my plants so far what kind do you think they are indica or sativa

The Potologist

Active Member
WTF? That reminds me of some of the sativas that GreenHouse Seeds shows in their videos to Morocco and the Kush Mts. Get like 20+ ft. tall sativas that does not resemble cannabis in the least big...certianly a good recipe of crap genetics and fluffy bud :(

I hope you got some good genetics brotha! Otherwise, with that thing stretching like that, I wouldnt hold my breath for to dank of nugz. Even with ferts, if those genetics are bagseed, its probably a Mexican brickweed premature jako wako sativa.

Peace. Love, and Happiness
its bag seed from my friends medical mj so cant be that bad and by the way to evrey body this is a all natural grow put the seeds in the ground and let them grow mite sound stupid cuz i even think it is but my friend who gave me the seeds put whiskey and pees on them lol i know...... but any ways thanks and ill have you some more porno in a week or so
WTF? That reminds me of some of the sativas that GreenHouse Seeds shows in their videos to Morocco and the Kush Mts. Get like 20+ ft. tall sativas that does not resemble cannabis in the least big...certianly a good recipe of crap genetics and fluffy bud :(

I hope you got some good genetics brotha! Otherwise, with that thing stretching like that, I wouldnt hold my breath for to dank of nugz. Even with ferts, if those genetics are bagseed, its probably a Mexican brickweed premature jako wako sativa.

Peace. Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
stop putting whiskey on those plants!!! at the very least get yourself some cheap nutes!!! but diluted urine 1 part piss-8 parts water will work.. those look like columbian sativas.. i there natural habitat they prolly flower untill like january!! good luck man.. even most mexican sativas will go into nov-dec... though some more northern mexican hybrids can finish in late oct...
man i was really hoping to have the bud by october lol good thing i got 5 indicas in the back about a foot tall and like 13 indicas in the woods like 7 or 8 feet and i know they will be done soon ...... i hope lol

stop putting whiskey on those plants!!! at the very least get yourself some cheap nutes!!! but diluted urine 1 part piss-8 parts water will work.. those look like columbian sativas.. i there natural habitat they prolly flower untill like january!! good luck man.. even most mexican sativas will go into nov-dec... though some more northern mexican hybrids can finish in late oct...


Well-Known Member
hopefully they will finish for you on time man... there too big to force flower by covering with a garbadge bag or w/e