Not smoking weed? Wicked X is a bomb a$$ legal "high"


Active Member
It's dope :) I mean like it's chill it's called Wicked X and it comes in Grape, Strawberry, Regular(incent taste), and umm...idk oh yea blueberry. The taste is pretty good I personally tried the grape and blueberry but to be honest they all taste like incense. Don't get me wrong though it's a good taste just not really fruity. If you're smoking dank nugs every day then I doubt Wicked X would do much but if you're staying clean for whatever reson this shit is LEGIT.

This isn't spam or anything either I was just so damn suprised that I got as strong of a buzz I'd personally call it joke...well I did hit a piece that had some resin in it but even on my first time the piece was new and that time I got pretty faded.

Also I noticed that it makes me talk...a lot. Almost like I'm really uninhibited like hella relaxed.

EDIT:Possible negative side effect:Mild chest pain like right over my heart. It's nothing serious but it's kinda sketchy.

Marshmallow leaf
Clove(something with clove...)
Catnip(Lol yea idk fuckin catnip)
And a few other things I can't remember right now I'll google it and update(Okay apparently the ingredient list isn't online or somthing. It's on the container thing that you buy it in though.)


Well-Known Member
... the fuck???

sounds like someone just threw a bunch of random shit (trash) and tried smoking it.. or tried making some kind of cannabis "alternative"..

but again, like the person below me said.. nobody here (except maybe the other young kids that hang out around here) are dumb enough to waste our money on that shit.

We smoke real marijuana around here man.. no fake shit.



Active Member
Dayum son chill. I'm not trying to sell you anything goddamn I'm not even saying smoke it so chill I'm just sayin its a suprisingly good "Legal high". Whats with the hate I'm just sharing my experience


Active Member
... the fuck???

sounds like someone just threw a bunch of random shit (trash) and tried smoking it.. or tried making some kind of cannabis "alternative"..

but again, like the person below me said.. nobody here (except maybe the other young kids that hang out around here) are dumb enough to waste our money on that shit.

We smoke real marijuana around here man.. no fake shit.

I said IF YOUR STAYING SOBER this shit's alright I also said if you're smokin dank this probably won't do shit.'

highlighted cause I know how the dudes above me don't comprehend shhiiittttt(lol j/p you guys are probably high)


Active Member
Look up some things about these "alternatives".... :D and your signature happens to be very fitting for the things you like to smoke...just sayin..
Man after smoking cigarettes I don't really trip on it. It tastes good, hits nice and I only bough 1G so it's not like I'm always gonna be smokin the legal way just for a minute kinda like "dude...I wonder what thats like...fuck it why not?"

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I said IF YOUR STAYING SOBER this shit's alright I also said if you're smokin dank this probably won't do shit.'

highlighted cause I know how the dudes above me don't comprehend shhiiittttt(lol j/p you guys are probably high)

check out

or more specifically

I can vouch for the company, and theyre old "blends". I got a gram free of something called xanadu by KT botanicals, knocked my fucking socks off and then some for 30 mins after a .3g joint

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Out here they call it spice and i tried it a couple times about a year or so ago... I mean dont get me wrong it def made me feel identical to being blazed but from what ive heard Azkiller that stuff is way bad for you.. All those herbs are just sprayed with chemicals, thats what gets you high.. A friend of a friend was smoking it and it made his esophagus start bleeding like crazy, ive heard from other people that their has been a couple people that had adverse reactions to it and died... now that def could be a rumor but just be careful man..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
check out

or more specifically

I can vouch for the company, and theyre old "blends". I got a gram free of something called xanadu by KT botanicals, knocked my fucking socks off and then some for 30 mins after a .3g joint
Yo Sr. Verde just looked at their website and they seem to be legit.. All natural, none of the jwh chemicals.. Azkiller id recommend going with Sr. Verde's link..


Well-Known Member
I prefer to smoke my own but hey i'm not judging i could see this would interest some people who can smoke weed because of drug test.
dude man, bet that SHIT can't tutch the bomb ass train wreak i just smoked; damn i smoked it 20mins ago and i can barely type/ this is the talk and toke forum so yeah. typos should be expected.... u kno


Well-Known Member
its sprayed with a chemical called jwh-018 theres few other numbers other varities its bonsia plant food,
also look it up on erowid
the chemist who made it said its potentially 5 times stronger than thc it bonds to the same receptors in your brain as cannibinoids

most my freinds use it, personally after a week of heavy use i could barely breath so id rather smoke weed illegal or not been around for thousands of years and we know its safe


Active Member
this is some complete bullshit and JUST becuase im stoned doesnt mean i dont comprehend wanting to smoke something to feel a head change and not be laced with THC in my blood for drug tests or whatever your reason... ivee been me... but smoking some CRAP garbage that imitates weed is not cool. PERIOD. What are the side effects of smoking this? What are the side effects of smoking weed? compare the two ...Why wouldnt you just wait it out for the good...