Well-Known Member
Yeah, as soon as i have money for a bucket and more soil it'll be done.
yepp.. been down tht road many many times lol
Yeah, as soon as i have money for a bucket and more soil it'll be done.
Yeah, as soon as i have money for a bucket and more soil it'll be done.
yepp.. been down tht road many many times lol
haha isnt that why we're all here? and yeah man that's a tough situation with your plants.. getting hairs and looks like its trying to make bud but with the 1.5 gal bucket im sure its bound in there and like everyone said. its risky to move it. but you might not get much if anything if you don't.
also bad new everyone.. im just done growing for a bit... im sooo sad about this. il just be here to help when I'm not busy with work this summer. but yeah.. grow op two of this summer was once again found out... ugh. and it looked sooo beautiful. really wish I had a picture to show off before it was obliterated.
Im not qualified 2 be a ghetto grower..i think my setup is 2 fancy..lol..but i cant stop reading these threads ..u guys make it happen with what u got..i waited till i bought every piece b4 i started ..i kinda resent not starting earlier with what i had ..but im glad i got it now...all ghetto growers do ya thing till u can upgrade i like seein all the crazy setups..some made me laugh my ass off..BUT IT WORKED
how many plants are you growing?
haha isnt that why we're all here? and yeah man that's a tough situation with your plants.. getting hairs and looks like its trying to make bud but with the 1.5 gal bucket im sure its bound in there and like everyone said. its risky to move it. but you might not get much if anything if you don't.
also bad new everyone.. im just done growing for a bit... im sooo sad about this. il just be here to help when I'm not busy with work this summer. but yeah.. grow op two of this summer was once again found out... ugh. and it looked sooo beautiful. really wish I had a picture to show off before it was obliterated.
Yea concord i see what ur saying ..i didnt think it was worthwhile with the cfls..then i started going tru the threads and seen what people produced (if there not lying about weight) and its ok..i just cant get a grip on having likr 14x bulbs going at once id rather have 2 or 3 at higher wattages then 14x little ones..yes i kno im losing lumens yada yada..but id rather less bulk..but i have a rubbermaid tub that i might try some autos in for the hell of it..
Yea concord i see what ur saying ..i didnt think it was worthwhile with the cfls..then i started going tru the threads and seen what people produced (if there not lying about weight) and its ok..i just cant get a grip on having likr 14x bulbs going at once id rather have 2 or 3 at higher wattages then 14x little ones..yes i kno im losing lumens yada yada..but id rather less bulk..but i have a rubbermaid tub that i might try some autos in for the hell of it..
dam, looking real nice there kirashiro.
I'm going to go pick up that jack's classic bloom booster tomorrow so hopefully those buds will get nice and fat.
cool deal, i like it alot. i use the worm castings and bat gauno also with it.
Now i've never used any kind of nutes.. How exactly do you use them? dissolve them in water when you water your plants?
Sorry for reverting back to total noob, but my brother used nutes on a previous plant that he had and the next morning it was dead... i REALLY don't want that..
Now i've never used any kind of nutes.. How exactly do you use them? dissolve them in water when you water your plants?
Sorry for reverting back to total noob, but my brother used nutes on a previous plant that he had and the next morning it was dead... i REALLY don't want that..