I am on my first grow ever, aeroponics, kush. 1000Watts (light mover). 4 inch cups. I waited until they were almost 24" (like 16"-24") to flower and now they are growing so tall!! I didn't expect this!! plus I trimmed incorrectly and encouraged vertical growth not width but they were already over lapping and causing trouble in that area anyway. They sit kinda close.. 5 sites in 4 ft row x a numebr of rows... Now they are falling over. Any advice to keep them standing secure?? I gotta net like yours in the pic, is it too late to put it on?? (they are bushy and I am afraid to break branches) The rocks only do so much. Also, the roots grew so long they made their way down my drain and into my reservoir! the sprays are not on timers and the girls look healthy.. should i worry about this issue?? thanks for any help.
Hi All.
For Unique... you might also consider hanging the net just at the top of the growth, and use the soft wide green garden tape to gently secure them to it. It won't cut into the stems, and you won't have to try threading the stems through.
I'm new to this forum, but will likely get more involved! I have a double AeroFlo 60 set-up (120 sites total). It's my first time with hydro. Also with spider mites (Hate them!). I have 2 x 1000 watts on 4' light tracks. Next time I'm ditching the tracks and going with 4 lights. I'm going to experiment with 2 x 600 on one side, and 2 x 1000 on the other and see if the yield difference makes up for the PG&E difference.
Also, I'm using Humboldt Nutes Master A&B suite, and following their chart to the T. However, my older fan leaves have all gone yellow-spotty from the edges inward. ??? Res is between 70 & 75; air temp between 75 & 80; pH fluxes, of course, between 5.5 & 7 ... occasionally dipping below 5 the last day prior to the weekly water change. Any thoughts would be appreciated.