girlfriend problems...


Active Member
soooooo.... what should i say to my girlfriend when she blames all our relationship problems on MJ? i need a good comeback or fact or something .... (she hates weed) enough said... :-?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
How much do you love herb.. How much do you like her vagina.. Those are the 2 questions really...

If it were me i would have to end it.. Infact i have before hahaha..


Well-Known Member
i can relate to that rhyspect, but i dont have that problem.. yet..
my gf too hates MJ and im pretty sure that aspect is gonna be a problem for us in the future..
i love her, but i love smoking weed also, its just 2 completely different things.. you cant just say, which do u love the most..
cuz it would be like saying "what do you like the most, your gf or barbecues??" heheheh i mean, you dont have to trade one thing for another..
what should we do.. i've listed my arguments, and i know they're a lot stronger than hers. but that doesnt change much..
i made it very clear that ill not change my ways because of her, if only she could just let it go, im comprehensive about her flaws, but i dont think that she understands that side of my life, of my person.. keep me posted on what happens rhys..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
educate her. If shes ignorant, fuck her.

Jerking off high, and sex while sober are pretty well equal imo.

And Dave Chappelle in Half Baked was a total bitch! I guess he kind of had to 'stop using drugs' in the movie so that the people who don't smoke weed on the daily would enjoy it(pay money) for it too.


Active Member
People who think they can change someone else, whether they be the MJ-intolerant GF/BF or the MJ-loving GF/BF, are doomed to lead pretty unhappy and unfulfilled lives. People do change of their own accord, over time, but they almost never do so because of feeling forced into it by another. If you've had multiple discussions with them about something...anything, especially drug use, and they're position is not showing any signs of changing, then it's a pretty safe bet that it will never change because of anything you say. At some point, you just have to admit to yourself that the way they feel is the way they feel, and act accordingly. For me, this would mean breaking off the relationship. For others, it might mean changing their lifestyle to no longer include MJ. The only thing that people truly have any control over in this life is themselves. Stop trying to change others and focus on yourself and what you want out of life. If your life isn't complete without MJ in it, then you are doing yourself a disservice staying with someone who hates it.


Undercover Mod
Just live your life. If she really has that many problems with it maybe she needs to rethink her own life.


Well-Known Member
if i was you i tell her to kick rocks and keep it moving lifes to short to waste time with somebody that dont accept you for who you are


Well-Known Member
People who think they can change someone else, whether they be the MJ-intolerant GF/BF or the MJ-loving GF/BF, are doomed to lead pretty unhappy and unfulfilled lives. People do change of their own accord, over time, but they almost never do so because of feeling forced into it by another. If you've had multiple discussions with them about something...anything, especially drug use, and they're position is not showing any signs of changing, then it's a pretty safe bet that it will never change because of anything you say. At some point, you just have to admit to yourself that the way they feel is the way they feel, and act accordingly. For me, this would mean breaking off the relationship. For others, it might mean changing their lifestyle to no longer include MJ. The only thing that people truly have any control over in this life is themselves. Stop trying to change others and focus on yourself and what you want out of life. If your life isn't complete without MJ in it, then you are doing yourself a disservice staying with someone who hates it.
Agreed + rep...

And if she is trying to change you, once you make this huge commitment she will start nagging about something else.

At least weed doesnt nag...


Active Member
bahh fuck it. i can't be bothered to stay with her, but it's just been 2 and a half years since we got together and now she's ignoring me. i cba with this shit so im gona cut her loose i think... thanks guys. and jerking off high is better than sober sex... lol