How do i get more nitrogen??


Active Member
ive got a purple urkle plant thats looking like it has a nitrogen deficiency. its yellowing in the leaves, and its growth has been stunted. its 1 week into flowering and im kinda worried about it. how can i get more nitrogen to her quickly? the root uptake isnt real good so i was thinking about foliar feeding, but ive never tried it before. im using the botanicare line of nutrients right now. is there something i can purchase that can give it a quick dose of nitrogen? thanks for any opinions :joint:


Active Member
You don't want a ton of Nitrogen, just enough to carry her through the stretch and for a short time after. You could make a tea out of earth worm castings and balanced NPK guano.


Well-Known Member
mexican bat guano is a good source of nitrogen for vegging and indonesian guano for flowering. available at most hydro shops. you dont want high nitrogen during flowering so you have to cut back on the nitro guano a couple weeks b4 flowering, then begin indo guano.


Active Member
mexican bat guano is a good source of nitrogen for vegging and indonesian guano for flowering. available at most hydro shops. you dont want high nitrogen during flowering so you have to cut back on the nitro guano a couple weeks b4 flowering, then begin indo guano.
i guess i should pick up some guano for the nitrogen. how should i use it? discontinue other nutrients till she recovers. hoping she makes it through, she looks kinda brittle.


Active Member
What looks brittle? Nitrogen deficient leaves will be soft and yellow, only brittle once they dry out. If your leaves are yellow and brittle then they are burned, that's a totally different problem.


Active Member
What looks brittle? Nitrogen deficient leaves will be soft and yellow, only brittle once they dry out. If your leaves are yellow and brittle then they are burned, that's a totally different problem.
the leaves look brittle. the leaves are yellowing fast, but the new growth is still green. ideas??


Well-Known Member
Make sure you don't have burn before you add more nutrients. Also, used coffee grounds are loaded with nitrogen.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
You could just use a weakend grow food with your bloom food , i overlap mine for a week at least to keep a bit a nitro in the plants. Or you could mix some piss with water as its high in nitro and free ,just make sure you've got a ec pen .