Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)


Well-Known Member
Decided to start a journal, but apologies as i'm already part way into the grow.

I'm only able to do this thanks to the info i've picked up from all you guys and gals here on RIU, a bit of research can go a long way, 3 months ago i didn't have a clue - now i have plants!:mrgreen: I thank you!

I've got 4 fem Snow White on the go(yes, i possibly shoulda tried a bit of bag seed 1st but temptation got the better of me!) and my girls are in hempy buckets. They popped up on 5/19/2010 after standard paper towel germination.

Seeds from nirvana, very, very well delivered +rep to those guys!

Yes, there were 5 to begin with but i accidentally let them dry out(apparently easily done with those small rw cubes!). I was sure i only had 2 survivors, but boy did they recover

1 day after drought.jpg all four.jpg

They're doin ok i think, i'm watering every 2 days, nute, nute, water, nute, nute, water etc and they're drinking it, but i think i might have been a little weak(scared!) when mixing the nutes to begin with.

Useful info...

Grow tent 80x80x160 (lab80)
400w HPS cool tube - 12" above
GHE 3 part (hardwater micro) currently 12-6-3 gmb
run off ph 6-6.3
per/verm 3/1
9" desk fan, low speed
temp 21-27
rh 50%

setup1.jpg setup2.jpg

Now, they smell freakin amazing already:mrgreen:, so i'd really appreciate any input to get these babies to the finishing line bongsmilie

1st - I maybe close to sexing them, 3 are showing some signs i think...

he or she1.jpg he or she2.jpg he or she3.jpg he or she4.jpg

2nd - I think i have some kind of deficiency going on...

phoenix3.jpg sparky2.jpg

and 3rd - I'm thinking of switching tomorrow due to height restrictions, what do u think...? I'm hoping for about an oz per plant, does that sound possible...?

This is sparky, as she was sparkiest of the bunch, but became affectionately known as droopy

sparky1.jpg sparky3.jpg sparky4.jpg

This is phoenix, smallest of the four, badly damaged in the rock wool drought of may twenty-ten, but boy did she rise and recover

phoenix1.jpg Phoenix2.jpg

Bless me with your knowledge o great ones and i will reward you with a journal that runs from here to completion, i hope! :eyesmoke:

Peace all


Well-Known Member
Any ideas on the sex please??? i wouldn't want any males in there...

I'm going to switch to 12/12 later today as the tallest is 14" plus already!


Well-Known Member
yeah female mate, you want bigger pots, iuse 10 litre pots in a 3ft high space with a 400 watt dual spec hps and pull 10-15 oz wet per plant. i bend the cola over as it grows. check my bubblbomb album. i only veg under a 125 envirolite for 14 - 18 days then switch to 12-12 under hps. bit more nitrogen may help with yellowing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks del, that's what i'm liking to hear! and for 1st post on my journal... +rep!

They are currently in 12ltr buckets, but with only 10ltr of medium as i ran out lol!

I'm going on the hunt for epsom salts today as i was told that would help with the interveinal chlorosis...


Well-Known Member
get some biobizz veg feed and use and you shouldnt get a problem, id say you are more likely to be lacking nitrogen, with lack of mag they go totaly yellow to brown without the green veins i believe, 10 liter pot are great, could repot to bigger if you have room but i never go bigger. my plants including pot dont go more than about 27 inches, 15 inch plants.


Well-Known Member
get some biobizz veg feed and use and you shouldnt get a problem, id say you are more likely to be lacking nitrogen, with lack of mag they go totaly yellow to brown without the green veins i believe, 10 liter pot are great, could repot to bigger if you have room but i never go bigger. my plants including pot dont go more than about 27 inches, 15 inch plants.

Could i not just up the dose of my gh micro or grow, does one of these have nitro?


Well-Known Member
I've made the switch!

All is well with the ladies, and that's 4 confirmed ladies judging by the little wisps i'm seeing next to the stipules a couple of nodes from the top.

Will update with some pics soon, but the tallest is a good 14in high now and that's not counting the 2in of praying baby leaves of her new growth:mrgreen:!

For veg i've been following a real good schedule that i found for my nutes(GH 3 part) -

Veg -
week 1 5-2.5-2.5-400/600
week 2 10-5-3- 600/800
week 3 12-6-3 800/1000 (continue week 3 formula if additional veg time is required.)

week 1 6-6-10- 800/1200
week 2 3-7-12 - 1000/1400
week 3 3-8-14 - 1000/1400
week 4 3-8-16 - 1000/1400
week 5 (discussed in detail below*)
week 6 0-7-20 - 1000/1400
week 7 0-6-20 (see bleow**)
* During week 5 if not using a booster like Superbud, Bushmaster Kabloom etc. run 2.5-7-18. I use MOAB (Mother of All Blooms) or BushMaster at 50% of recommended strength, and use 1.25-3.5-9 for the fert base.
**If running an 8 week strain you should only run the ferts during week 7 for a maximum of 3-4 days. This gives you 10 days for flushing. - Originally post by useless(elsewhere)
For veg this has been great, well it was as soon as i sorted my shit out and measured it out correctly! So it's my fault there's a little nitrogen def still, but even that's looking better since yesterday and they've only had a plain water feed. Is this a good thing or could it be the first signs of a salt build up...:confused:
I gotta admit i'm yet to flush them in the 5 weeks my hempys have been running:roll:

Although this schedule's been good i'm now tempted to go with lucas formula for flowering, but do i need to do a transition feed or go straight in with it at full strength...?

I mix in batches of 2gal, so will the lucas formula for that be - 18ml micro 36ml bloom ?



Well-Known Member
All seems well so far...

doing one week of 6-6-10 before going to lucas formula. Def seems better already...

03072010a.jpg 03072010b.jpg 04072010a.jpg 04072010d.jpg 04072010b.jpg 04072010c.jpg

comments welcome...


Well-Known Member
This all seems soooo long ago....!

Still going well, they all had a heavy misting of epsom salt solution just before lights out. It's their first dose since the start and there's only been mild signs that it's been needed. Hopefully one or two dose's should stop it getting any worse.

They're on their water feed of the nute, nute, water cycle. i must admit you can tell when they're on the plain water feed as they just don't look as perky and healthy a day later, nothing major, just think i've got me some hungry ladies on the go!:mrgreen:

Todays feed will be the 1st using lucas formula, 2gal mixed and ready at 16/32, it's found its own way to ph 6.2 so i'm not going to adjust for the first time of this grow. They'll take around 800-1000ml per plant(3gal bucket) every 2 days lately, and that only gives me a little bit of run off to deal with.

Should have some time in there later, will take some pics and post them soon...


Well-Known Member
First up is Sparky - Going like a rocket compared to the others at the moment...
Sparky1.jpg Sparky2.jpg Sparky4.jpg Sparky3.jpg Sparky5.jpg

Second is Trooper - named after recovering well from a rock wool drought...
Trooper1.jpg Trooper2.jpg Trooper3.jpg Trooper4.jpg

Third is Phoenix - she was completely fried in the same rock wool drought...
Phoenix1.jpg Phoenix2.jpg Phoenix3.jpg Phoenix4.jpg

And last but not least we have Jackie - Third tallest now, but she was originally growing like a bean stalk...
Jackie1.jpg Jackie2.jpg Jackie3.jpg

And all together...
All four1.jpg All four2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks really good! You're doing awesome because I think I actually feel the love you are giving them ^_^
Ooooh yeah, they're gettin' a lot of that all right! I'm almost dreading the day i have to chop them down, ...but i think i'll find the strength! lol

thanks for stopping by:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I started this journal a few weeks in, so here is a few pics showing the bits you missed. Slow but steady, week by week growth...

Day 1

Day 4

One week
One week.jpg

Two weeks
Two weeks.jpg

Three weeks
Three weeks.jpg

Four weeks
Four weeks.jpg

Five Weeks
Five weeks.jpg

Six weeks
Six weeks.jpg

Seven Weeks
Seven weeks.jpg


Well-Known Member
They will do well under that 400 mate, doesn't look like you need any help keep doing what your doing and those bitchs will reward you well.

I will be sticking around and have some rep back :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, are u still watering every 2 days? if so how much?
Yes, every 2 days still, they're now taking roughly 2000ml each per feed(sparky a little more!). I make up a 2 gal mix and it goes between the four. Only getting a small amount of run off from that, say about 50-100ml. I was considering dropping the plain water feed but then i've had no probs so far so maybe i shouldn't tamper with a working formula.


Well-Known Member
Took some more pics last night, still growing! And that's a 440ml can of fosters for perspective, ...and drinking!

Sparky, nearly 32" now!
sparky1.jpg sparky2.jpg sparky3.jpg

trooper1.jpg trooper2.jpg trooper3.jpg

phoenix1.jpg phoenix2.jpg phoenix3.jpg

jackie1.jpg jackie2.jpg jackie3.jpg

cab1.jpg cab2.jpg

red fury

Active Member
haha, +rep for the fosters for sure! thanks for the info man, before i was watering every 4 to 5 days, a little under a gallon each time. So i def need to step up the water regiment. here is a pic of here about 5 wks into flowering, i think she looks healthy but its my first grow, so not sure actually.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the +rep red fury! can never give fosters too much rep that's for sure!

And that's one helluva plant you've got goin' there, it's like a freakin' xmas tree dude! I bet it'll feel like xmas too the day you start chugging on that baby! Nice first time plant, is that hempy that you're running, if so what mix? and what strain is it?