Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


Well-Known Member
I will now TRY and translate this post..

I am so smart.. smart enough to tell that you have less education than me.

I am polite and tried to show you are wrong and I am right.

I am insecure and can be insulted. And I don't like it

You're a donkey.

is this correct?


Well, not exactly. I enjoy the exchange of ideas. I try and be polite, even when I question someones logic. I believe that people resort to name calling when they can no longer develope their thoughts. Strong ideas do not need insults for support.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I believe that people resort to name calling when they can no longer develope their thoughts. Strong ideas do not need insults for support.
i agree..

and do you believe that YOU were name calling?

name calling is the act of putting someone down.. and putting someone down could be done BY elevating yourself above them.. correct?

Truth is important when searching for truth... truth is not important when being right/wrong is all we know..



Well-Known Member
Well, not exactly. I enjoy the exchange of ideas. I try and be polite, even when I question someones logic. I believe that people resort to name calling when they can no longer develope their thoughts. Strong ideas do not need insults for support.
Actually name calling is the American way. Nigger, Spick, Wop, Dago, Chink, sand nigger, what else! Name calling has nothing to do with logic, or proving that some one has none just because they chose to use them. I have actually read post of yours where you are putting people down. So, what's the difference? Only thing I can see is that you try to set yourself appart by making yourself look knowledgeable. Everything you know is easly accesible through search engines. Did you write any books, did you do any of your own research? Then why are you willing to put me down? You try to use things you read, someone elses theories, and turn them into law to prove me wrong. Am I wrong for calling you a fool?:peace:


New Member
Actually name calling is the American way. Nigger, Spick, Wop, Dago, Chink, sand nigger, what else! Name calling has nothing to do with logic, or proving that some one has none just because they chose to use them. I have actually read post of yours where you are putting people down. So, what's the difference? Only thing I can see is that you try to set yourself appart by making yourself look knowledgeable. Everything you know is easly accesible through search engines. Did you write any books, did you do any of your own research? Then why are you willing to put me down? You try to use things you read, someone elses theories, and turn them into law to prove me wrong. Am I wrong for calling you a fool?:peace:
I heard on this site that nothing is real, so if names aren't real, why should anyone care if they are called names?


Well-Known Member
i agree..

and do you believe that YOU were name calling?

name calling is the act of putting someone down.. and putting someone down could be done BY elevating yourself above them.. correct?

Truth is important when searching for truth... truth is not important when being right/wrong is all we know..

Toward the end, yes, I put him down. But, I started off pretty mild, I think. But, when someone uses poor logic, fractured sentences, and calls me and other people names, I give it back with both barrels.

If he would have responded in a friendly manor, I would have played nice.


New Member
Toward the end, yes, I put him down. But, I started off pretty mild, I think. But, when someone uses poor logic, fractured sentences, and calls me and other people names, I give it back with both barrels.

If he would have responded in a friendly manor, I would have played nice.
Come on now, you haven't played nice since third grade.


New Member
name calling is the act of putting someone down.. and putting someone down could be done BY elevating yourself above them.. correct?

Truth is important when searching for truth... truth is not important when being right/wrong is all we know..
Know what GK? You're starting to make sense even to this old addled brain of mine. Nice comments ... :)



Well-Known Member
Actually name calling is the American way. Nigger, Spick, Wop, Dago, Chink, sand nigger, what else! Name calling has nothing to do with logic, or proving that some one has none just because they chose to use them. I have actually read post of yours where you are putting people down. So, what's the difference? Only thing I can see is that you try to set yourself appart by making yourself look knowledgeable. Everything you know is easly accesible through search engines. Did you write any books, did you do any of your own research? Then why are you willing to put me down? You try to use things you read, someone elses theories, and turn them into law to prove me wrong. Am I wrong for calling you a fool?:peace:
I do not disrespect people by calling them names. Since you realize that name calling has nothing to do with logic, why do you call people names? Should you instead, work on your logic? Since you have ask, I will tell you a few things about my background. Yes, I have done original research for personal and professional projects. I have three copyrights. I have widely traveled in over 40 states. I am currently researching a project for publication.

Finally, you ask, "Am I wrong for calling you a fool?:peace:". Yes.


New Member
Back to the thread, anyone notice the temp outside over the entire continental US. You "believers" should make the change to Man Made Global Catastrophe now, before it's too late and your locked in to Warming. Oh, and there is new YouTube footage of the polar ice caps freeezing, uncanny.


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed cc, back to the topic of fraudulent man made global warming.

Here is a piece which was published in NYT yesterday addressing the psychological compulsion to believe in the current "man is causing warming alarmism".

When judging risks, we often go wrong by using what’s called the availability heuristic: we gauge a danger according to how many examples of it are readily available in our minds. Thus we overestimate the odds of dying in a terrorist attack or a plane crash because we’ve seen such dramatic deaths so often on television; we underestimate the risks of dying from a stroke because we don’t have so many vivid images readily available.
Slow warming doesn’t make for memorable images on television or in people’s minds, so activists, journalists and scientists have looked to hurricanes, wild fires and starving polar bears instead. They have used these images to start an “availability cascade,” a term coined by Timur Kuran, a professor of economics and law at the University of Southern California, and Cass R. Sunstein, a law professor at the University of Chicago.
The availability cascade is a self-perpetuating process: the more attention a danger gets, the more worried people become, leading to more news coverage and more fear. Once the images of Sept. 11 made terrorism seem a major threat, the press and the police lavished attention on potential new attacks and supposed plots. After Three Mile Island and “The China Syndrome,” minor malfunctions at nuclear power plants suddenly became newsworthy.
“Many people concerned about climate change,” Dr. Sunstein says, “want to create an availability cascade by fixing an incident in people’s minds. Hurricane Katrina is just an early example; there will be others. I don’t doubt that climate change is real and that it presents a serious threat, but there’s a danger that any ‘consensus’ on particular events or specific findings is, in part, a cascade.”
Once a cascade is under way, it becomes tough to sort out risks because experts become reluctant to dispute the popular wisdom, and are ignored if they do. Now that the melting Arctic has become the symbol of global warming, there’s not much interest in hearing other explanations of why the ice is melting — or why the globe’s other pole isn’t melting, too.
Global warming has an impact on both polar regions, but they’re also strongly influenced by regional weather patterns and ocean currents. Two studies by NASA and university scientists last year concluded that much of the recent melting of Arctic sea ice was related to a cyclical change in ocean currents and winds, but those studies got relatively little attention — and were certainly no match for the images of struggling polar bears so popular with availability entrepreneurs.
Roger A. Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado, recently noted the very different reception received last year by two conflicting papers on the link between hurricanes and global warming. He counted 79 news articles about a paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, and only 3 news articles about one in a far more prestigious journal, Nature.
Guess which paper jibed with the theory — and image of Katrina — presented by Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth”?
It was, of course, the paper in the more obscure journal, which suggested that global warming is creating more hurricanes. The paper in Nature concluded that global warming has a minimal effect on hurricanes. It was published in December — by coincidence, the same week that Mr. Gore received his Nobel Peace Prize.
full article:The New York Times > Log In


Well-Known Member
Amish---lol---Al Gores home is a lot bigger than any Amish home on the planet...hahaha

Here is a skewering of the misguided belief in man made global warming....

[FONT=times new roman,times]Global Dooming has a very simple explanation. There's nothing new about it. It is just the human desire to create a millenarian narrative that fits our political biases, whipped on by the Politically Correct elites of this world, fed by a huge infusion of money into climate modeling and other dubious science, plus unprecedented media hype, and finally, the intimidation of thousands of rational skeptics.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]This "madness of crowds" happens all the time. Charles MacKay wrote about it in 1841, in his book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Economics bubbles and busts are just one kind. But we can see a lush diversity of other superstitions and mass delusions.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]It is a shame that it is now corrupting normal science. In healthy science the burden of proof is always on the proposer of any hypothesis. But now the burden of proof on the skeptics in the case of human-caused global warming. But you can't prove a negative. As soon as the skeptics disprove one false claim, the Global Fraudsters are allowed to jump to another one, as long as they predict the same conclusion. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]In real science the deck is never stacked against the skeptics. Rational skeptics are welcomed when people know what they are talking about. They can only help to sharpen the issues. [/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]So this is not a scientific debate any more. Like the real estate bubble, the sub-prime mortgage bubble, the Year 2000 bubble and all the rest, there are billions of dollars riding on the outcome of the Global Doom scenarios. That's why all those expensive folks lived it up in Bali, with their private jets, luxury hotels, and massive carbon footprint.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Algorism: Heads I win, Tails you lose. [/FONT]

Full article here:American Thinker: The Algorism of Global Doom

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Know what GK? You're starting to make sense even to this old addled brain of mine. Nice comments ... :)


i am going to the bar now to have celebratory drink and maybe even bring a lady home..


and one more thing.. 10 seconds before i read your post, i repped you for the "being a coo for your pet" comment..

makes me SICK!!!! :hump::hump::hump:

But its the truth.. you are pretty clever and funny once or twice a year.. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I do not disrespect people by calling them names. Since you realize that name calling has nothing to do with logic, why do you call people names? Should you instead, work on your logic? Since you have ask, I will tell you a few things about my background. Yes, I have done original research for personal and professional projects. I have three copyrights. I have widely traveled in over 40 states. I am currently researching a project for publication.

Finally, you ask, "Am I wrong for calling you a fool?:peace:". Yes.
I think you messed up on your picture there, buddy!


Well-Known Member
Like it matters, Even though you feel you have to correct my post for me. I do have a spell check and could easliey make ruff drafts first, but who cares with the likes of you.


New Member
Yes indeed cc, back to the topic of fraudulent man made global warming.

Here is a piece which was published in NYT yesterday addressing the psychological compulsion to believe in the current "man is causing warming alarmism".

When judging risks, we often go wrong by using what’s called the availability heuristic: we gauge a danger according to how many examples of it are readily available in our minds.
yes, huristics. very strong argument, if you are a reasonable person. thanks wavels.


Well-Known Member
Selling fear is the best pitch in the history of ....well...selling anything. If you don't buy brand Y toothpaste and buy X instead your teeth will rot and fall out.......if you continue to drive your car then the world will end in a great ball of fire.........since the dawn of man people have been selling fear. Why? Because it works.