Lots of grow books for download, free & easy


Sure just tryin to share... I spent a few hours searching & downloading ebooks, I wish I found that earlier wouldve saved a lot of time. Big Book of Buds is my fav of all of em


Well-Known Member
Ok, i split the one folder into two and made two zips to make it so i can upload to a more reliable site and also to make things a bit easier

Here you go;

Part 1
Part 2

Nice one Justin :) ... you really are a star now :)

+Rep for making life easy :)

OK GUYS ... GET EM ! ... No excuses now for not knowing stuff ..... a world of books at your fingertips :))
Thanks to Justin And Calbear :)


Wow thanks guys on all the rep!
Ill be sure to share any more grow books I find... I am actively looking. I loove that Book of Buds but I want versions 2-4 too
Could CalBear or Justin explain why the Deep Water Culture (DWC).rar unrars a pics folder and dwc1 that win 7 only recognises as a .file?

Edit: Worked it out. Add .html to the end of the dwc1 file.