you have a lot more options. I've always had good luck cloning by taking thin, longish stems near the bottom/base of the plant. From what I understand, you want to take clones from the bottom of the plant because these cuttings will have more root stimulating hormones than cuttings taken from the top of the plant. I prepare the growing medium (I transplant my clones right into a coco coir potting mix) by watering it thoroughly with pH'ed water and creating a little hole to put my new clones. I cut the clones at a 45 degree angle and then use scissors to split the stem down the middle by about a quarter of an inch at the bottom. New roots will only form on parts of the plant that have been cut, so when you cut the slit up the middle, it makes more surface area that roots can potentially grow out of. That's also the reason for cutting the clone off the plant at a 45 degree angle. I trim all the leaves on the cutting except for the top two. I then quickly dip my cutting in plain pH'ed water, then stick an inch or two of stem right in the hole I've created and press in the coco coir firmly around the stem to prop the cutting up. My best advice with clones is to leave them alone, keep them moist but not wet, and make sure they're getting only a little bit of ambient light from something gentle like a CFL. If you give them too much light, new cuttings focus their energy on photosynthesis instead of creating new roots. I don't start really giving new clones any real light until I see signs of new growth, then I take it really easy and gently introduce light.

I know many people use cloning gel and misters, but I've had pretty good success rates using my plain water method. Some clones will show signs of new growth in only 2-3 days, and many are thriving by day 7-10.
I agree. I don't understand why it has to be so complicated. I just cropped a plant I'm getting ready to flower and planted it in a peat pellet 4 days ago. I cut the cutting at 45 and made 3 small cuts on each side of the stem and stuck it into the pellet that I presprayed with high P plant starter. I placed the cutting under the hood and put a neon desk lamp on it. No root hormone at all and it's growing like crazy. Even the next day the two fan leaves that were lying on the bottom of the tray perked right up the next morning. Anyway dude, I'd try cloning and don't complicate it too much. If at first you don't succeed...


Well-Known Member
get a banging male a make a dope cross that ull enjoy more then the original
best reply ^^
then search thru ur new beans and find a male that best represents wot ur looking for then backcross ur lady to it, then again (bx2) then again (bx3),.. pollen chuckers version of an IBL,.. and ull have a stable version of ur ladies forever..forver? forever ever?.. yep


Active Member
Get jiffy cubes, a heat pad, scalpal or sharp knife and a plastic dome.

Now is a good time to start learning to make cuttings and root them. If you have the right gear that is a good start. Now just make sure they are moist and under the dome for 2 weeks. If you use a heating pad and rooting solution always making sure you cut close to a node at 45 degrees. I promise you have 80% success at least.

I have problems cloning, using the above method I now have a 100% success rate.


Active Member
To the people who are suggesting how he should make seeds. I think duh is the word.

Making the plant a hermie is stupid as the hermie strain will carry forward. Any answer is effectively wrong because the only way to get seeds would be to introduce another male to the female. The issue is that another male wont be the same plant or strain, hence he wont get seeds that are the same.

So there is only one way to preserve the strain, and that is cloning, full stop.


Well-Known Member
To the people who are suggesting how he should make seeds. I think duh is the word.

Making the plant a hermie is stupid as the hermie strain will carry forward. Any answer is effectively wrong because the only way to get seeds would be to introduce another male to the female. The issue is that another male wont be the same plant or strain, hence he wont get seeds that are the same.

So there is only one way to preserve the strain, and that is cloning, full stop.
The dude is right, breeding is for people who know it, and who are trying to know it. For someone who is trying to keep bomb ass meds in there room...CLONES!!!


Well-Known Member
well I would have mentioned the strain as it might be possible that others still have seeds or even collected pollen they might be willing to share???