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Well-Known Member
I've been having a really hard time with heat in my attic (go figure) I'm getting ready to germinate again and I was wondering if it would be cool to germinate in soil and keep it outside for a week or two. at least until it grows more roots and gets a little bit stronger. My big worry would be bugs. Is this a real concern for seedling?


Well-Known Member
That would definitely take care of my problem, I only need to move 48 ft^3. Is that a water cooled contraption or just an AC unit?


Well-Known Member
what kind of temps do you call hot? my loft in summer hovers around 100 and my plants do fine. i have a 12" desk fan hitting the plants quite hard and they love it


Well-Known Member
It's been got up to 110 on two occasions and it hovers at 100 during the hottest part of the day. There is a twelve inch fan on it as well.


Well-Known Member
thers no problem in germing outside but you still need to vent that attic and cool it down when you move em in. bugs can get to your plants in or outside, no need to assume you will have a bug problem. have you tried intakig air from inside the house and exhausting out the attic? might help to intake from inside cooler air. and one thing in attics is that theyr aften hit by direct sulight from the outside roofwall, if tats your case then shading the top with a white sheet will help cool the hot walls. A/C will be the easiest way tho not the cheapest


Well-Known Member
Cool, thats good to know. I am going to germinate outside this time and let mother nature run her course and wait until she gets some good solid leaves before she goes in the attic. Also I am goin to build my own enclosure so I will only have to control the temps in that small area as opposed to the whole attic.


the only problem with being outside is if any bugs catch a ride into your grow room they can become a problen down the road when plants get big.remember not all bugs live on or feed on the plant some like to burrow in the soil and lay eggs and eat roots and all it takes is one invisable spider mite with eggs ready to drop just chillin in the soil and then a month later you got a full blow infestation and the fucked up part is they love high temps so if your attic gets hot the higher the temp the more eggs they lay so you can take them outside and im sure people have before with no problems but once you get a full on spider infestation you gonna think twice before taking your girls outside. mtfbwy


Well-Known Member
the only problem with being outside is if any bugs catch a ride into your grow room they can become a problen down the road when plants get big.remember not all bugs live on or feed on the plant some like to burrow in the soil and lay eggs and eat roots and all it takes is one invisable spider mite with eggs ready to drop just chillin in the soil and then a month later you got a full blow infestation and the fucked up part is they love high temps so if your attic gets hot the higher the temp the more eggs they lay so you can take them outside and im sure people have before with no problems but once you get a full on spider infestation you gonna think twice before taking your girls outside. mtfbwy
very true!! either out side grow or inside grow or this could happen and probably will