Big Problems

Mob Barely

Active Member
sounded like he though he needed weed growers approvalt to kill someone to me over 10 dollars and having to walk 2 miles
i would move out of his flat to sounds liek a sycopath


Well-Known Member
Go buy a gun kid and shoot yur bastard friend! He wil die and you will go to jail. The world will be a better place for the rest of us!!


New Member
see you guys dont have the answers at all . What I really should have done is just sit around and think about my options which I have already figured out.. NEW HOUSE LOCKS AND A NEW MACHETTE.

And no I am not hiding anything tyhat I did wrong and no I dont deserve it.

For thisd being a mesage board I'd be more inclined to call it a criticism board , and for one thing your criticismsm and advice are total crap which ultimately reflects you dumb ass potheads. really though, the last message board I tried was worse than this though because I got banned for telling people the way it is. And for all of you that are scared and cut up your plants HAHAHAHAHA PUSSIES should have just bought a gun!!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Well I am glad you figured it out then cheesy. But remember though Karma will come back on you. Watch out. If that guy was truley your friend, then he wouldn't have done what he did to you. Choose your friends wisely I guess. I had a friend for years that fucked me over too. That is life, you can only really trust your self. :mrgreen::peace:

see you guys dont have the answers at all . What I really should have done is just sit around and think about my options which I have already figured out.. NEW HOUSE LOCKS AND A NEW MACHETTE.

And no I am not hiding anything tyhat I did wrong and no I dont deserve it.

For thisd being a mesage board I'd be more inclined to call it a criticism board , and for one thing your criticismsm and advice are total crap which ultimately reflects you dumb ass potheads. really though, the last message board I tried was worse than this though because I got banned for telling people the way it is. And for all of you that are scared and cut up your plants HAHAHAHAHA PUSSIES should have just bought a gun!!
really though, the last message board I tried was worse than this though because I got banned for telling people the way it is.
Really you got banned from another board, I find that quite amazing. How could that happen you seem such a pleasent chap. Hope all goes well with the new Machette ;)


Sector 5 Moderator
Yep, imagine that - he was banned from another site... Best wishes from me too dikhed; we'll probably see you on the national news - but not here.


Well-Known Member
wow and people like this just continue to live life thinking everyone else is at fault for everything.
Dont we all know as he would say .....he is just telling it like it is:)................

I think you found a bunch of rather happy mellow stoners who dont take kindly to a bunch of childish name calling and disrespect. You came here and asked for peoples opinions right?


Sector 5 Moderator
LMAO, he's just trying to compensate for a little winkie. That's why he's such a tough guy on the keyboard. From his writing abilities I would estimate his IQ to be roughly equivalent to a turnip.


Active Member
First of cheese boy, either this is a little prank your pullin and this is how crap shoot dingbats like you get your kicks, or your just like any other run of the mill asshole. now, this is an informational/blog site for growers either with problems such as yours, and sharing of informations/techniques. i was the first one to reply to your HELP IM FUCKED! sos signal while i was doin some of my weekly reviews of the new posts. i stand by my opinion in cuttin your losses because new locks, new guns and a machete won't keep a search warrent out. as to the way you responded to my post and the posts of your fellow growers who were just trying to help oout a colligue in need. i think there is an opology in order. unless your tryin to start a bad name for yourself that is. i see that you'v only been a member since this last december. were just tryin to help you out of your situation.
well i said my mind. this sight has probably helped out many other a troubled farme (myself included) and ther is no reason it cant help you. cant take a little pos/neg citicizm though? maybe you should look up somwhere else to peddle your negative energy. i think i can pretty much speak on behalf of this sites users on this issue. you'v been labeled here my freind.



Well-Known Member
Hey cheeseboy you should get the machete and chop your little plants down and find another hobby. Its people like you who give smokers a bad name. Hopefully you will get banned from this site you sound like a real loser to me a real wanna be see ya buster


Well-Known Member
The OP sounds like a really immature, ignorant racist with anger management issues.

First saying some "stupid black ass kids" shows racism and the entire post shows immaturity, ignorance, and dare I say, lack of education.

Second, talking about curb stomping someone? I hope you get arrested and stay in jail, people like you are a burden on society.

You're not tough.


Active Member
curb stomping? now, let me say this, unless your a neo nazi from a movie called American History X this saying is overatd. we live in a society here and semetic remarks such as those arnt tolerated. if your as badass as you say why do you mess with our site anyway? i say our as in this site has helped me ALOT and has helped countless others as well. we all contribute to eachothers successes even though most of us have probabbly never met any other mmember. ......................cheese boy


Well-Known Member
curb stomping? now, let me say this, unless your a neo nazi from a movie called American History X this saying is overatd. we live in a society here and semetic remarks such as those arnt tolerated. if your as badass as you say why do you mess with our site anyway? i say our as in this site has helped me ALOT and has helped countless others as well. we all contribute to eachothers successes even though most of us have probabbly never met any other mmember. ......................cheese boy
i'm not defending cheesy but equating the despicable practice of curb stomping to being a nazi is quite a stretch don't you think?


Well-Known Member
wow. just to add my own two sense: I only hope that cheesypeace appears as mentally unstable in his interactions with people in 'real-life,' because it's difficult, thankfully, for people who are obviously mentally unfit to obtain a license for a firearm or other weapon. But, because he (she?) is reaching out to people via an anonymous internet forum for the social support and validation he so desperately seems to need, he/she obviously doesn't have access to the mental health resources he/she is obviously in need of. Cheesypeace, please seek professional help before your violent urges get any more out of control than they already are. Believe me, friend, I work with misguided delinquent youth just like yourself, and you are headed in a direction you don't want to go. I hope you are able to find peace and sustain loving relationships with people who will positively validate and support you. This Hell of adolescence will pass for you soon, hopefully. Best of luck. And please send me an email/personal message if you're interested in mental health and/or social support networks in your area. I would be more than happy to help you find the help you need.


Well-Known Member
Also, cheesypeace, please send me an email/personal message if you're interested in mental health and/or social support networks in your area. I would be more than happy to help you find the help you need.


Well-Known Member
the ole sketchy grow, lookin over your shoulder, hopin nobodys' watchin, you love every second of it. doin crazy shit can be exciting, fuckin w/ some darkies and punchin people in the face, shit its people like u that make the world go round, you do the things most people only dream about, talk the talk walk the walk, stay on point though, when you share w/ people what your about, ie. darkies & roomates, dont get all chicken shit scared afterwards, bring the pain asshole and man the fuck up! to think that you would even consider killing your plants, hah!, pickin on a poor defensless plant...a GIRL plant at that! lol...sissy...