I may have a serious problem....


Active Member
Okay, I will give you the short version on my situation.......

I grew by myself 4 times, This is my 5th harvest and it's with a friend. We ordered seeds from this website and everything was tip top. Great service's right on time, nothing to complain about. My problem is we ordered a ten pack.....and decided to plant 5 now, and 5 next harvest. During the first week one of the seedlings died due to us not setting up the vent system. So I had a few seeds from my previous harvest. I germ'd it, planted it. and Now its beautiful healthy, and we just switched to the Flower stage.
MY PROBLEM IS.....the other day I was looking thru my bags of seeds, and me being a burn out, noticed that I grabbed that one seed from my "Out door mix" that I ordered a while ago from a different website. So now we have 4 plants that are about.....almost 2 feet tall, and one....that is almost double in size. The room we are growing in, is kind of like a mini walk in closet. So the ceiling is roughly 8ft high. my question is I'm clueless as to what I should do. The plants are a week into the flowering stage. and I'm afraid that its going to become too big and either cover the other plants so that they wont get any light, or that it will just grow too tall and we will run out of links on the chain to raise the light. I really don't know what I should do becuase If i just plant it outside (which is not an option because, I cannot really have a like 12 foot tall weed plant growing in my back yard lmao, and even if I could the plant already things its flowering time, so if I put it outside it would die, or go into shock. I have pictures of our plants, and set up that I would love to post just for more feedback, but I'm still new to this site so I'm assuming I dont have enough posts to post pictures. I'm sorry for rambling and taking up your time, but I'm just clueless as to what I should do. any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to anyone that takes the time out to help me.:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Start tying down the stem in order to make it grow sideways. I hear it is actually better, since the rest of the plant receives more light. I personally never did it, but there are plenty of people who have. So look it up.


Active Member
I've heard that also, I'm just scared because its so beautiful, the stem is covered in those like small pubic hair type hairs haha, (sorry for being gross) and it stiiiiinnnnkkkkks, the leafs are the size of my hand, its just over all so so so beautiful. It would break my heart to clip it wrong and have it kill the poor lady =/

P.s thanks again for the feed back, any bit of info will help greatly. I'm going to try and get the pictures up asap!


Active Member
That's the best I could get it because I'm still a newb to this website, I gotta get my posts up before I can....post pictures haha, But everyone on this website is mad friendly, helpful, and funny. So I shouldn't have a hard time getting my posts up haha. everyone who helps my 5th harvest come out proper won't go unnoticed or unappreciated. =D


Wow, that's great, I didn't know you could still do all those training/topping methods to great effect once you were in flower like that.


Active Member
Those are some awesome fan leaves!

You are right about having a super tall plant. I would expect it to continue to stretch.

What type of light are you flowering with? Light intensity degrades 25% per foot, so you need to keep the light as close to the plant as you can. I keep my 1000w about 20" because even properly cooled it still effects the taste and smell of finished product, so in the end I sacrifice yield for taste.

I suggest you start cropping or training that plant immediately. Get aggressive.


Active Member
Training can be continued throughout the entire flower, but pruning is best done in veg, and at the latest, the first 2 weeks in flower.
I've heard that also, I'm just scared because its so beautiful, the stem is covered in those like small pubic hair type hairs haha, (sorry for being gross) and it stiiiiinnnnkkkkks, the leafs are the size of my hand, its just over all so so so beautiful. It would break my heart to clip it wrong and have it kill the poor lady =/

Wow she does look big. I haven't even reached a harvest yet. So I would take advice from someone who knows better than me. I have started 6 plants. Although through research, I can tell that I have already fucked up lol. So i started germinating new seeds in-case I end up killing the others. Mine are all bag seeds also, so I'm worried I may not have a stinky lady of my own lol. Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
Thank you very much, That picture is from the day before we went 12-12, The light that is on in the picture is a 600 watt MH bulb and it's 20 ft above the tall plant, we pruned them at about 3 weeks into the vegg stage. and now its about day 6 of the Flowering stage so granted they look different, but over all the big one is always going to be double the size. we still have about 3 - 4 ft before the big one hits the ceiling. but any other advice?


Active Member
And I'm not exactly sure what wattage the HPS bulb is, because my friend got the bulbs, I got the soil and the tiger bloom, and we went half's on the housing, and seeds. So I would have to get back to you on the specs of the HPS bulb.


Active Member
Thank you very much, That picture is from the day before we went 12-12, The light that is on in the picture is a 600 watt MH bulb and it's 20 ft above the tall plant, we pruned them at about 3 weeks into the vegg stage. and now its about day 6 of the Flowering stage so granted they look different, but over all the big one is always going to be double the size. we still have about 3 - 4 ft before the big one hits the ceiling. but any other advice?
You need to lower that light drastically. At 20 feet it isn't giving you the kind of grow light you're going to want for a nice flower. Drop it down so that it is roughly 18" above your tallest plant, and then make some sort of shelves for your plants in buckets. Ideally you want a flat canopy.

Your big one might not always be double in size, that fucker could literally stretch to 12 or 16 feet, especially with your light that high. You are giving your plant incentive to stretch.

Edit: I thought you said you had 8 foot ceilings? How do you have the light so high?


Active Member
Sorry about that lmao. Yeah its 20 INCHES above the biggest plant. otherwise the light would be on the roof of the house lmfao.


Active Member
Sorry about that lmao. Yeah its 20 INCHES above the biggest plant. otherwise the light would be on the roof of the house lmfao.
I never underestimate what people will do to grow plants. ;)

That's a good distance from the top of the tall one. Raise the smaller plants up to get them more usable light.


Active Member
Yeah I was thinking of doing that since I had to do that once before on one of my other harvest's. My main concern is that the big girl doesn't like run out of space to grow before the flowering stage is done, or if it will cause the smaller ones to have shade on 1 of there sides and just start to get all wrinkly and weird looking haha. =/