3 branches at every internode?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ive heard of a mutation where instead of 2 branches coming out of every internodal spot there is 3. and i have never seen it untill going to a buddys house and seeing his massive plant. i knew something was different about it. and after a couple seconds of looking at it i realized what it was. (3 fan leaves at every spot rather than 2)

well i was just wondering if this happened to anybody else and if there where some pictures of the finished product. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I've had 'em with trifoil leaves before. I can't show you a picture, because although I noticed it, I never went out of the way to take a closeup, and in further away pics, it's rather indistinguishable from the rest. I can say, however, that it makes for thicker, denser buds, where it occurrs.


Well-Known Member
There is a guy on here that goes by the handle "SICC" that has one going on an outdoor grow right now. He's got pics on his grow journal. Don't have a link right now, but he's pretty easy to find. I have also heard that the buds grow a little more dense because of the extra node spots. Never seen one in flower though. Tell your buddy to take good care of it and take some pics for us when you see him again.


Hello. This is kinda funny to me,because in the old days for fun we would tape seeds to the tv screen for a month or two. then plant them,the most common defect was they came up with the three leaves instead of two.most went normal, one kept putting out only single blade leaves the whole time. we never finish any,but it was fun.yuccazoo

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
niice guys... good to hear about your "tripods" and keep them coming, and ill definatly get a pic of his.

and rockie mountan, that super lem. looks like its gonna be off the hook, send some pics of it to the thread as it grows up. keep me posted.

im very interested in them. maybe it can be bred in almost like purple leaves, or any other phenotype.. knaw mean??


Active Member
I've got a plant right now in flower that looks like two plants "fused" together... there are parts where 4 fan leaves and 4 branches are coming out of the same spot. Problem is all the branches are half as thick as normal branches but it makes up for it by having twice as many. Weird friggin plant

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
is that a tripod? no! so beat it pal, jk8-)...so instead of 3 theres 4 comnig out of one spot? that sounds pretty intense, if you got some pics id love to see em. especially bieng in flower.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea rockymountan thats pretty insane...im sure this "mutation" causes for more buds due to more "crotches" for them to grow out of.


Active Member
is that a tripod? no! so beat it pal, jk8-)...so instead of 3 theres 4 comnig out of one spot? that sounds pretty intense, if you got some pics id love to see em. especially bieng in flower.
My internet was out for a while but ya I'll post a few pics tomorrow... "Quadpod" I shall call her..

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
nice uncle pauly i cant wait to see it.

and to anybody else out there...do you think these mutations can be bred in? or know of anyone who has tried?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
fan leaves are the ones that grow out on stems...ive heard the other leaves called sugar leaves, because of the trichomes on them when in flowering. or trim leaves because of the trimming involved with them. (the fan leaves can be pulled off by hand if you wanted.and have no trikes on them usually )