OH F**K!!!!! I Think I KILLED EM!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
PH was a little high so I decided to go with the Vinegar Method. I PHd the water before I used it and it was 6.

I watered them (They were even due for watering so no problems there) went to the store and came home to this craziness!!! 2 are fine, 2 look like this! I Don't know what the hell to do!!!!

I am guessing I shoulda bought the PH down instead of using vinegar and will from now on don't you worry but I need to help the babies now!

Hubby was given a 150 w Metal Halide set up today for $10, should I put them under the MH and take them out from under the CFLS?
Just leave them alone? Flush? Something? ANything????

HELP!!! This happened in a matter of hours!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
flush then good they'll prolly be fine looks like they were pretty healthy before so they'll prolly bounce back.I"LL prolly hear shit for this one but here goes,i've been growing in soil outdoors prolly 15yrs indoors bout 4 and have never checked ph


Well-Known Member
actually looking at them more they might be over watered a bit not sure how much vineger you used but after the flush id let em dry out a few days


Well-Known Member
flush then good they'll prolly be fine looks like they were pretty healthy before so they'll prolly bounce back.I"LL prolly hear shit for this one but here goes,i've been growing in soil outdoors prolly 15yrs indoors bout 4 and have never checked ph
That's awesome. Keep it oldschool eh? :P


Well-Known Member
They were GORGEOUS this AM!!!! I've posted tons of pics of them in my journal and the Quad Thunder thread. I used about 1.5 tsp vinegar in an entire gallon of nuted water. They look so wet cuz I flushed the holy bejeesus out of them after I saw them!!!

on the bright side if life, the MH light my hubby got today was an entire 1000w MH system with a complete hydro tub! If I wasnt so stressed Id be tickled shitless!

What sux is my PH was barely high, goes to show if it aint broke don't fix it

Should I trim off the dead leaves??? I am not usually a trimmer but this is bad....



Well-Known Member
flush then good they'll prolly be fine looks like they were pretty healthy before so they'll prolly bounce back.I"LL prolly hear shit for this one but here goes,i've been growing in soil outdoors prolly 15yrs indoors bout 4 and have never checked ph
yup, just use dolomite lime in your soil. when i first moved to my new place i ph'd the tap water just to see, but i haven't had my ph meter hasn't been out since


Well-Known Member
yeah thats why i said i never check i think some people i use tap water,sometimes you can be your plants worst enemy 'quad thunder' ima grow those out eventually cause i cheated and registered twice sent one the house and one the work for that sale so got 2 of each plus 3 ufo's 10 freebies ttl (tude rules) 1000w congrats i havent checked yer grow yet but if you were using cfl's or a 400w hid before you're gonna pissed you didnt get one sooner


Well-Known Member
I have no idea WTF I am going to do with a 1000w!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the space just only really wanna grow 4 plants at a time LoL. I need to make a trade!!! I really just wanted a 250 LMAO!!!

I have decided not to be stressed out... What shall be will be.... I'd still like to save em tho!


Well-Known Member
never used an mh i grow start to finish with hps i got 2 speakers 12"x10"x 26h with 70w hps's and 12"x20"x30"h cab with a 150 hps and 3 26w cfl's in it that i playwith but in my building grow i got a 5'x8' veg room with a 400 hps only use 3x5 of that space the rest of it for drying cab got 2 1000 hps's in other half of building which is 8x8 currently running 600w bulbs in them causa summer heat but the growth from the 1000 versus the smaller ones is night and day dont know how mechanical yer old man is but 70w,100w,150w hps street lights are cheap from lowes (45-65bux)and can be remote ballasted easily.cause that 1000mh not gonna do much good unless yer vegging for outside or are planning on getn a 1000hps to finish


Active Member
vinegar does not stay stabilized to use as a PH modifier. You need to invest in a PH down.

in the pics they just look overwatered to me , mostly

and where'd you get "dead" leaves from? I see green leaves. they aint dead.


Well-Known Member
The light green in person looked like it was an inch from dead...and it was LoL. The next day there was a lot of burnt to crap leaves. They were not over watered before the flush, they were actually due for a watering, had been about 4 days, pots were nice and light.

They are recovering nicely now, much to my surprise. The crispy leaves just kinda crumbled off and I did trim the crap out of the Sour Cream girl as she looked really really bad!

All said it coulda been worse and my new motto is "If it ain't broke, Don't freaking fix it!!!"



Active Member
The light green in person looked like it was an inch from dead...and it was LoL. The next day there was a lot of burnt to crap leaves. They were not over watered before the flush, they were actually due for a watering, had been about 4 days, pots were nice and light.

They are recovering nicely now, much to my surprise. The crispy leaves just kinda crumbled off and I did trim the crap out of the Sour Cream girl as she looked really really bad!

All said it coulda been worse and my new motto is "If it ain't broke, Don't freaking fix it!!!"


thats a good motto to live by lol especially wen it comes to weed lol good luck

peace out :joint::roll: