Is it possible to grow good quality seedless bud in very hot and humid weather?

ive heard that stress on a plant can cause seeds so im wondering if a temperature of around 90 or sometimes a little higher during the day as well as a humidity of around 60 to 70 during the day would cause seeds and/or bad, dark, low thc, bap weed lol


Well-Known Member
seeds arent caused by stress. the buds have to be pollenated by a male or turned hermie to produce seeds. people say that stress can cause a plant to hermie but i dont really believe that.

during veg you actually want the kinda high. its not until bud really start forming that you want the humidity to be low(too high causes mold). theres really nothing you can do about it because its nature but as long as you keep them watered and they get a good breeze every once in a wild you should be fine.

high humidity during flower can result in light fluffy nugs. happened to me last year, i planted in a swamp where the humidity was always close 80 or 90% without a breeze. doesnt look like any weed i've ever had.
Howdy! I grow in 90+TEMPS 8 mounths a year works great.Just keep on a good water and nut. rutean and watch out for bugs.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I'll be able to tell you soon. I've got 5 female plants I've been growing since the first of April. At first we had nothing but cloudy weather, and I was praying for sun. Then it turns out we had 20 days in the spring that hit 90degrees. Since summer, it's not gotten better. Had a week in a row that it didn't get any lower than 97 and topped out at about 102degrees. I've got them in 5 gallon buckets and I have to water every day. My shortest plant is about 4ft tall, the tallest is about 8 ft tall. Turns out my area in the woods doesn't get equal sun. The shortest one has been flowering for a while already.
true good shit 8 feet? lol i know everyone hates this question but how much do u usually yield? im a first time grower and the yield is all i can think about lol. i know theres alot of factors that go in to it so these are the details. im growin some seeds i got in some purple kush. im growin in fox farm ocean forest soil and using fox farm nutes

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I plant mostly highly mold resistant weed and never had problems that way. some strains are more likely to get mold, but research will help you out maybe for next year.


Active Member
I live in NW Florida and it hits 110 here with heat index. I was successful last year and it is looking good for the home team this year. I water three times a week when no rain, and I catch and use rain water for watering. Well water is to high in iron. My next watering going to shoot super thrive to them one time while in veg. mode.