Let them say what they want about your nephew ... They dont know ... These are the people who are the reason mar j is still illegal .. Because they believe nonsense .....its illogical to believe marj hurt you, a kid or anything else ... Name one instance where it hurt some one .... Never lol ....just dont mix it with chemicals like cocaine or alcohol which they can prove destroys the body .... And they can prove those reall drugs hurts .... Not the gods choosen vegatable .....it is a vegatable
Yes, I totally agree. These people do not know what they are talking about lol.
And to you, fourtwentychat, my post makes YOU laugh? Lol!
I said "they" wouldn't prescribe pregnant people weed if it was bad for their baby as in the government;
You know, the people who prescribe weed when patients are in need of it, like pregnant women?
You're obviously a man and say that you would not smoke weed if you were pregnant, however you will NEVER know how hard it is or what it's like to be sick all day every day so I suggest not to talk shit you don't even know about. Like most of the people in this thread.
I'm not saying to smoke weed when you're pregnant, but I AM saying that after weeks of burying your head in a toilet throwing up, you get sick of it, say fuck it, and smoke a joint.
Until you experience this yourself, please lol don't even say what YOU would do b/c you really don't even know lol.